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Divernan's Journal
Divernan's Journal
March 27, 2016

Pedestrians kept at least a block away from Hillary's Madison event.

At her typical exclusive fundraisers, held in gated private estates, we see photos of cops directing traffic, but people have been able to assemble on public streets to watch her arrive and depart, and even to wave a few signs and demonstrate. No mas, boss!

In Madison, the entire block surrounding the venue will be "closed to pedestrians". We're talking public sidewalks and streets in the heart of a state university.

Hey! Hillary don't need no stinkin' right of assembly or freedom of speech in her America!

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will speak in Madison on Monday, two days after her Democratic opponent, Bernie Sanders, drew a large crowd here and touted his campaign's momentum.

Clinton will make remarks to invited guests at UW-Madison's Gordon Commons, 770 W. Dayton Street, at 3:45 p.m. Doors open at 2:45 p.m. A UW-Madison news release says the event is not open to the campus community or the public.

Because of Clinton's appearance, Lake Street will be closed to traffic between Dayton and Johnson streets, starting at about noon, and to pedestrians after 3 p.m., until the event is over.

March 20, 2016

Get a grip; you're embarrassing yourself

Dismissing expressions of concern, worry and sympathy for the people in Istanbul as "drivel"!?!?! Describing such expressions as fucked up? trivia? belonging in the lounge?

The experiences, impressions and concerns of DUers who have lived, worked, traveled, and/or studied abroad have traditionally offered interesting perspectives & nuance on developments abroad.

I just saw one of your posts in another thread you started, in which you called someone "fucking naive". because, he/she, in a very serious and civil way didn't agree with you 100% on the topic of protestors interfering with free speech.

Your responses are way over the top and offensive. I'm not alerting on you because I think basically you make some validly debatable points - it's just your choice of language and uber-sensitivity which are really, really off-putting.

March 15, 2016

Palin campaigns for Trump in Florida Monday; does NOT go to injured husband's side

as previously announced. One wonders what's been promised in a Trump presidency for Caribou
Barbie. Her husband suffered massive injuries and was being operated on in a less than world class medical center - Mat-Su Medical Center, Palmer, Alaska (Board certified surgeons/specialists? Oh, what are those?)

Todd Palin, the husband of Sarah Palin, was hospitalized after a serious snowmobile accident Sunday night, temporarily taking the former Alaska governor off the campaign trail for Donald Trump.

Sarah Palin, though, made a surprise appearance in Tampa, Fla., on behalf of Trump later Monday afternoon -- despite an initial statement from the Trump campaign saying she was returning to Alaska.


"Todd Palin is in intensive care at an Alaskan hospital with injuries including multiple broken and fractured ribs, broken shoulder blade, broken clavicle, knee/leg injuries; and a collapsed lung," Palin wrote. "He is presently back in surgery to repair multiple fractures."

Yet another politician with a sham marriage.
March 15, 2016

Sestak w/in margin of error to beat Toomey; McGinty trailing by 13 points.

This is an excellent poll for retired Admiral/former Congressman Sestak and the Pennsylvania Democrats:


With the Democratic primary looming, former Congressman Joe Sestak remains Senator Pat Toomey’s closest competitor for the general election, according to the new Mercyhurst Poll.

Sestak is just 5 points down, 43-38, compared to Katie McGinty who is down by 13, 47-34, and Braddock Mayor John Fetterman, who is behind by 18, 49-31.

A plurality of respondents, 48%, said that they were Democrats, compared to 41% saying they were Republican. Independents made up 11%.

This is good news for Sestak, who was 6 points down in the latest Harper’s Poll.

There are still plenty of undecideds left, as 13% were unsure in the McGinty-Toomey matchup, 15% in the Sestak-Toomey matchup, and 15% in Fetterman-Toomey.

Mercyhurst University’s Center for Applied Politics surveyed 421 registered Pennsylvania voters from March 1st to 11th.

This poll underrepresented minority voters. This survey polled the following demographics White – 85% and Non-white at 11%. These were the demograhics of PA in 2000.

According to the 2010 Census, 81.9% of the population was White (79.2% non-Hispanic white), 11.3% was Black or African American, 0.3% American Indian and Alaska Native, 2.9% Asian, 1.9% from two or more races. 5.9% of the total population was of Hispanic or Latino origin.

My email today from Joe Sestak:

A new poll released yesterday confirmed what we already knew:
“With the Democratic primary looming, former Congressman Joe Sestak remains Senator Pat Toomey’s closest competitor for the general election, according to the new Mercyhurst Poll.” – PoliticsPA, 3/14/16

Five-plus years out of office, and we’re just 5 points down on Sen Toomey – within the poll’s margin of error – and with our closest primary opponent almost three times as far behind us.

Nancy, Pat Toomey is one of the most obstructionist Senators in DC, from his calling an 11-month Supreme Court vacancy “not that big a deal” to describing his filibuster of a transportation bill as doing “something constructive ... I told you we’d kill it and we did.”

It is critical that we replace Toomey with a new Senator committed to a Supreme Court that functions and roads ready for commerce and safe for travel.

