bigdarryl's JournalAllan Lichtman: Sanders is assuring one thing only
That Trump becomes the next President.
538:The system isn't rigged against Sanders just heard on Tom Hartman that Kasich is dropping out today
Wow one thing I give them credit for is they fall in line.Not so much I can say about the Democrats
So the republicans after Cruz drops out raps up there primary before we do
Who would have thought. All this talk of a contested convention isn't going to happen. In fact I think the democrats might be the ones possibly with the contested convention with all the in fighting. That's just my take
Bernie is 110% right poor people don't vote
But i wouldn't say thats the main reason he's behind in this race.
Allan Lichtman on the keys so far
Gallup:Clinton voters more enthusiastic than Sanders voters
But we have been told by the main stream media and Sander supporters that they are passionately excited than Clinton supporters and no one wants to voter for her
Historian Allan Lichtman talks about the 2016 primary Information
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