Pepsidog's JournalAbsolutely. Now no SOTU, make him submit it in writing. That's what Rs would do.
Moreover, last night on Rachel she said that Rs havent appointed any members of the House Intelligence Committee thereby denying the Dems the ability to transact business such as providing Mueller with official transcripts of testimony from witnesses who testified before Dems took control. They are devious, traitors with no honor. Dems must use similar tactics to dismantle the Republican Party and expose and rid it of the cancer that is undermining the country. Nunes, Meadow, Jordan all must be neutralized and exposed. Then Fox needs to be investigated and its comnections to the Russians and the Republican Party. The 1st Amendment does not allow a federally licensed tv station to undermine and divide the country like they have over the past 25 years. Murdoch needs to be hauled in front on Congress to explain how Fox has become the propaganda arm of the Republican Party.
Cowardly republican appointees on the Supreme Court. As a lawyer, I am ashamed of the highest court.
I am ashamed that the SC doesnt have the same code of ethics that the State of New Jersey imposes upon me. I am ashamed that Clarence Thomas and his wife flaunt court decorum and speak at overtly political right wing organizations. I am ashamed that Alito doesnt have the sense to think Citizens United wouldnt attract foreign investment and interference in our elections. I am ashamed that the Republicans on the SC would think it matters whether someone who is transgendered wanted to lay down their life for their country or fellow serviceman. I am ashamed that someone could rant,rave, and blatantly lie during his confirmation hearing like Kavenaugh did. If I acted like that in court I would have ethics charges lodged against me for unprofessional conduct before the court. I am ashamed of the majority of members of the SC. The first thing Dems should do after winning 2020 is start an investigation into Kavenaughs perjury during his confirmation hearing then begin impeachment proceedings. If that didnt work, pack the court with Dems, if possible. We need to right this ship and it starts with targeting Fox and going after the SC.
I suspect he is balling his eyes out this evening. Smug Magat!
And many of they Magat A-Holes and their Jesus loving parents will attend church tomorrow and think what good people they are. I see these God loving Magat on Facebook and then see the vile and hatred they spread about immigrants, Obama and Hillary. They are elitists FOX loving traitors who have feasted on Hannity, Limbaugh and the other big mouth traitors for so long they have no idea what they are doing and saying. Want proof? Ask a Magat why they love Trump or Bush or any Republican for that matter. They have no idea why they hate. They have been told by FOX that liberals are their enemy inspite of everything Dems have done for them. FOX,FOX FOX, IS THE ENEMY AND WE NEED TO DEAL WITH FOX AND MURDOCH AND FOX!!!!! I HATE FOX!!!!
At DU this is a known fact. Most of the country is 2 years behind and the sad part is nobody wants
to discuss the Russian investigation. I try to keep it simple and explain to my adult kids and wife what is happening. They are all Dems and even they dont want to hear about it. Im nuts, the crazy one. If I bring up anything happening with the Russian scandal they look away and dont want to hear it. Maybe I am crazy but the thought of a Russian asset in the White House infuriates me. I know my kids are to young to know about the Cold War so I use movies like Top Gun and Rocky IV to try and explain to them that Russia, not the Middle East, is our real enemy. Blank stares and indifference is all I get. Im sure many at DU experience the same thing. But I wont stop. They will are the light at some point.
Republicans and Fox are pure evil scum. Combined they have divided the country and send the country
back a generation. Just think of where we would be had Repubicscum hadnt stolen the election from Al Gore, John Kerry and Hillary. Imagine we had all this technological advancement and innovation and did not have two wars or maybe could have prevented 9-11. Just imagine where our country would be without the treacherous and traitorous Republican Party and Fox not spreading disinformation and not dividing our country and harming our institutions. Just imagine what we could have been had Fox or Republicans never seized the levers of power.
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Gender: MaleHometown: New Jersey
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Member since: Tue Jul 25, 2017, 11:03 AM
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