Segami's JournalThousands of Potential Candidates RESPOND to Bernie Sanders’ Appeal
Thousands of Potential Candidates Respond to Sanders Appeal
JUNE 17TH, 2016
BURLINGTON, Vt. Less than 24 hours after U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders called on his supporters to run for office at the local or state level, nearly 6,700 people have signed up on to learn more.
In total, almost 11,000 supporters expressed interest in running for office or volunteering for other Sanders supporters who run.
Sanders called the response extraordinary.
I have no doubt that with the energy and enthusiasm our campaign has shown that we can win significant numbers of local and state elections if people are prepared to become involved, Sanders said. This will be part of transforming our country from the bottom on up.
Since 2009, some 900 legislative seats have been lost to Republicans in state after state throughout this country. In fact, the Republican Party now controls 31 state legislatures and controls both the governors mansions and statehouses in 23 states.
That is unacceptable, Sanders told supporters on Thursday, during a live online address.
The 6,685 supporters who expressed interest in running cover 51 percent of state house districts, 69 percent of state senate districts and every congressional district in the country.
TrustVote Election FRAUD Lawsuit Interview with Bob Fitrakis
Bernie Sanders Live Online Address
Sanders Live Online Address
JUNE 17TH, 2016
BURLINGTON, Vt. U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Thursday spoke directly to grassroots supporters in a live, online video message.
The political revolution continues, said an email message to volunteers and supporters notifying them of the event at 8:30 p.m. from Burlington, Vermont.
To read the full remarks, click here.
Clinton Takes Control of DNC—BUH-BYE Debbie Wasserman Schultz
In 2008, when then-Sen. Barack Obama sewed up the nomination, his team rushed to fill the ranks of the Democratic National Committee. That is normal, as the committees No. 1 task is to support the presidential campaign (the Senate and House Democrats have their own committees). If you remember, Howard Dean was the head of the DNC at the time, and he remained nominally in charge, but Obamas team was in full control. Dean had been moved to the sidelines. It wasnt an antagonistic move. It simply meant that the presidential campaign and the DNC had to be in sync, and the best way to manage that is to have people from the same team in charge.
So with that bit of background, say goodbye to Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Brandon Davis, national political director for the Service Employees International Union, will become the general election chief of staff for the Democratic Party. His selection formalizes the coordination of the Clinton campaign and the committee, a stark contrast to Donald Trump who is currently at odds with his party.
Davis is fn fantastic, Ive known him for years. Hes smart, energetic, passionate, and competent as fuck. In other words, the opposite of Wasserman Schultz.
Spokesman: Bernie Sanders NOT ENDING Campaign In Thursday's Video Speech
Esfandiari @nezy_esfandiari
Sanders not ending campaign in Thursday's video speech: spokesman #BernieOrBust #BernieStrong @BernieSanders
Bernie Sanders does not plan to suspend his campaign and endorse presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in a video speech to supporters on Thursday, focusing instead on ways to pursue his policy agenda and reform goals, a spokesman said.
Assange: 'More Hillary Clinton LEAKS TO COME'
Speaking to Peston on Sunday, Mr Assange said Wikileaks has further information relating to claims circulating since 2015 that Clinton had in the past used her family's private email server for official communications.
New Stanford Study Suggests Election FRAUD
Lee Camp ?@LeeCamp
New Stanford study suggests election fraud -
#BernieSanders #BernieOrBust
added on edit:
Have we witnessed a dishonest election? Our first analysis showed that states wherein the voting outcomes are difficult to verify show far greater support for Secretary Clinton. Second, our examination of exit polling suggested large differences between the respondents that took the exit polls and the claimed voters in the final tally. Beyond these points, these irregular patterns of results did not exist in 2008. As such, as a whole, these data suggest that election fraud is occurring in the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary election. This fraud has overwhelmingly benefited Secretary Clinton at the expense of Senator Sanders.
