madamesilverspurs's Journal"Press 1 for English"
One of my conservative friends just posted on facebook one of those diatribes against having to "press 1 for English", screeching "When did this country stop being America?!", the obligatory flag waving in the background.
This is the response I posted:
When my ancestors first arrived on this continent, back in the 1600s, there were many beautiful languages being spoken here. Here in Colorado, those languages added Spanish and French long before English became the lingua franca. "Press 1 for English" is just a small reminder that I'm part of a historically diverse community, and keeping myself honest about that can only help in my efforts to be a better person.
Just because I really can't stand kneejerk xenophobia. . .
Fighting back against voter suppression efforts
In Colorado, Secretary of State Scott Gessler has been getting more and more creative in his efforts to disenfranchise "certain" voters. Enough! If you live in Colorado, please feel free to download this graphic, print and distribute as you see fit. I'll post it in Spanish as soon as my gifted translators get that wording to me.
Fighting back against Gessler
Here's a placard for your car window; please feel free to download it and post it wherever it can do some good.
Reid and McConnell are sparring on C-Span2
Harry looks as though he's ready to dig out his old boxing gloves. Mitch is smirking and lying through his teeth.
Harry's pissed about the abuse of Senate rules via the 60 vote requirement. Go Harry!
Governor Ultrasound (R VA) on MSNBC
with Andrea Mitchell -- he just gave a brilliant demonstration of why so many Americans believe that Republicans are utterly incapable of telling the truth.
To his credit (?) he did manage to set a new standard in asswipery.
I need to take a shower. Ew.
George Romney released twelve years' tax returns when he ran for president.
His son releases two years' returns and claims the Fifth Amendment.
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Gender: Do not displayCurrent location: Colorado
Member since: Sat Apr 21, 2007, 03:17 PM
Number of posts: 15,971