I am the strongest Democrat to defeat Pat Toomey and send him back to the lobbying sector – from which he came. Please contribute today to ensure that the best Democrat to defeat Toomey wins the primary on April 26th!
March 15, 2016

UK press/USA Today: KKK grand dragon switches from Trump to Clinton

As if this election wasn't batshit crazy enough, now we have this. And not surprisingly the California KKK's Grand Dragon sounds a few cans short of a six-pack:

The UK Telegraph report has 11,000 FB shares.

Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the Klan’s California chapter and responsible for recruitment in the western United States, is less keen to give Mr Trump the dubious benefit of his support.

“We want Hillary Clinton to win,” Mr Quigg told The Telegraph. “She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes. [But] once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colours are going to show.

He was unwilling to disclose how he learned of Mrs Clinton’s “hidden agenda”. “I cannot reveal my sources,” he said. “It’s my opinion - if you know what I mean, wink, wink. I don’t want her to come back and say I’m slandering her.”

“Border policies are going to be put in place. Our second amendment rights [favouring gun ownership] that she’s saying she’s against now, she’s not against. She’s just our choice for the presidency.”

And as reported via USA Today:

London's Guardian newspaper reported Monday that California Ku Klux Klan grand dragon Will Quigg was endorsing Hillary Clinton for president.

Quigg said he was supporting Clinton because he said she has a “hidden agenda.”

“She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes. Once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colors are going to show,” Quigg said in the Telegraph. “Border policies are going to be put in place. Our second amendment rights that she’s saying she’s against now, she’s not against. She’s just our choice for the presidency.”

The Telegraph asked Quigg about why he went back on his endorsement of Trump. He said that was before they had found out what Clinton’s “main agenda” was. In addition, Quigg’s group has some sort of disagreement with former national KKK leader David Duke.

“David Duke, we found out, was supporting Donald Trump,” Quigg told The Telegraph. “And we have nothing to do with David Duke.”
March 13, 2016

The New Yorker:HRC's correction to AIDS comment also misguided

Clinton’s comments caused an outcry and she apologized rapidly, writing, in a statement issued on Twitter, “While the Reagans were strong advocates for stem cell research and finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, I misspoke about their record on H.I.V. and AIDS. For that, I’m sorry.” She deserves recognition for that. But her correction, while not nearly as offensive as her earlier comments, was also misguided.

In the nineteen-eighties, I covered the AIDS epidemic and the stem-cell wars for the Washington Post. I do not recall any occasion on which Ronald Reagan said or did anything that could be considered as “strong” advocacy for stem-cell research. One son, Ron, Jr., was in favor of the research and said so at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, the year his father died. That same year, Michael, Reagan’s other son, made a statement about that issue to anti-abortion-rights publications, which nobody ever contradicted: “The media continues to report that the Reagan ‘family’ is in favor of [embryonic] stem cell research, when the truth is that two members of the family have been long time foes of this process of manufacturing human beings—my dad, Ronald Reagan during his lifetime, and I.”

The idea that Ronald Reagan finally did focus on AIDS, if only belatedly, is also a fiction. Reagan was outraged in 1986, when his Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop, one of the great heroes of the AIDS epidemic, issued a report that, as I wrote when Koop died, recommended a program of compulsory sex education in schools and argued that, by the time they reached third grade, children should be taught how to use condoms.

In the end, as Clinton wrote, Nancy Reagan was indeed “strong” on stem-cell research and on Alzheimer’s disease. Her conversion came when her husband plunged into the darkness of the disease. She was desperate, and would have done anything for him. It was a deeply admirable stance, and rare in her conservative world. Millions of other people, however, would surely have benefitted from that kind of support—had she offered it when her husband was capable of doing something to help alleviate so much suffering.
March 10, 2016

GOP battles to gain access to McGinty's emails.

McGinty's endorsed Hillary Clinton and now she has her own email hot mess on her hands. It does sound as if the GOP submitted overly broad FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests. Nevertheless, this would be hanging over her head if she survived the primary and became the candidate in the general election. One of the few items produced has been her calendar. Why on earth would there have to be any redactions on her official state appointments calendar ? I wonder who are the other groups who've filed FOIA requests for her records. "When Ms. McGinty stepped down to launch her campaign last summer, he said, Republican groups were among those making 35 requests for her records."

GOP battles to gain access to McGinty emails
March 10, 2016 12:20 AM

Katie McGinty served as Gov. Tom Wolf's chief of staff.Ms. McGinty stepped down last summer to launch her campaign for the U.S. Senate.
By Chris Potter/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

For a while last summer, it looked as if the state Republican Party might get almost everything it wanted — or at least a chance to find ammunition to use against the U.S. Senate campaign of Democrat Katie McGinty. That prospect prompted GOP staffer Paul Engelkemier to file a request under Pennsylvania’s Right to Know law, seeking months of emails Ms. McGinty compiled as Gov. Tom Wolf’s chief of staff.

