Bob Loblaw
Bob Loblaw's JournalNOAA confirms cancellation of Trump's secret meeting
FYI: Cancelling my secret meeting with
Mike Trout re: swing tips. Since he can't be trusted to get a hit every at bat
Anyone else cancel any secret meetings this week?
Humpty Dumpty was pushed
"And I'm proud to be an American...
or at least I used to be.
And I won't forget the man who tries,
to take my rights from me..."
Anyone know the rest?
Moscow Mitch cast in remake of The Wizard of Oz
as the Cowardly Turtle. He fell and broke his shoulder? I call bullshit.
Idea for a tariff
If Trump could collect a tariff set on his family's stupidity he could pay for that damned wall with just the money he found under the couch cushions.
Seen at the in-laws yesterday...
They live in the woods on a small river in Michigan and have numerous feeders. In less than 24 hours I saw at least one of each of these fine specimens, and many of most of them:
White breasted nuthatch
Tufted titmouse
Blue Jay
Baltimore oriole
Rose breasted grosbeak
Downy woodpecker
Hairy woodpecker
Yellow bellied woodpecker
Canada goose
Black capped chickadee
Red winged blackbird
Wood duck
Mourning dove
Some day in the future people will ask
"Do you remember what you were doing when Trump made (what will become known as) his "Strawberry speech"? It will take its place alongside other questions like where were you when Kennedy was assassinated, where were you when the shuttle exploded and where were you when Nixon made his "I am not a crook" speech.
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Member since: Sun Oct 22, 2006, 12:16 PMNumber of posts: 1,900