vlyons's JournalCoronation church stuff
I grimace at all the prayers and appeals to their bronze age invisible sky god, who waves a magic wand to suspend the laws of physics. Found it rather amusing that right at the beginning, Charles promised that he is a protestant, and will only let a protestant be king.
Ain't it grand to have a POTUS with a sense of humor?
Unlike TFG, who only has a sense of entitlement and ill-will.
Will Trump's speech tonight disregard and step over the proper speech advice of the judge
He's so totally pissed
His demeanor says, "How dare they! I'll get those rat-bastards!"
TFG will spend the rest of his days stewing in his own juices. There is no peace of mind for him.
He won't get a perp walk.
I doubt that he will be handcuffed. Last thing LEO and SecService want is a situation that is inflammatory. I predict he will be quietly delivered and quietly walked into a back door or service entrance. Of course after his arraignment, there's nothing to prevent him from standing on the front steps bloviating, ranting and raving. Ugh ugh double ugh.
So what's next after banning "woke" books?
Let me guess. All books about Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Greek mythology, Wiccans, Sufis, and other non Christian-Judeo religions disappear from library shelves. Then might as well ban books about the labor movement too. Certainly don't want the kiddies reading the biographies of people they don't like. And do away with the whole anthopology section, because non-white, non-Christian, non-American cultures and customs aren't worth reading about anyway.
BTW, who are they to tell me what books my kids can't read? It's one thing for them to decide what their minor children can and can't read, but quite another to decide that for another parent. Is their book banning not an infringement on the rights of parents? They don't want their kids reading about FDR and Thurgood Marshall? OK. But don't decide that for my children.
"Woke" is the current RW equivalent for the N-word
Sometimes gussied up with an accompanying "socialist" and/or LGBTQ. But basically woke is meant to equate every bit of African-American history, heros, accomplishments, and unique culture as godless, ugly, unAmerican, unpatriotic, unworthy, and deserving of annihilation.
I'm so tired of it. But alas, it seems that RWers have latched onto it with a frenzy. So I guess I'll just have to deal with as best I can. How do you deal with it?
Why are so many RWers supporting Putin
It's not like they were ever communists or descended from Russian ancestors? Is it because they get Russian dark money for their campaigns?
Jimmy Carter with Sadat and Begin
Remember this? We were all so hopeful when this happened.
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