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MarianJack's Journal
MarianJack's Journal
December 29, 2012

Which Newly ELECTED Democratic (or Democratic caucusing) Senator are you most excited about?

I share the excitement over Elizabeth Warren. As a Mainer, I should be excited about Angus King, but I do believe that he'll vex us occasionally. I'm certainly proud of Heidi heitkamp and Joe Donelly because NOBODY thought they'd win and I'm proud of Tim Kaine because I just like the guy and he sent Mr. Macaca home AGAIN. My vote, however, is for our first openly gay and very forward thinking liberal US Senator Tammy Baldwin.

Yes. larry craig was gay, but he was a self-loathing and deeply closeted rightist nut, so I don't really count him. He'd not only avoid the log cabin republicans like the plague, he'd probably be one of the first in line to set fire TO that cabin.

Your choice and why?


December 22, 2012

A question about the cops in schools idea.

Am I the only one who's totally sick and tired of the creedence given to the fuckwads at the nra whenever their default response to any national tragedy is to throw more guns at the problem?

As a husband, father and much more of a patriot than any rightist asshole who insists upon potentially remaking our children's schools into free fire zones, I am sooo fucking sick and tired of nra apologists in positions of power who place their misguided worship of the second amendment ahead of the safety of the children of the people who;ve elected them to represent their best interest.

My wife and I are dedicated to supporting any public official who opposes this moronic nra idea and to working for the defeat of any who support it.

That's my 2 cents, and quite possibly overpriced at that!


December 19, 2012

My E-Mail to our new DA regarding guns in schools.

I'm on my day off today and the new DA is a very friendly aquaintance of my family. Further comments to follow.

This is Jack XXXXXXXX on my day off. I thought I'd tke a moment after the national tragedy of the Newtown murders and express an opinion to you, our new DA and one of our leaders.

It seems that many are coming up with the moronic idea of responding to this murder spree by arming the school personel. Even after listening to the mass stupidity of the entire republican national campaign this year, the notion of turning our schools into potential free fire zones is, to me, totally repellant. Maria and I responded to this horror, as I think it quite likely you and your husband did, as parents first. As much as we've seen the photos of some of the innocent victims, we saw our son's face and our first concern is always the safety of our son.

We certainly hope that you will do all in your power to oppose this moronic idea of guns in our schools to promote SAFETY. For clarification, I am not a total anti-gun ideologue. I have, until 15 years ago, been a gun owner. I know that the vast majority of gun owners are responsible and would never have the slightest thought of harming a child. I also know that a hunter doesn't need an assault rifle to shoot a deer or a bear or a moose. I also know that the only purpose of an assault rifle is to kill people, and too many children have died on the alter of the far right's absoluteism over the Second Amendment.

I also believe that there is something seriously wrong when a mentally ill person in this country has an easier time in getting a gun than in getting help for their condition. Please know that Maria and I will support any public official or any legislator opposed to the idea of, as Archie Bunker once said, "pass out the pistols" in our schools. We will do all that we can to insure the defeat of any official who puts the NRA before the safety of school children in Maine.

Thank you for your time and please accept Maria's and my best wishes for grea success in your new position as our new DA!

All the best,

Winthrop, Maine

I have, in my life, owned guns. I've had 3 revolvers in my life. I sold them a little more than 15 years ago when my then fiance was moving in. The guns frightened her, I valued her MUCH more than any fucking guns, so I legally sold the guns back to my local gun shop with all of the proper and legally required documentation. The only time I ever fired any of them was at the firing range and I was shooting (pretty well I might add) at paper targets. If someone had broken into my house, I may have been able to shoot him but I'm glad that I never had to find out. For home defense today, I have a very large bat. My son will never kill himself fooling around with it.

The nra fuckwads aren't wasting any time letting their little pea-brained "wisdom" spread far & wide. My wife and I aren't willing to let them be the sole voices in this argument.

That's my 2 cents, and quite possibly overpriced at that!


December 15, 2012

A warning to those who have Netflix streaming and who love Christmas movies.

STAY AWAY from a piece of rightist propaganda baloney called "Christmas with a Capital C". It is nothing but a right wing piece of horseshit that was painful to watch. I didn't turn it off because, stupidly, I kept hopin that it would get better. It didn't.

