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Madam45for2923's Journal
Madam45for2923's Journal
November 16, 2017

McConnell&co. discussing asking Alabama Sen. Strange 2 resign & thus new special election


GOP leaders weigh drastic plan to save Alabama Senate seat

Source: Politico

Republican leaders are exploring a dramatic remedy to salvage the Alabama Senate seat as fresh polling shows Roy Moore's prospects fading fast.

With less than four weeks until the special election and no sign that the party’s besieged nominee will exit the race, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his top advisers are discussing the legal feasibility of asking appointed Sen. Luther Strange to resign from his seat in order to trigger a new special election.

McConnell aides express caution, saying they're uncertain whether such a move, one of several options being discussed, is even possible. Yet the talks underscore the despair among top Republicans over relinquishing a seat in deep-red Alabama, further diminishing their slim Senate majority.

New GOP polling obtained by POLITICO suggests that Moore is cratering. A survey conducted by the National Republican Senatorial Committee after allegations emerged that Moore had engaged in sexual misconduct with teenagers showed him trailing Democratic candidate Doug Jones by 12 points. Other recent polling has the race closer.

Read more: https://www.politico.com/story/2017/11/15/roy-moore-republicans-alabama-senate-244961
November 15, 2017

Puerto Rican wave hits Florida, carrying big political implications. 130,00 arrived. GOP won by 113,

Some 130,000 Puerto Ricans have arrived in Florida since Hurricane Maria, adding to an already steady wave and signaling a potential major development in I-4 corridor politics.

Experts at the Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College in New York estimate that more than 300,000 Puerto Ricans could leave the island in the next two years, and Florida would likely attract many of those.

The political ramifications are big and at least on paper favors Democrats, as Puerto Ricans tend to vote for the party.

"Florida is a big swing state and Central Florida is the epicenter of that," Dennis Freytes, a political activist in the Orlando area, told the Tampa Bay Times in September, just after the storm. "This could be a very big deal. There are going to be voter registration drives and both parties are going to be after them. They already are."

more: http://www.tampabay.com/florida-politics/buzz/2017/11/10/puerto-rican-wave-hits-florida-carrying-big-political-implications/

November 15, 2017

Psychologists surveyed hundreds of alt-right supporters. The results are unsettling.

Psychologists surveyed hundreds of alt-right supporters. The results are unsettling.

Alt-righters aren’t particularly socially isolated or worried about the economy

Among the measures where the alt-right and comparison groups don’t look much different in the survey results is closeness and relationships with other people. The alt-righters reported having about equal levels of close friends, which means these aren’t necessarily isolated, lonely people. They’re members of a community.

Also important: Alt-righters in the sample aren’t all that concerned about the economy. The survey used a common set of Pew question that asks about the current state of the economy, and about whether participants feel like things are going to improve for them. Here, both groups reported about the same levels of confidence in the economy.

What’s more, “the alt-right expected more improvement in the state of the economy relative to the non-alt-right sample,” the study states (perhaps because their preferred leader is president).



The alt-right scores high on dehumanization measures
The alt-right has high support for groups that support and work for the benefit of white people
The alt-right is more willing to express prejudice toward black people

Personality traits that frequently show up among alt-righters: authoritarianism and Machiavellianism

Alt-righters in the survey scored higher on social dominance orientation (the preference that society maintains social order), right-wing authoritarianism (a preference for strong rulers), and somewhat higher levels of the “dark triad” of personality traits (psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism.)

November 14, 2017

Wikileaks spoke at Green Party convention Aug 6, 2016. Jill Stein called him a Hero.

Washington (CNN)Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein hailed Julian Assange as a hero Saturday, saying the WikiLeaks founder's disclosure of Democratic National Committee emails exposed the American electorate to important information.

Stein's comments to CNN were made shortly before she was named the progressive party's official 2016 presidential nominee, with human rights activist Ajamu Baraka tapped as her running mate.
"Any time that we have efforts to bring information to the American people, to the world, is something worth supporting," Baraka said in a separate interview with CNN.
Last month, WikiLeaks released nearly 20,000 emails that appeared to show the committee favoring presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton over progressive challenger Bernie Sanders -- an admired figure among many Green Party supporters -- during the primary season. The disclosure led to the resignation of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the ouster of several top DNC officials.

