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orangecrush's Journal
orangecrush's Journal
May 31, 2017

Putin echoes Trump, Nunes lines on U.S. Russia investigation

Russian President Vladimir Putin appears to have adopted President Trump’s rhetoric about the ongoing probes on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, calling it “fiction” and accusing the Democrats of inventing the allegations because they are still bitter about losing.

The Kremlin leader told Le Figaro, a French newspaper, that the allegations were inspired by the “desire of those who lost the U.S. elections to improve their standing,” the Associated Press reported Tuesday.

Putin also repeated his firm denial of Russian involvement with the hacking of Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee — hacks that negatively impacted the Democrats in the election.
“They want to explain to themselves and prove to others that they had nothing to do with it, their policy was right, they have done everything well, but someone from the outside cheated them,” Putin told the paper. “It’s not so. They simply lost, and they must acknowledge it.”


May 30, 2017

MSNBC Analyst SHOCKS Host By Insisting Jared Kushner Is A Russian Agent [VIDEO]

Jamali insisted that Kushner’s request, which was ultimately not implemented, leads to only one conclusion: “This man was either a Russian agent, either aspiring to be a Russian agent or was in fact a Russian agent.”

“You think Jared Kushner was a Russian agent?” Ruhle asked incredulously.

“Absolutely,” Jamali responded.



Video at link.

At least someone isn't afraid to state the obvious.

May 30, 2017

Yusuf Islam

May 29, 2017

Jared Kushners Beleaguered Tenants

... "Bibi was an IDF Special Forces commando, while Obama was a community organizer,” Mr. Trump tweeted about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in 2014. And, earlier that year: “America is at a great disadvantage. Putin is ex-KGB, Obama is a community organizer. Unfair.”

The idea of working with little pay and no fanfare to make people’s struggles less onerous is a sucker’s game for Mr. Trump and his cohort. When members of Team Trump play, they are never the sucker. They exploit foreclosures, promote legislation to benefit themselves, stiff workers and contractors and create multimillion-dollar scams.

For the past few years, Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, who is now in charge of vital parts of the president’s agenda, has been a landlord of often decrepit low-income housing. His subordinates aggressively sue tenants for the smallest infractions despite ignoring maintenance needs, and they pursue judgments even when the tenant seems to have been in the right. While landlord-tenant disputes are hardly new, tenants in Kushner complexes have complained that the company used legal action to hound them on thin or specious grounds.

Since 2011, subsidiaries of Kushner Companies, the family real estate business Mr. Kushner ran until January, bought 20,000 apartments in 34 complexes in Maryland, Ohio and New Jersey. An investigation for The New York Times Magazine and ProPublica, by Alec MacGillis, found that one major Kushner subsidiary, JK2 Westminster, had 548 cases on file against Maryland tenants. Hundreds of other cases have been filed there by individual Kushner apartment complexes."


A chip right off of daddy - in - laws tiny block.

May 27, 2017

Russia suppports "Populist" candidates across the globe

Moscow is encouraging a wave of populism that extends from the election of President-elect Donald Trump through Brexit and rise of nationalist politics in France and Germany to bring about “real security threats to Europe,” according to a report in a new NATO journal....

The piece makes the case that a strong EU is important to European support for NATO, and is vital to strong European security. And this, the piece argues, is the root of Russian efforts to encourage popular dissatisfaction.

If there is one crucial lesson in the current discussions about Russia’s way of war — whether we call it hybrid, non-linear or asymmetric — it is that conflict in the twenty-first century is just as much fought in the realms of politics, morale, economics and governance as on the battlefield,” he wrote. “Especially as it faces the loss of the United Kingdom — with Europe’s biggest military budget — the EU needs to focus on two, parallel priorities: firstly, increased ‘non-kinetic’ security, improving common counter-intelligence and financial and political protection measures; secondly, encouraging member states to devote adequate resources to their own national militaries. However, if the EU breaks apart or simply pales into irrelevance, then individual nations will in the main be far less willing and able to address these needs.”

