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Bigmack's Journal
Bigmack's Journal
January 12, 2016

Bundy "Sovereign citizens"...

I know this has been dealt with on DU before, but the Bundy assholes are part of the "sovereign citizen" bullshit movement.

I found this on the Bundy Ranch site....I went there so you don't have to. This is some cuckoo-bird stuff.
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January 5, 2016. Letter to the sheriff
Dear Sheriff David Ward
Harney County, Oregon

In light of the ongoing protest as a result of the oppression of many in your county, I would like to share my thoughts and offer my assistance regarding your involvement in this matter.
You put yourself up and presented yourself to run for theelected office of Sheriff, You have been elected by the good citizens of Harney County and made an oath to them to protect their Lives, Liberties and Property. As a sworn protector, You promised them that you would protect them from enemies both foreign and domestic. You promised and assured them that you would support and defend the U.S. Constitution. You solemnly swore and entered into an oath before God and the people that you would uphold these promises.
Sheriff, your oath was not made to the federal government nor any of their corporate entities such as theBLM or Forest Service etc. This oath was quite the contrary that created a Sacred duty, to serve, protect and defend every single one of your citizens like a hen protects her chicks against all threats. Don’t forget who your boss is, we the people of Harney County. For the sheriff to allow anyone or anything to violate the rights of his people, We The People, is a dereliction of duty of the highest order.
I must ask, what happened to the protection the Hammond family did not receive? Where were you when a foreign entity not having any constitutional power, authority and jurisdiction within your county abused your citizens? Imprisoned them, restricted them from using there resources to make a living, ruining their way of life and violating their customs and culture and charging them with heavy fines. These were the people you swore before God and the people to protect. Why did you forsake them?
Have you taken sides with the Feds? Are you scared to do your duty? Are you ignorant to what your duties are? Are you scared of how the Feds may react if you actually perform your sworn duties? I would really like to know what your excuse is for not honoring your oath of office as Sheriff of Harney County.
In the wake of your abstanance you now have some very important decisions that need to be made very soon. It should not be a hard decision understanding your purpose of existence as stated in the oath you have taken. The choice is simple, A. to turn a blind eye against your people and continue to collaborate with the Feds, pushing their agenda to remain in power and control over the people and their resources and to continue participating with fear mongering tactics such as shutting down schools etc. and now participating in the new growing threat of violence by the Feds toward peaceful protesters. or B. Re-commityourself to uphold and perform your duties to We The People of Harney County and utilize the protesters that have come to your peoples assistance and say simply, no to the Feds and rid your county of their presence and tranny that they have spread across your County.
Understand that the protesters have peacefully assembled only to support you and your people who are and have been oppressed by Federal over reach. Understand that theirassembly is a constitutional right and act. Understand that they do not intend any harm to anyone, they sincerely want to restore the rights, land and resources that belong to thepeople of Harney County who have pre-emptive rights to them and non other, especially any federal Corporation. Understand that Constitutionally it is impossible for the federal government to own or manage land outside the bounds and terms stated in art. 1 sec. 8 par.17 of the U.S. Constitution. Remember that governments were instituted among men & women for the security of the rights of the people and that when governments begin to abuse those rights and fail to secure them, it is up to non other than the people themselves to uphold those rights, it is their right, it is their duty to dispose of the tyrannical government infringing upon those rights. (see the Declaration of independence.)
This sheriff is why citizens all across this nation assemble at times for regress of grievance for the respective oppression to cease. For this reason the protesters have come to your county. They have come hoping for your blessing and support and to support you in the changes you will need to make. Remember that you have the authority to promote a positive and forthright outcome working with the people to create liberty and prosperity in your county. However you also have the ability to exercise your individual agency and abuse your office and power given you to continue your lawlessness. If you continue in this direction, I’m afraid you may have blood on your hands.
Sheriff, I respect the office that you hold and the awesome responsibilities that are your’s and pray that you may be given the strength to say simply no to the feds, rid them of your county, give back the lands and resources to the people whom they were taken from and ultimately restore prosperity and liberty in your county. I know that would be the right thing to do, I believe as a steward with the accountability to the people, God will be pleased with and uphold you.
I do not reside in Oregon but can be available at your request to help you in any way I can to restore the rights of the people of Harney County. Sincerely, your supporter.

Dave Bundy

January 12, 2016

I was just sitting here having my first cup of coffee and (sort of) watching...

... MSNBC. There was a walking interview on.. Pres Obama and Matt Lauer.

What an intelligent man... well spoken, thoughtful....human and humane.

I disagree with him on some really important things, but that man is truly what this country should be about.

His treatment by the racists and Republicans - they're the same - is a national shame.

Sorry for the glurge... I seldom write "fan letters", but we should all thank the FSM or whatever that he's been our President, as opposed to the Clown Car on the other side.

January 7, 2016

I'm going around and around with a RWer about the National Guard...