The suspicion that Russia could have been behind the hacking has raised concerns of a foreign state or actor meddling in the US presidential election. But both Stein and Baraka dismissed those anxieties.
"This is routine," said Stein, who added that there was "no question" Assange is a hero. "This is what state departments do to one another."



Did Wikileaks communicate also with Jill Stein?

November 14, 2017

Is there a new meme about Socialist Dem or Dem Socialists? I missed the memo. Can someone plz let me

know!! Much appreciated!

We just had a nice BLUE WAVE on election night a few days ago ...but am seeing people giving credit to "another party"? WTH?

Is it a 3rd party? Is it the Greens? Are we now telling people vote 3rd party in DU? (I hope not!)

Are they the pure branch? If so are they proposing economic justice and social not so much?

Or is it the other way around? But still pure?

Pure one way but not the other?

Are they friends of DEMS? Do they wish us well?

I love my DEM party and I really want to know!

Inquiring minds wanna get on with the memo that seems to be going around!

November 13, 2017

Philippine Journalist Killings Demand State Action - It is not just drug users & dealers.


It’s not just suspected drug users and dealers at risk of targeted killing in the Philippines. The murders last week of two radio journalists, and the attack on a newspaper columnist Thursday, highlight the need for the Duterte administration to deliver on promises to apprehend those responsible for the killings of journalists.

On August 6, two assailants on a motorcycle shot dead Rudy Alicaway while he was on his way home in Molave town, Zamboanga del Sur province, on the southern island of Mindanao. Alicaway, 46, a radio host on local DXPD, survived the first volley of gunfire, but the gunmen reportedly got off their motorcycle, followed him as he tried to crawl to safety, and fatally shot him. Police say they don’t yet know the motive for the killing of Alicaway, who was also a local councilman.


On October 11, Duterte signed an administrative order creating a task force on media killings. Since then there is little evidence that the task force has actively pursued attacks on journalists. In Que’s case, his widow filed a criminal complaint against the provincial governor, a policeman and three others for her husband’s death.

more here: https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/08/11/philippine-journalist-killings-demand-state-action


Filipino journalists escort the coffin of slain news reporter Alex Balcoba during his funeral in metro Manila, Philippines June 1, 2016. © 2016 Reuters
November 11, 2017

We Need To Stop Making Gay Jokes About Trump And Putin. Casual homophobia yields nothing positive.

We Need To Stop Making Gay Jokes About Trump And Putin
Casual homophobia yields nothing positive.


At the heart of jokes like these is an erroneous belief that men who have sex with other men are the ultimate failure of masculine expectations. The “comedy” within this idea reeks of a bygone era where the power of straight, white men went unchecked and people not meeting their ideals of masculinity ― namely women, gay people, trans people, people of color, minorities in general ― continued to always be the butt of the joke. Especially on late night television.

But we have moved beyond that era and into one where minorities shouldn’t have their lives ― or the ways that they have sex ― be the foundation for laughs when we’re pushing back against authority figures and institutions of power.

Because our lives are not a punchline.


Your Trump-Putin slashfic isn’t funny. It’s homophobic.
Jokes about Trump and Putin’s love for each other reduce being gay to a punchline.

Liberals just can’t seem to quit homophobia when it comes to Donald Trump.

As Andrew Kahn argued at Slate, the past week has seen liberals once again weaponize anti-gay attitudes in an attempt to mock Trump’s relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.


I am not gay and have been doing this myself. Ms.Toad called to my attention. So thought it'd be good to discuss & think about this.

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Member since: Mon Sep 19, 2016, 10:04 AM
Number of posts: 7,178

About Madam45for2923

Russia Continues Info-War Tactics In US. MY OP HERE: https://www.democraticunderground.com/10029586724 .WATCH HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy1vk1mZhiw. READ HERE: https://timesofsandiego.com/politics/2017/03/23/russia-duped-bernie-fans-via-facebook-san-diego-dems-told/LISTEN JOHN MATTES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1112&v=P2ujhoTqRtQ
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