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/article125396679.html#storylink=cpy


Two thumbs up -

America's ass.

May 26, 2017

FBI Russia investigation is 'now at the door of the Oval office', says former Obama administration s

Source: Independent U.K.

Hes the man Donald Trump considers a very smart guy, a very good guy, and a quality person. So smart, so good and with such qualities, indeed, that he blessed his marriage to his eldest daughter, gave him a White House job and tasked him with bringing peace to the Middle East.

Now, it has been confirmed Jared Kushner is a focus of the FBIs investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russias alleged effort to influence the 2016 election.

The Washington Post said investigators were looking at a series of meetings Kushner held last year with Russian officials, including Moscows Ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak.

Right now, were at the door of the Oval Office, Juliette Kayyem, a political analyst who served in Barack Obamas Department of Homeland Security, told The Independent. Its getting wider in terms of its theory, and its getting faster. All of these things explain why the President is lawyering up.

Read more: https://www.google.com/amp/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/fbi-russia-investigation-oval-office-donald-trump-jared-kushner-impeached-barack-obama-white-house-a7758251.html%3Famp

There has to be a knock - knock joke in this....

May 25, 2017

Misdemeanor assault charges for Gianforte, Sheriff is campaign contributor

"In his statement on the Gianforte's misdemeanor assault citation, Gallatin County Sheriff Brian Gootkin, who has previously donated $250 to Gianforte's congressional campaign, said that his "contribution has nothing to do with our investigation which is now complete."


May 23, 2017

Haley: 'We're trying to reassure' allies on intel sharing

Washington (CNN)The US is working to reassure allies that the Trump administration can be trusted with sensitive information in the wake of President Donald Trump's reported disclosure of highly classified material, US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said Monday.

Haley's comments on NBC's "Today" show come one week after revelations that Trump reportedly shared sensitive intelligence with Russian officials in the Oval Office earlier this month. The disclosure may have compromised a key Israeli source of anti-ISIS information. Trump arrived in Israel Monday as part of his first foreign trip in office.

"I've talked with (CIA) Director (Mike) Pompeo on this as well because so much of what I do at the United Nations is based on sensitive information. So much of what a lot of the Cabinet members, what they do, is based on sensitive information," Haley said.
"We're trying to reassure all of our counterparts what they tell us is kept, trust, and valued, and we will return the favor," she added.


"Trump needs grown ups around him" - Panetta

Video at link

May 22, 2017

Chris Christie: I warned Trump about Flynn

(CNN) New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said on Monday that if it were up to him, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn never would have had a White House job.

After ending his own presidential bid in 2016, Christie was one of the first major Republican figures to endorse Donald Trump and served as the head of his transition team before being replaced by Vice President Mike Pence after the election.

"I think it's safe to say that General Flynn and I didn't see eye-to eye," Christie told reporters at a news conference in Trenton, New Jersey. "I didn't think that he was someone who would bring benefit to the President or to the administration, and I made that very clear to candidate Trump, and I made it very clear to President-elect Trump."


May 22, 2017

Trump eyeing Lewandowski, Bossie as crisis managers

The White House is looking to wall off the scandals threatening to overtake the president’s agenda by building a separate crisis management operation.

President Donald Trump personally reached out to two of his former campaign aides – his first campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, and his deputy campaign manager, David Bossie – to sound them out about working with the administration as crisis managers, according to two people familiar with the situation. POLITICO previously reported that both men were spotted in the West Wing last week, before Trump departed on his overseas trip.


Lewandowsi, the alleged stripper biter and female reporter assaulter, and Bossie, Mr. Citizens United who was removed as head of one of the many Clinton witch hunts because NEWT GINGRICH found his tactics repulsive.

(As an aside, after what the right has put the Clintons through, hearing 45 whine about "witch hunts" is positively disgusting in its hypocrisy.)

It is helpful to bear in mind the true nature of what we are dealing with.

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