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Feeling the Bern

Feeling the Bern's Journal
Feeling the Bern's Journal
October 31, 2016

EXPLOSIVE New Info – FBI Director Comey ADMITS He’s Helping Donald Trump And The GOP

Ever since FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to members of Congress about new emails found related to Hillary Clinton, people on both the right and left have questioned the timing of his disclosure.

Kurt Eichenwald of Newsweek Magazine, has had quite a bit to say about Comey’s actions:

Fire or force this partisan hack to resign now
October 31, 2016

Mississippi Is Sick Of Censorship, Will Allow Cops To Display “In God We Trust” Stickers

Bumper stickers can be a fun way to show off your personal flare and tell the world what matters to you most. If you’re the proud parent of a brilliant youngster, you might have a bumper sticker that says, “My kid is on the honor roll.” If you’re the proud parent of a not so brilliant youngster, you might have a bumper sticker that says, “My kid can beat up your honor roll kid.”

From “Dog is my co-pilot” to “If you don’t like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk,” we are a nation of drivers who put it all out there on our bumpers for the the world to see and don’t apologize for it. But one Mississippi police department is being chastised for stating its beliefs on the bumpers of their squad cars, and then again on its Facebook page. You won’t believe the controversy surrounding this bumper sticker debacle. Read on for the full story.

On July 14, the police department in Eupora, Mississippi, enthusiastically shared a new program with its followers on Facebook. It posted pictures of a new directive to be implemented within the department regarding its squad cars.

From the Facebook post: EPD patrol cars receive “In God We Trust” bumper stickers along with new patrol car design that will be fazed in over time. Chief Gregg Hunter – “I am proud to announce that all of the Eupora Police Department Patrol vehicles will now have ‘In God we trust’ on the back. This became our National Motto in 1956 and is on all of our currency. There has been no better time than now to proudly display our National Motto! Also, the design on our new 2015 Ford Police Interceptor Utility, which is completely redesigned, will slowly be phased in on all new EPD patrol vehicles. I’d also like to thank Lowell Hitt and Kay Embry for all of their help and support with this project.” But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.” Jeremiah 17 .

Here's to the State of Mississippi

Phil Ochs is still relevant
October 31, 2016

Police Cadet Turns in Cop for Turning Body Cam Off Just Before Pummeling his Victim

One of Albuquerque’s finest was arrested Friday afternoon after he was caught turning his body camera off to beat a man during a service call.

Officer Cedric Greer, 24, was arrested by New Mexico State Police after video evidence showed him turn his lapel cam off just before beating a man, then turning it back on afterward. According to the report, the video shows his finger reaching for the camera to turn it off.

Witnesses to the assault say that Greer acted without being provoked and that the victim complied with all orders both before and after the attack.

Finally, a good cop. Watch him get suicided now

More shit from the scandal plagued Albuquerque police department.
October 31, 2016

Pat Robertson: Gays Will Force Christians To Like Anal Sex And, Eventually, Polyamory And Bestiality

Right-wing televangelist Pat Robertson tackled the recent controversy over Memories Pizza, which became Indiana’s first business to publicly declare that they won’t cater to same-sex weddings in the wake of the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act this week.

“Most gays, if they’re having a wedding, don’t want pizzas — they want cake,” Robertson told “700 Club” viewers, according to Right Wing Watch. “It’s the cake-makers that are having a problem.”

Still, he warned Christian business owners of all types that gay customers will eventually “make you conform to them.”

Then there is this D-bag

Who doesn't like a good cornholing or pegging, Pat? I mean, you have been fucking your brain dead followers up the ass for years. You and Falwell, Hagee, Kick Cameron, Osteen and the rest of these scumsuckers on TBN or the other "Praise the Lord" channels.

October 31, 2016

FAA Says North Dakota Cops Commited Felony by Shooting Down DAPL Protester Drones

It is a federal crime to shoot down aircraft, and this week, the FAA confirmed that that includes drones. This is great news for anyone who has a drone, and for anyone who doesn’t want errant bullets falling from the sky, and it’s bad news for anyone eager to pump a quadcopter full of lead. Of course, now the question is “Does this apply to police officers shooting down media drones?”

Prosecute these badge wearing Fascist motherfuckers
October 31, 2016

SATIRE: Christian Man Kicked Off Airplane For Harassing Praying Islamic American

COASTLINE, NEVADA — A spokesperson for Westerly Airlines addressed the growing controversy over a flight attendant’s decision to eject a Christian man from a flight shortly before takeoff last week. Susan Myers told reporters that the Westerly flight attendant made a decision based on his conclusion that the ejected passenger had become “a direct threat” to another passenger on the flight.