This is, of course, related to the terrorist take-over of the wildlife refuge in Oregon.

I read, from Title 10, that the President doesn't need authorization from a state to Federalize the Guard in that state.
The RWer says the President has to get permission from the state Governor.

Anybody know for sure which way? Apparently Dubya did some kind of a change, and then the change was repealed. I've researched, but can find no definitive answer.

Here's Title 10 for reference.. Title 32 is at the URL below.....
"10 USC § 332 – Use of Militia and Armed Forces to Enforce Federal Authority: Whenever the President
considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the U.S.,
make it impractical to enforce the laws of the U.S. in any State or Territory by the ordinary course of judicial
proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces
as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion. This section is a statutory
exception to the Posse Comitatus Act.
6. 10 USC § 333 – Interference with State and Federal Law: The President, by using the militia or the armed
forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a
State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy if it:
a. So hinders the execution of the law of that State, and of the U.S. within the State, that any part or class
of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity or protection named in the Constitution and
secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail or refuse to protect that
right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or
b. Opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the U.S. or impedes the course of justice under those
laws. In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal
protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.
7. 10 USC § 12406 – Air and Army National Guard: Air and Army National Guard call into Federal service in case
of invasion, rebellion or inability to execute Federal law with active forces."

November 29, 2015

Venting!!! Was in the grocery store and saw the front page of the Globe...

...shitty tabloid.

President Barack Obama must resign or be impeached for his outrageous bungling of the ISIS terrorist crisis!
By down-playing the horrific threat the evil killers pose, Obama has put Americans and the nation itself in harm’s way, experts declare."

One of the subheads said that he knew about the attack in Paris beforehand.

WTF? I mean...WTFF?

Circulation on that POS is about 275,000 but everybody shopping in groceries is exposed to that shit, and the dumbshits will remember the content, but not the context.

Man... am I glad I'm old. I don't want to be around to see what this country is turning into.

November 28, 2015

Posted on FB...

"Turns out it had nothing to do with planned parenthood, other than him using it as a hold out and number two he is a Democrat who identifies himself as a woman according to his voter registration."

Only place I can find this is "gateway pundit".


November 2, 2015

Ben Carson....why is he not doing anything in medicine..?

The man was indisputably a brilliant neurosurgeon.

Why isn't he consulting/teaching/mentoring/something?

I know everybody gets to decide when they are going to retire, but guys with life-saving skills and his kind of experience need to teach their craft to others. Don't they? Aren't they in demand?

Is there something I've missed? Some scandal or something?

Additionally, is it possible he's got some sort of dementia starting..? His affect is so low-key that it makes me wonder. Are his strange beliefs and lack of knowledge about such things as foreign policy topics that he should know about indicative of anything other than the usual Tea delusions?

October 31, 2015

I was chuckling with a friend about Trump...

No fucking way he could actually get elected... clown.. etc.

Then my friend reminded me that not only did we actually elect Dubya (2nd term at least), but the Italians - nice people, really - actually elected Berlusconi. Prime Minister 3 times.

I peed myself just a little.

Tell me Trump is an impossibility.


October 26, 2015

A little computer help here....

I have a Mac Powerbook. 10.6.8

When I go to certain sites, and a video starts - even an ad - sometimes the 'puter just freezes, until after about 10 seconds the message "Shockwave video is not responding" After I tell it to shut shockwave down, the page opens and everything is OK.
I don't have an app for Shockwave, so I suspect it's embeded on the page or in the video.
How can I cure this problem.
(Hey.. all you young smartasses... I'm 72, but I've been using a 'puter since you were shitting yourself on a regular basis. Just gimme a straight answer.)

October 26, 2015

Multiple fatalities after whale-watching boat carrying 27 sinks off Vancouver Island

Source: Seattle Times

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) — Canadian authorities say there have been multiple fatalities after a whale watching boat with 27 people on board sank off Vancouver Island.

The Joint Rescue Coordination Centre confirmed that the vessel made a mayday call shortly before 4 p.m. Sunday near Tofino, British Columbia.

The B.C. Coroner’s Service said more than one person died.

Asked how many were dead, British Columbia Coroner spokeswoman Barb McLintock said in an email: “Multiple but we don’t yet have a firm number. Still a very fluid situation so we really are not sure yet.”

Read more: http://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/canadian-authorities-whale-watching-boat-carrying-27-sinks/?utm_source=WhatCountsEmail&utm_medium=Breaking%20News&utm_campaign=Breaking%20News%20Alert

The boat was out of Tofino, which is on the west coast of Vancouver Island.
That water is damn cold. And can be rough. I think most whale-watching boats have float-suits for their people, but I dunno how much that would help in that area.

Stay tuned.
October 23, 2015

Headline at Not-Very-Breitbart today.....


I got nothing ... nothing. I'm just sitting here stunned.

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