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LovingA2andMI's Journal
LovingA2andMI's Journal
November 27, 2015

How Two Back and Forth's On Twitter -- Confirms the Mind of the #ProLifeRight - #StandWithPP!!

These are screenshot examples we had with Two Pro-Life Sick and Twisted Supporters BEFORE and After Lt. Catherine Buckley CONFIRMED the sad situation at the Colorado Springs, CO Planned Parenthood - which the media has reported at least (at this time) 12 individuals are injured and unknown causalities at this time.

WARNING: These are indeed Sick and Twisted but reveals the mind of the Pro-Life Right. One of which is a so-called "Journalist" for whatever that means....

Let's start with the "Journalist" -- Ben Shaprio:

It was our Tweets from @IUNewsTalk that called him out and got him to loosely "apologize" for his first tweet.

And this one --- from a person we block on Twitter under one "handle" then they continued to tweet us under the "other handle"... Unbelievable:

WOW, just WOW!


November 27, 2015

UPDATE: News Conference on Planned Parenthood Shooting in Colorado Springs, CO

Lt. Catherine Buckley Colorado Springs, CO Police -- "This Situation STARTED at the Planned Parenthood". -- Time 3:06 pm PT/6:06 pm ET

And there it is. #DomesticTerrorism Period!

November 18, 2015

Why SEIU Mary Kay Henry is Full of It....Thoughts on the Union's Endorsement of Hillary Clinton

The Fight for $15 was presented to be an actual movement which staged protests at various fast food service establishments across the Nation, lobbying for a $15.00 an hour Federal Minimum Wage. This movement as a result, gained the support of many Progressives across the country, including at least two Democratic Presidential Candidates - Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and former Maryland Governor Martin O' Malley.

Both O' Malley and Sanders at Saturday, November 14, 2015, Democratic Presidential Debate broadcasted rather late into the night on a weekend, at 9pm ET, stated if either of the candidates received the Democratic Nomination and were elected President -- they would support a $15.00 an hour minimum wage.

In contrast, the other Presidential Democratic Candidate -- former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, stated at best she would only support a $12.00 an hour Federal Minimum Wage, and individual states, cities or counties nationwide could decide if they desired to enact a $15.00 an hour Federal Minimum at their on accord.

SEIU's President Mary Kay Henry in a video posted below from April 2015 claimed to "Strongly Support" the Fight for $15.00 for a number of reasons.

Ms. Henry also at the .52 section mark of this video, hints months in advance, to then soon-to-be Democratic Presidential Candidate Clinton reluctance on supporting a $15.00 Federal Minimum.

Leaving an open question.

If Ms. Henry knew well in advance that now Presidential Democratic Candidate Clinton, would not fully-heartly support the Fight for $15.00? If so, why would SEIU President Henry lobby many Fast Food Workers whose wages are on average are between $7.00-$10.00 an Hour -- depending on location, to protest over an year in sincere hopes to see the Democratic Presidential Candidate receiving SEIU's support completely support their fight?

Not for $12.00 an hour with varying minimums depending on location but, for $15.00 an hour as the American Federal Minimum Wage Standard!

Worse yet, why did SEIU President Henry announce the endorsement of Democratic Presidential Candidate Clinton, less than 72 hours after Clinton in last Saturday's debate, technically threw the entire Fight for $15.00 movement under the bus -- while the two other Candidates Sanders and O' Malley completely supported the higher minimum wage?

The SEIU's action in their endorsement on Tuesday, November 17, 2015, of Hillary Clinton -- stands in stark and confusing contrast to a #Fightfor15 Movement, thousands of supporters including many of the union's membership have supported.

Which leads to a final question -- can any movement that is not started, managed, organized and ran by individuals over an Union Organization -- truly be in the Fight to raise the minimum wage to an livable standard, in America?

Independent Underground Radio LIVE will talk about this issue on our podcast on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 9PM ET. Feel free to tune into the discussion, at the following link, or call in with your thoughts or opinions at 347.934.0185 starting at 9:15 pm ET
November 16, 2015

Safe Place for Supporters of Bernie....

Just wanted to make a small post that our Facebook Page Independent Underground News & Talk is a totally safe place to represent your support for Bernie. It's closely monitored to ensure the page stays PRO-BERNIE -- all day/every day.