I won't bore you with any details of the movie except to say that if you've seen any right wing e-mail pass-it-on showing either how the Godless heathens who believe in respecting the religious views of others see the "error of their ways" or where the mass of "good Krischin Amurikins" band together and make the heathens leave in shame while they sing hymns, you probably have the plot of this movie . Let me just say that I can only imagine the people responsible for making this pile of crap having a great big circle jerk every time they watch a fux news report about the "war on Christmas".

There are a lot of fun and enjoyable Christmas movies on Netflix, but boy howdy, this ISN'T one of them!

I'm also posting this in GD.


December 15, 2012

A warning for those who have Netflix streaming and who love Christmas movies.

STAY AWAY from a piece of rightist propaganda baloney called "Christmas with a Capital C". It is nothing but a right wing piece of horseshit that was painful to watch. I didn't turn it off because, stupidly, I kept hopin that it would get better. It didn't.

I won't bore you with any details of the movie except to say that if you've seen any right wing e-mail pass-it-on showing either how the Godless heathens who believe in respecting the religious views of others see the "error of their ways" or where the mass of "good Krischin Amurikins" band together and make the heathens leave in shame while they sing hymns, you probably have the plot of this movie . Let me just say that I can only imagine the people responsible for making this pile of crap having a great big circle jerk every time they watch a fux news report about the "war on Christmas".

There are a lot of fun and enjoyable Christmas movies on Netflix, but boy howdy, this ISN'T one of them!

I'm also posting this in the Netflix Group.


December 3, 2012

I want to apologise to an unnamed DUer for...

...sending what I think is the most outlandishly STUPID ASSED alert on them earlier this evening. I didn't notice my dumbass move until after I sent the stupid alert. Thankfully, the Jury WISELY let the post stand.


December 2, 2012

Last night we wached "The Artist" on Netflix streaming.

I also posted this in the Netflix group.

My wife and I heartily recommend it.

For a little background, I love silent movies. The introduction of sound into the movies did not advance an art form as much as it ended one form and gave birth to another and many fine actors and actresses had their careers ruined, either because their voices weren't particulary good or because they didn't speak very good English, if any.

As one who has seen MANY silent Movies, I can say that "The Artist" does quite well in duplicating the spirit of many of these movies. I can also say that it seems very faithful to the mood that my parents have told me of the late 20s & early 30s.

We also believe that the movie was certainly deserving of it's many Oscars.

If you're the type of movie fan that is furious that Jean Claude Van Damme has never been acclaimed as a great actor, you may not like it. Otherwise. try it out and enjoy!


December 2, 2012

Last night we watched "The Artist" on Netflix streaming.

My wife and I heartily recommend it.

For a little background, I love silent movies. The introduction of sound into the movies did not advance an art form as much as it ended one form and gave birth to another and many fine actors and actresses had their careers ruined, either because their voices weren't particulary good or because they didn't speak very good English.

As one who has seen MANY silent movies, I can say that "The Artist" does quite well in duplicating the spirit of many of these movies. I can also say that it seems very faithful to the mood that my parents have told me of the late 20s & early 30s.

We also believe that the movie was certainly deserving of it's many Oscars.

If you're the type of movie fan that is furious that Jean Claude Van Damme has never been acclaimed as a great actor, you may not like it. Otherwise. try it out and enjoy!


November 20, 2012

I just watched "Koch Brothers Exposed" on Netflix.

I also posted this in GD.

It shows just how malignant an influence these bastards are in our country.

I won't comment further except to say that you should watch it and draw your own conclusions.

I would say that they are a pair of walking turds, but I have too much respect for turds!


November 20, 2012

I just watched "Koch Brothers Exposed" on Netflix.

It shows just how malignant an influence these bastards are in our country.

I won't comment further except to say that you should watch it and draw your own conclusions.

I would say that they are a pair of walking turds, but I have too much respect for turds!


Profile Information

Gender: Male
Hometown: Delaware County, PA
Home country: USA
Current location: Winthrop, Maine
Member since: Tue Jul 8, 2003, 05:38 PM
Number of posts: 10,237
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