Thomas Hurt
Thomas Hurt's JournalI unfortunately left my tv on the channel with pro wrestling...
I was listening to the wrestlers doing their trash talk dialogue with the emcee and it struck me.
This is how fn conservatives go through life. (smh)
Trump and Barr's campaign for an imperial presidency.
They sat there and hmmm and hawed and danced around what Trump is up to.
The characterized it as a move to a "powerful" executive. bee ess.
The media still haven't twigged to it or they don't have the stones to call it what it is.
GOP Presidents should have the powers of King, an authoritarian dictator, a Putin. It is as simple as that.
The GOP has turned on the Republic, on Democracy and on the Constitution.
That was my first thought, "he is high"
He's not going to leave...
Bill Maher is certain Trump will refuse to leave office.
What do you think the odds are Trump will sue after he is impeached?
Just saw a comment from a Trumpist claiming that Barr/Durham have called a grand jury
regarding the investigation into Trump and Russia investigation. Anyone seen anything on that?
Can someone clarify for me as I am not able to watch the testimony...
LT COL Vindman heard the phone call on tape or he was on an extension listening in?
Approximately 23 years ago Richard Jewell got royally screwed after the Atlanta Olympics bombing...
Now in the age of Trump and conservative authoritarian attacks on the media....we get a Clint Eastwood movie about him.
Do I smell a propagandist rat or is my tinfoil beanie on too tight?
So how many of you think that the discussion between Barr and Trump...
was Barr telling him the magical mystery tour Barr and Durham just completed resulted in nothing they can leverage or fabricate into a distraction.
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