“Just shortly before flight TK421 from Chicago to Seattle took off,” Myers told the press, “a flight attendant decided that a male passenger, in his late fifties, needed to be removed from the plane. The passenger in question had been — in the view of our attendant — become overtly hostile and aggressive toward a female passenger who was praying in the Muslim tradition.”

Ms. Myers said that the Westerly flight attendant first became aware of 54-year-old Clem O’Connell when he pressed his call button to alert the flight crew about someone he said was “acting very suspiciously.” When the flight attendant heard O’Connell’s concerns, he tried to assuage them by telling Clem he had seen many Islamic Americans praying before flights, and that there was nothing to be worried about, Myers says Mr. O’Connell wasn’t satisfied. After another five minutes, he pressed the button again.

This is Satire

I love this site, but just like George Carlin, I find myself either agreeing with the satire, or saying to myself "it's just a matter of time before this satire actually happens."

As I told my mother while recommending the movie to her, Idiocracy is the satire that has become a documentary.
October 30, 2016

BREAKING : The United Nations is headed to Standing Rock!!!

On Saturday October 29th, 2016 Grand Chief Edward John, member of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) will arrive in North Dakota, USA at the invitation of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault.

As a United Nations (UN) expert, he will be visiting in his official capacity to observe the continued impacts of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) construction such as threats to water, Treaty rights and sacred areas.

He will also collect information and testimonies on the escalating levels of repression, violence and intimidation against Tribal members and their supporters by state law enforcement, private security and the National Guard which have been widely reported on social and other media. Roberto Borrero representing the International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) will accompany him as a human rights observer. IITC Board member William Means of the Oglala Lakota Nation is already on site.

We are now officially a third world police state.

Get ready for "sovereignty" arguments against this by Republicans and conservatards.
October 30, 2016

Media Blackout: ABC, NBC Still Refuse to Air Single Word About Dakota Access Protests

I didn’t want to be right last month when I predicted the media’s blackout of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) protests after the blockade first started generating a buzz on social media — but I was.

According to media watchdog Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), ABC and NBC News have yet to broadcast a single mention of the DAPL protests, which have brought the $3.8 billion oil pipeline project at the Sacred Stone Camp in North Dakota to a halt.

FAIR searched the Nexis news database, which tracks media coverage, and found these so-called news outlets haven’t covered the DAPL controversy at all. FAIR noted that by September 7th, “CBS, alone of the three major broadcast news networks, had aired anything on Dakota Access — and that was a lone report on CBS Morning News (9/5/16), amounting to 48 words read at 4 o’clock in the morning.”

We Report, you obey!

Liberal media, my fucking asscrack. The more this shit happens, the more Roddy Piper and John Carpenter were right:

October 30, 2016

Sanders among five senators asking Obama to order Dakota pipeline review

Former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and four other U.S. senators on Thursday called on President Barack Obama to order a comprehensive environmental review of a pipeline project that has stirred widespread opposition from Native Americans and environmental activists.

After a federal appeals court on Sunday night denied a request to halt construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, the senators asked Obama to direct the Army Corps of Engineers to complete a full environmental impact statement, including stronger tribal consultation, for a contested part of the route.

"The project’s current permits should be suspended and all construction stopped until a complete environmental and cultural review has been completed for the entire project," said the letter by Sanders and Democratic Senators Dianne Feinstein, Ed Markey, Patrick Leahy and Benjamin Cardin.

We don't deserve a man like Bernie!

I will support this man in everything he says and does! Loves me some Bernie and have for years!

Stop this fucking pipeline now!
October 30, 2016

Outrage: Pipeline Police Strip-Searched Native Girl, Threw Her Naked Into Cell

As the protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline continue to escalate, the crackdown from law enforcement has grown harsher and harsher. Hundreds have been arrested by Morton County police, many of them without charge, and have had their civil rights violated by shockingly cruel police officers, who are sexually humiliating their prisoners by strip-searching them and leaving them naked in their cells.

Link here

The governments still treat native Americans like shit. My mother is full blooded Iroquois. She said all the time: "never trust anything white government promises or says."

I think women, black people, latinos and Native Americans should all stand together. The Chinese in the US too. . .remember the Chinese Exclusion Act.

I took after my father's side of the family (the German side), so I look white. My brother is solidly native American in appearance. So many times no one thought we were brothers.

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Member since: Mon Jul 6, 2015, 02:46 PM
Number of posts: 3,839

About Feeling the Bern

Principle before party is my belief. Lifelong Democrat, but I have no tolerance for blue dogs, tepid centrists, or weak Democrats that feel apologetic to Republicans. The way to win a political war is to fight the enemy using their tactics against them.
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