Ferrets are Cool
Ferrets are Cool's JournalRavens Make Statement, Demands for Social Justice
With yet another example of racial discrimination with the shooting of Jacob Blake, and the unlawful abuse of peaceful protesters, we MUST unify as a society. It is imperative that all people regardless of race, religion, creed or belief come together to say, 'Enough is enough!'
Cricket Wireless 5G Network TV Commercial, 'Expanding'
Am "I" the only one that heard "the universe expands by 1 million miles every erection"?
I am very proud that I haven't watched even one second of the RNC shitshow
How do I know it's a shitshow if I haven't watched one second of it? Because it's being run by repugs.
For anyone who is RNC free.
What is the latest info on the "children in cages"
or have they just been forgotten? Anyone know? I cannot find any current information.
Hope vs Hate: A Tale of Two Conventions
would be my headline after next weeks hatefest.
My local Sinclair affiliates are reporting that the USPS "fiasco" (my word, not theirs)
is nothing less than a HEROIC effort by this administration to cut expenses and stop the hemorrhaging of money caused by an inefficient company. It's making me to hear this shit on our local news.
While this is "somewhat" of a joke, it would be priceless
Biden/Harris slogan. On a BLUE background in black letters : MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!
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Gender: Do not displayHome country: United States
Current location: Mobile, AL
Member since: Wed Aug 23, 2017, 05:43 PM
Number of posts: 21,946