November 14, 2015

A Clue On Why Democratic Debate Schedule Is As Bad As It Is? Maybe....

Conflict of Interest? Bill Clinton Serves on Presidential Debate Commission

As the 2016 presidential election draws nearer, questions are being raised about Bill Clinton’s role as an honorary co-chair of the Commission on Presidential Debates, a Republican-and-Democrat controlled board that determines the rules and particulars of U.S. general election presidential debates.

According to The Daily Caller, Bill Clinton serves as an honorary co-chair for the organization along with former President Jimmy Carter. The CPD also lists deceased former Republican presidents Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford as honorary co-chairs.

“It is unclear, however, how Carter and Clinton function in these roles,” wrote reporter Kerry Picket. “Additionally, considering Jeb Bush’s run for the presidency, if it is an issue of simply lending one’s name to a board and not participating in any process, it is unknown why both former presidents George W. Bush and his father George H.W. Bush are not included as honorary chairs,” she added.

Hot Air notes that CPD chairman Michael D. McCurry served as press secretary during Bill Clinton’s presidency.

If current Democratic Party presidential primary frontrunner Hillary Clinton ends up winning her party’s nomination, Bill Clinton and Michael McCurry’s roles on the board governing U.S. general election presidential debates could potentially pose a conflict of interest.

The Commission on Presidential Debates recently sparked controversy when it announced that despite the rise of independent voters as a leading portion of the U.S. electorate, it would not change the 15 percent minimum polling rule that effectively blocks most serious third-party candidates who appear on enough ballots to win the presidency from participating in general election presidential debates.


One would think if one's wife was a Presidential Nominee, you know, for the good of all things equal and democratic -- they would VOLUNTARY step down as Honorary Co-Chair of the Democratic Debate Committee -- to make sure that Conflict of Interest thingy never comes up.

But, what do I know ....
November 13, 2015

Nina Turner changes her mind on Hillary Clinton, endorses Bernie Sanders for president

Source: Cleveland.com

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Nina Turner, the former state senator from Cleveland and a top Ohio Democratic Party official, is ditching Hillary Clinton in favor of Bernie Sanders.

Turner and Sanders' presidential campaign confirmed the endorsement Thursday.

"I'm very attracted by his message and his style -- and that he has held pretty much strong on his beliefs and the world is catching up with him," Turner said.

Turner added that Sanders' positions on voting rights and wage issues have stood out to her. While she is expected to be active in his campaign, a Sanders spokeswoman said whatever role Turner has will not be paid.

Turner spoke to cleveland.com by telephone before flying to Iowa, where she will attend Saturday's Democratic debate featuring Clinton, Sanders and Martin O'Malley.

She also will introduce Sanders at his Monday rally at Cleveland State University's Wolstein Center. The Vermont senator, who describes himself as a democratic socialist, has emerged as Clinton's strongest Democratic primary rival.

"We are extremely, extremely humbled by the support of Sen. Nina Turner," Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver said. "She is nationally known as a voice for voting rights, for workers' rights and for marginalized people. The support of someone with that record of standing up for middle-income and working people is tremendously important."

The move comes as a surprise -- and a blow for Clinton. Turner had been among her most enthusiastic cheerleaders in the Buckeye State and nationally. She was involved early with the Ready for Hillary super political action committee that promoted Clinton as a presidential candidate before the former U.S. secretary of state launched her campaign.

Turner spoke last fall in New York and earlier this year at a Cleveland fundraiser for the now-defunct organization. In June, she spoke at a grassroots-organizing event for the Clinton campaign in Cleveland. She also had served on the board of Correct the Record, another pro-Clinton super PAC but recently severed ties.

And Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, sent a letter on Turner's behalf last year that sought donations for her ultimately unsuccessful run for Ohio secretary of state.

Turner said Thursday that, despite her efforts on Clinton's behalf, she had not formally endorsed the former U.S. secretary of state. Clinton, she said did not lose her support so much as Sanders earned it with his attention to issues dear to her. She stressed that her decision had nothing to do with controversy over Clinton's private email server.