Hillary Clinton Is A HARD SELL To Millennials
Hillarys problems with young voters arent just her age and association with a past presidency that occurred when many of these voters were still in diapers. Hillarys messaging tends to be out-of-tune with the aspirations of young voters. Take this Clinton campaign email attempting to raise money in anticipation of the general election. After some obligatory insults against her opponent, the campaign reassures their supporters:
In other words, Hillarys own campaign is arguing that its not her message, political vision or experience thats going to defeat Donald Trump. Her political machine can do The Donald in. Clinton is advertising to her donors that their money will be used for more polling, paid door knocking and high priced politicos to craft the most rigorously message-tested talking points... all those elements of politics that voters - particularly young voters - abhor. Clinton might assume that Millennials, the most tech-savvy generation, will embrace anything related to data. Yet Millennials love of technology stems from how it empowers them, as individuals, not that it can reduce them to mere data points and create opportunities for manipulation. Almost as off-putting as when Hillary showcases herself as a hardened political tactician is when she attempts to refashion herself as an outsider dedicated to taking on the establishment. Heres another revealing campaign email:
$100 million! And right now, were assuming that a big chunk of that money is going STRAIGHT to funding vicious ads against Hillary in places like Ohio and Florida.
While Trump takes mammoth checks from billionaires whod get mammoth tax cuts if he became president, were building our campaign a different way: ...we need everyone to step up to take on Trump and his army of billionaires. Can you help right now (and claim your free Team Hillary sticker!)?.."
Even the most low-information voter knows that Mrs. Clinton is hardly shocked by money in politics. In fact, the former First Lady is renowned for raking in hundred-thousand-dollar checks from big banks and foreign governments. Bernie Sanders knew this and consistently highlighted Mrs. Clintons cozy corporatism, understanding that young, idealistic voters crave a different kind of politics, which prioritizes regular peoples interests over the politically-connected.
Bernie Sanders CALLS For Major DNC Shakeup and DWS's Removal
The DNC Can’t Blame This One On Bernie – Russian Hackers Have Had ACCESS To DNC Server For A YEAR!
Does anyone remember the massive hubbub that surrounded the Democratic party back in late 2015 when it was revealed that a Bernie Sanders staffer had accessed the DNC voter database? Establishment elites ran around like headless chickens while Sanders quickly apologized and the staffer was removed from the campaign. Then the DNC overcorrected and barred one of the two Democratic candidates from having access to key voter information as a overzealous punishment. Well all of that sounds pretty funny with the breaking news that the DNC has been an open book for Russian hackers for nearly a year now.
The group of elite hackers have also attempted to access other important government files and databases, but they struck gold when they gained access to the DNCs server, particularly obtaining a wealth of information on the Democratic partys opposition information on Donald Trump. In addition to gaining a massive amount of Trump information, the hackers also were able to read all email and chat traffic during their perusing. All political campaigns gather oppo information on opposing candidates to give them plenty of dirt to reveal at-will when the time calls for it. Often, the information is never even revealed to the public. But now, the treasure trove of anti-Trump arguments the DNC were keeping hidden away for a rainy day are now the happy property of faceless Russians.
Citizens of a nation who have a frosty relations with the United States know more about Donald Trumps dark dealings than the citizens of the nation which might elect him. Who knows what Russians will do with that information? And why are we just now hearing about this major breach? The DNC have known about it for about a month as the FBI alerted them to the breach back in May, and yet none of us were the wiser. The news seems to be coming out now because the DNC has finally taken action to boot out those who were infiltrating the database for a full year. Now, they claim that things are all safe and clean again.
Democrat Darling (/s) Debbie Wasserman Schultz had this to say about her failure as DNC chair:
Yeah, we bet you did, Debbie Dear. We already knew that the DNC was a massive embarrassment, but this is just too much to bear. Weve been calling for an overhaul of the party for months, but now its a case of someone needing to take the fall for this massive error in security. At the very least, we are owed an explanation, and fast.
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