calimary's JournalYep.
VERY good point.
to protect the children?
Then why are guns untouchable? Why are they allowed to proliferate? Why are there no limits to gun ownership? Why is any civilian Tom, Dick, & Harry allowed to amass a fucking arsenal?
Yep. Good point. And a good reminder.
Would YOU be able to slither away from the clutches of the law, when you broke and flouted and defied the law over an entire lifetime? Would YOU be able to get away with it without ver and over and over again? Would YOU surround yourself with cohorts and yes-men who would easily just let this go?
I wouldnt be able to, either. Nor would you or I be able to manipulate government officials whod rather not investigate or otherwise take the trouble to get to the bottom of OUR crimes and cheating and pathological lying.
At least soon enough that we're all able to see it.
Seems to me that locking that bastard up would send a VERY loud message to the public: that it doesnt matter who you are, how rich you are, or how famous and/or influential you are. The law rules, and applies to, EVERYONE.
Seems to be multiplying like a runaway disease.
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