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captain queeg

captain queeg's Journal
captain queeg's Journal
December 6, 2017

Have the russian trolls infiltrated DU?

I've seen a few discussions about politics go off the rail lately. Some replies devolve to hostile personal attacks. The Russians have proven themselves to be very adept at stirring the pot, getting americans to turn on each other. I always say they know how to get the most bang for the buck. Hire a few trolls and spend a couple thousand to disrupt our political system and elections. Using an array of espionage tricks they will steal our latest weapons systems, spending a few million to get billions of dollars worth of American research. Way cheaper than having to do it themselves.

November 8, 2017

"North Korea is not the paradise your grandfather envisioned. It is a hell that no person deserves."

That's actually not a bad quote, I'm sure he didn't come up with it on his own. I think "envisioned" has 4 syllables?


November 7, 2017

Do you think in his wildest dreams Putin ever foresaw how successful he'd be?

I really doubt the Russians were counting on a Trump victory, let alone that he would do everything in his power to hide the truth about Russian interference.

Maybe Trump himself wasn't directly involved but I am sure by now he is well aware that the Russians not only influenced the elections but continue to sow discord. Any real American president would do his best to put a stop to this, he'd put America first. But the Russians helped elect someone who is so narcissistic that he is easy to manipulate, and they will continue to do so with susceptible Americans even if Trump resigns.

November 3, 2017

I wish someone who was good at it would photo-shop all pictures of DT to be naked

Its not just the obvious association of "The Emperor has no Clothes" I was reflecting how in our society wearing a suit/jacket & tie automatically causes the the wearer to be held in higher regard. Trump is a fat-ass, loud, obnoxious, lying blowhard. He would fit right in with a pickup, rifle rack, and Nazi paraphernalia. It would make it more obvious if someone could remove the trappings he has.

October 26, 2017

White House: 'Real Russia scandal' is Clinton camp's ties to controversial dossier

President Trump, the White House and Fox News are seizing upon a Washington Post report that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped pay for the controversial dossier that made salacious but unverified claims about Trump’s ties to Russia.

“The real Russia scandal?” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders tweeted on Tuesday night, shortly after the Post’s story was published online. “Clinton campaign paid for the fake Russia dossier, then lied about it & covered it up.”


Even if there was some truth to the article, and it was some sort of election law violation, everyone is so used to Trumps camp lying and try to distract the only ones who will latch onto this are died-in-the-wool republicans.

September 21, 2017

please explain some of the shortcut nomenclature I see here

Maybe its outlined somewhere, but I haven't seen it. Can someone tell a noob what stuff like K, T, R (maybe some others) mean when people are responding to posts?

July 12, 2017

Who is the DU who was always saying don't pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel?

Or some words to that effect. Maybe if Trump and company hadn't gone out of their way to piss off every legitimate news service in America this stuff either wouldn't be coming out, or it would be trickling out so slowly it would never reach critical mass.

July 8, 2017

Republicans are like someone waking up from a blackout drunk

They look at who is in bed with them (Trump) and can't believe they went thru with it. They are desperately trying to find someone else to blame for their god awful behavior last night. They had finally gotten what they wanted by ignoring every moral code they had and completely messed up. They were fine with being the party of obstruction, they've done it so long they are no longer able to actually accomplish anything of their own.

May 26, 2017

Big-time backlash: When all polling on Donald Trump is dismissed as fake

Source: Fox news

The troubling thing here is that we no longer agree on a common set of facts. Conservatives and liberals are increasingly in their own silos, turning to their own opinionated media sources and constructing their Facebook and Twitter feeds the same way.

If everything is fake news, then the role of news in fostering intelligent debate is decimated.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/05/26/big-time-backlash-when-all-polling-on-donald-trump-is-dismissed-as-fake.html

Even Fox "news" recognizes the disconnect between reality and people's viewpoints. They talk about all the people who ignore anything negative about Trump and dismiss it as fake news. It is stunning to me how many Americans dig in their heels and ignore the truth about Trump. Maybe when they lose there health insurance or social security they may open their eyes, but probably not. They will somehow blame democrats for it.
May 25, 2017

Macron out manuevered Trump on the hand shake domination trick

Source: France24 online news

Forewarned is forearmed, it seems, because when Macron encountered Trump in Brussels for the first time, it was Trump who couldn’t free his digits from his jaw clenching counterpart’s steely grip. When Macron finally did let go, Trump’s fingers were visibly white.

Read more: http://www.france24.com/en/20170525-france-macron-trump-white-knuckles-first-meetup

Macron was ready for Trump and grabbed his hand and wouldn't let go. Good for the frenchies.

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Hometown: Ohio
Home country: USA
Current location: WA
Member since: Sun Jan 22, 2017, 02:27 PM
Number of posts: 11,116
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