Lordquinton's JournalScarlet Letters: Getting the History of Abortion and Contraception Right
An interesting article I found while helping my friend study for her women's health class.

Sarah Cole carries firewood for chopping as part of her role as Plymouth colonist Alice Bradford at Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth, Massachusetts, Thursday, May 27, 2004.
Abortion was not just legalit was a safe, condoned, and practiced procedure in colonial America and common enough to appear in the legal and medical records of the period. Official abortion laws did not appear on the books in the United States until 1821, and abortion before quickening did not become illegal until the 1860s. If a woman living in New England in the 17th or 18th centuries wanted an abortion, no legal, social, or religious force would have stopped her.
That, however, is not the way the anti-abortion movement likes to paint the history of abortion in the United States. Anti-abortion organizations such as the National Right to Life spin a narrative in which legal abortion is a historical anomaly and an unnatural consequence of modern Americas loose moral standards. On the National Right to Lifes website, for example, a page titled Abortion History Timeline describes a few rogue doctors and midwives performing abortions in early America, only as far back as the 1850s. In reality, trusted midwives and medical practitioners performed abortions from the beginning of American colonial life and throughout world history. Fox News also falsifies American abortion history on its website. On a page titled Fast Facts: History of U.S. Abortion Laws, it claims that abortion in the American colonies was ruled a misdemeanor if performed prior to quickening.
The Puritans brought their laws on abortion from merry old England, where the procedure was also legal until quickening. Although the Puritans changed much of Englands legal system when they established their city upon a hill, they kept abortion as a part of Puritan family life, allowing women to choose when and if they would become motherswhether for the first time or the fifth time.
what would you do if you were the devil?
It seems that god is powerless to do much of anything, but the devil is still around and kicking, with all the divine power we don't see from god anymore.
I'd give the opressed the power and means to fight their oppressors.... Wait they say the devil is doing that already, god dammit!
What even are babies?
Straight up hit piece on Daniel Dennett
Daniel Dennett is generally considered the 'nice one' of the 'four horsemen of the non-apocalypse' but some preacher-man took it upon himself to drag Dennett down to his own level, then beat him with experience.
In recent years, so-called New Atheists have become more aggressive and vociferous, and have achieved considerable media visibility. Normally, it rarely pays to argue with them, as their general cultural and historical ignorance means that you have to explain too many basic factual issues to them before you can share any common basis for proceeding. On occasion, though, one of the pack says something that is so silly and obnoxious as to demand a response, and this is one of those occasions.
For centuries, one of the ugliest aspects of Christian and secular culture was the crude stereotype of the Old Testament. Even in ancient times, Marcionite Christian heretics presented the Old Testament God as a violent, capricious monster, who stood in harsh contrast to the loving and merciful deity revealed in the gospels. Jesus, in that view, came to rescue the children of Light from the cruel God who slew the Egyptians in the Red Sea, and ordered the massacre of the Amalekites.
Professor Dennett refers to the Old Testament God as Jehovah. I have no idea why he is using that term, which is a Latinized version of one guess at the divine Name mentioned frequently in the Bible. The form was much used in earlier translations in the seventeenth century, and it is still employed today by some obstinate fundamentalists. Not for many years has it been used by mainstream scholars or translators, Christian or Jewish.
This article really betrays a desperate air of grasping at straws, that last line in particular is reaching about as far as he can, complaining about Dennett's use of an accepted name for the Christian god, probably shook his faith because it highlights that a) he has a name, and b) it's necessary to distinguish what god we're talking about.
Why temperatures never go up in straight lines
Potholer54 is an amazing youtuber who is an actual countering the arguments of creationists, pseudoscientists, and "citizen scientists"
This one is tackling climate change.
is a canadite's religious belief private?
I Say no. I think it is important to know what may influence our leaders and how close they hold ancient myrhs. What if, say, Tom Cruise ran and claimed his faith was not important and that he wouldn't talk about how it might affect his decisions.
Georgia Women Arrested Protesting Bill That Would Let Employers Fire Women Who've Had An Abortion

Progressive activists in the state are leaving nothing to chance, realizing that if the bill passes, the state could see a new wave of discrimination similar to Jim Crow-style restrictions on African Americans. Some women's organizations are particularly concerned that right-wing employers could, for example, fire women who've had abortions.
On Monday, four women Megan Harrison, Lorraine Fontana, Emma Stitt, and Jessica Reznicek sought an audience with the bill's chief Senate sponsor, Republican Josh McKoon. Not only were the four women denied a meeting with McKoon, they were arrested.
At least two of the women Emma Stitt and Jessice Reznicek -- have decided to refuse bond for now, saying they will stay in prison until the bill is defeated.
Added link.
Oklahoma House passes bill restricting marriage to people of faith
House Bill 1125, sponsored by Republican State Representative Todd Russ, is a radical measure that would end secular marriage licenses in the state. In addition, the bill would bar all judges and other secular officials from performing marriages in Oklahoma.
Russ claims the radical legislation is motivated by his desire to protect court clerks from having to issue licenses to same-sex couples. Russ says he doesnt want these workers put in the position of having to condone or facilitate same-sex marriage.
Under the legislation, atheists and others not wanting to be married by a religious official could file an affidavit through the court clerks office claiming a common-law marriage.
AronRa responds to the Chapel Hill attack
He hosts the Atheist Experience, of which the suspect was a fan, so he has a reason to speak:
Edit: Feel free to add other responses. This issue is important, and I feel it's important that we don't let anyone else define us in regards to this event. These two people mention that one major criticism that atheists generally have of religion is how violent it is, sso an atheist that acts so violently didn't get that message completely through his head.
Things are also still in motion, and all we really know is that three humans are dead, and the man responsible turned himself in.
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