Watchfoxheadexplodes's JournalBrock long fema on fox news Sunday
Wallace asks him about mayor Cruz not participating in fema meetings and trumps tweet.
Long:"you know when one mayor spouts off"
He also says only 16 dead in Puerto Rico.
One is to many Mr fema!
That thing about people clueless on Puerto Rico
Checked some of the larger postings on Facebook from my local news channels as they reported trumps attack tweets today.
In short I hope the Facebook police are staffed well tonight.
Two high school football players kicked off team
Not out of game off freaking team smh
Cedric Ingram-Lewis raised his fist while cousin Larry McCullough knelt during the anthem ahead of the team's game against Providence Classical.
After the anthem ended, head coach Ronnie Mitchem instructed them to take off their uniforms and kicked them off the team. Mitchem is a former Marine and pastor who started the church-based football program in Crosby six years ago.
Think trump will cancel his trip to Puerto Rico?
I say possible if the governor joins with the mayor of San Juan
Anyone else suffer from can't go to the bathroom in public
The one thing that keeps me out of prison.
I actually plan my day around it
The post about Jerry Lee Lewis birthday made me think
And not to hijack a thread😘
Does liking ones music but despising them as a person cause a almost guilty delimia?
Ted Nugent for example a disgusting person but I really enjoy some of his guitar playing.
Toby Keith
And even some actors and actresses
I guess it's normal to seperate ones likes over how another acts but is there a line?
If you were stuck in a guard shack 12 hours
What movies or documentaries would you bring to watch?
Not a security risk as day consists of looking out window lol
Will take advice
Today it is
Original rear window
The crazy 9 11 inside job documentary
Sometimes a great notion
Norma Rae
Fox celebration of no kneeling last night
Kilmeade says there would have been mass exodus if they had.
NFL in a panic according to doocy.
They focused on one military fan saluting in a stil shot. I watched the game from start to finish that had to be a stil shot because that guy was also smacking gum like a teenage girl lol
Forgot to mention the meaning of telling audience the meaning of locking arms.
If you flip by the football game don't worry
Lambaeu is not empty it's a weather delay
"Cotton field photo session" me as odd.
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Name: Perry RicheyGender: Male
Hometown: Anderson South Carolina US
Current location: Leesville
Member since: Mon Nov 7, 2016, 12:24 PM
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