Mr. Engelkemier made two right-to-know filings last year: a July 7 request for Ms. McGinty’s calendar and email from Jan. 20 through that date, and a July 22 request asking for emails and calendar entries logged since the earlier request. To obtain the emails, Mr. Engelkemier submitted more than 100 search terms, including phrases like “pension reform” and the names of state officials.

That produced over 15,000 pages of emails, the governor’s office says, each of which would have to be scanned for material deemed confidential under the law. But the attorney handling the request, Jessica Diaz, emailed Mr. Engelkemier that the process could begin on Aug. 24. After that, she wrote, “[a]ll records for one month (based on your order of preference) can be reviewed for exemption, redaction, and/​or release … every two weeks.”

Seven months later, the state GOP is still waiting. State law “has been completely abused … with an unconscionable seven-month delay,” Republicans said in a statement. “[T]he public deserves answers.”
The state GOP, though, has obtained only 71 pages of emails, 25 of which reproduced a marketing brochure.

Republicans suspect the Wolf administration is running out the clock: A court decision is unlikely until well after the Democratic primary. “We and the Office of Open Records have been in agreement,” said state GOP spokeswoman Megan Sweeney. “It raises questions about why this request has taken seven months.”

March 9, 2016

Lobbyist for Coal Company Hosts Katie McGinty Fundraiser

Hillary Clinton said company was ‘outrageous and must be stopped’
Katie McGinty / AP

BY: Brent Scher
March 4, 2016 11:00 am

Democratic Senate hopeful and former lobbyist Katie McGinty spent Thursday night at a fundraiser hosted by a top Pennsylvania lobbyist who represents a coal company that was recently attacked by likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Holly Kinser runs her own lobbying firm, The Kinser Group, and writes on its website that she has “earned the reputation as one of the best lobbyists in Pennsylvania.” She hosted the fundraiser at her firm’s office, located inside Philadelphia’s iconic Bellevue hotel. Among Kinser’s clients is the Patriot Coal Corporation, which went through its second bankruptcy in three years last October and was forced to restructure due to a distressed coal market. Its plan drew the attention of Clinton, who called it “outrageous” and said that it “must be stopped.”

“Patriot Coal is trying to take $18 million of the $22 million put aside for retired coal miners, wives and widows and use it to pay its lawyers instead,” Clinton said of the plan. “Ensuring health care and retirement security should be the first priority in a bankruptcy proceeding, not the last.”

Kinser’s ties to McGinty, who had already received $1,000 from McGinty before Thursday’s fundraiser, are likely rooted in Kinser’s close relationship with former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, who serves as McGinty’s campaign chairman. Though McGinty has successfully managed to get both the state and national party to rally around her candidacy, it hasn’t helped her pull away from her opponents in the polls or financially.

She continues to trail Joe Sestak, who lost to Republican Sen. Pat Toomey in 2010, in poll after poll and also had $2 million less cash on hand than he did at year’s end. Rendell himself has admitted that McGinty’s campaign has a fundraising problem and just told the Philadelphia Inquirer that if she is unable to spend $3.5 to $4 million on television ads in the coming weeks, “she won’t win.”


The article includes the sordid past history of lobbyist, Holly Kinser, her ex, Bill DeWeese and her current relationship with Rendell.
March 9, 2016

Sestak increases lead over McGinty!

In my latest e-mail from the Sestak campaign:

With less than 50 days until the primary election, we're widening our lead:
“Joe Sestak continues to lead the Democratic primary race for Senate, earning 33% of the vote. Katie McGinty has fallen into a more distant second (17%), followed by John Fetterman (15%).” – Harper Polling, 3/9/16

I've heard him speak to small groups (under 40) twice - once at Veterans Place (a non-profit residential/rehab/training program for homeless vets. Did you know 20% of the homeless are vets?
The second time was at the Pitt Law School where he presented his positions on foreign policy. At both events, he stayed until all members of the audience had asked every question; and then he stayed and talked informally.

If you haven't had the chance to hear him speak in person, take the time to read this very well-written piece from Penn Live. Once you learn about him, I hope you agree with me that he will make one of the finest senators Pennsylvania has ever sent to Washington.

Walking with Sestak: 'Joe marches to his own drum' in Senate race


March 9, 2016

Sanders just took lead in Flint/Genessee County!

After Hillary had her billionairess BFF, Penny Pritzger, pump in HALF A MILLION $$$ to Flint, days before the election, she still couldn't buy a win!

Now that may change by the end of the night, but it will remain damn close.

This will shake the Clintons' world view! What the fuck do you mean, we can't buy off these poor minority voters?!?!? Why didn't they realize their votes were bought and paid for?

You can be damn sure, Flint Michigan will never see one more red cent from Hill or her wealthy friends. And that photo op with Chelsea? She'll never set her pampered foot in there again! Hope the Mayor of Flint got a certified check for that half a million!

Wealthy Democratic donors J.B. and M.K. Pritzker are kickstarting the Clinton’s initiative with a $500,000 donation.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/08/hillary-starts-jobs-program-in-flint-chelsea-assures-its-not-political/#ixzz42N5UotDS

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