"Yes, I was out there, 'ready' [for Clinton], because I wanted to make sure Democrats were ready," Turner said. "I thought it was important to show that Democrats were ready to go right back at it for 2015 and 2016. This has nothing to do with the secretary."

Turner, who is frequently mentioned as a future candidate for mayor of Cleveland, said she will take a leave of absence from her role as the Ohio Democratic Party's engagement chair as she helps Sanders with his bid for the nomination. She said her endorsement, which party insiders had been buzzing about for days once they heard it was possible, has resulted in some pushback from Clinton loyalists in Ohio.

"I was approached by a Clinton supporter who said that I am doing a disservice to the country," Turner said. "It was very insulting."

Read more: http://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2015/11/nina_turner_changes_her_mind_o.html

No worries Nina, we got your back! Thanks for supporting Bernie!
November 11, 2015

Straight-ticket voting ban speeds through Michigan Senate with shield against repeal

Source: MLive Politics

LANSING, MI — Michigan voters would lose the ability to cast a straight-ticket ballot for candidates of a single political party under fast-tracked legislation approved Tuesday evening in the state Senate.

The Republican-backed bill advanced through committee earlier the same day before reaching the floor, where it was amended to include a $1 million appropriation that would make it immune to referendum.

Michigan voters overturned a similar law in 2002 after Democrats forced a ballot referendum via petition drive.

The new bill would provide funding to the Michigan Secretary of State to assess the impact of eliminating straight-ticket voting, assist in ongoing fraud prevention and "provide equipment to facilitate the integrity of the election process," among other things.

Sen. Dave Robertson, R-Grand Blanc, called the appropriation "entirely legitimate," but critics pointed out that most state spending decisions are made during the budget process, not within policy bills.

"Let's not lie to each other, and let's not lie to voters of this state. This appropriation is a $1 million insurance policy against the will of the people," said Sen. Curtis Hertel Jr., D-Meridian Township.

Read more: http://www.mlive.com/lansing-news/index.ssf/2015/11/straight-ticket_voting_ban_spe.html

Question: How much more will Michigan Voters suck up buttercup when it comes to integrity of their State Government?

A legitimate question considering The Center of Public Integrity (TCOPI) rated Michigan dead last out of 50 States, or a F- when it relates to Governmental Accountability, Ethics or Integrity.

An F-, let that sink in for a minute as....

Michigan's Republican controlled Senate has done it again. Done what, you ask.

Ensured that when the Center of Public Integrity rates all things Great Lakes Blue when it comes to Government next time, the State will receive a F--, if such a rating can ever exist.

The only area Michigan could manage to squeeze any letter grade over an C+ was related to Electoral Oversight, with a B.

Less than three days after TCOPI issued its latest annual report, State Republicans are determined to knock the scale down about three levels, to match Michigan's overall integrity rating, an F.

Read Here:
November 11, 2015

Voter Suppression Bill Fast-Tracks in Michigan, After State Receives F- in Governmental Intergrity

Question: How much more will Michigan Voters suck up buttercup when it comes to integrity of their State Government?

A legitimate question considering The Center of Public Integrity (TCOPI) rated Michigan dead last out of 50 States, or a F- when it relates to Governmental Accountability, Ethics or Integrity.

An F-, let that sink in for a minute as....

Michigan's Republican controlled Senate has done it again. Done what, you ask.

Ensured that when the Center of Public Integrity rates all things Great Lakes Blue when it comes to Government next time, the State will receive a F--, if such a rating can ever exist.

The only area Michigan could manage to squeeze any letter grade over an C+ was related to Electoral Oversight, with a B.

Less than three days after TCOPI issued its latest annual report, State Republicans are determined to knock the scale down about three levels, to match Michigan's overall integrity rating, an F.

From MLive:
Michigan voters would lose the ability to cast a straight-ticket ballot for candidates of a single political party under fast-tracked legislation approved Tuesday evening in the state Senate.

The Republican-backed bill advanced through committee earlier the same day before reaching the floor, where it was amended to include a $1 million appropriation that would make it immune to referendum.

Michigan voters overturned a similar law in 2002 after Democrats forced a ballot referendum via petition drive

Read More Here: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2015/11/voter-suppression-bill-fast-tracks-in.html

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