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Vidal's Journal
Vidal's Journal
December 7, 2017

Sanders: Trump should think about resigning over sexual misconduct allegations

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) early Thursday said President Trump should think about resigning over the sexual misconduct allegations brought up against him during the 2016 presidential campaign.

"We have a president of the United States who acknowledged on a tape widely seen all over the country that he's assaulted women, so I would hope maybe the president of the United States might pay attention of what's going on and also think about resigning," Sanders said on "CBS This Morning," referring to the "Access Hollywood" tape that emerged last year.

The senator went on to emphasize the need for a cultural revolution to address sexual misconduct.

"What I worry about right now, as we speak, in restaurants and in offices all over this country where you have bosses who are not famous, there is harassment of women and women are being intimidated. We need a cultural revolution in this country," he said."


December 7, 2017

The Choice Between the Parties in 2018

Democrats in Congress are adopting a zero-tolerance policy toward sexual harassment, while Republicans are giving full support to a pedophile in Alabama and the serial sex offender in the White House.

This is the choice voters will have between the two parties in the 2018 elections.

This will help Democrats.

December 6, 2017

Let Every Democrat Resign!

If they have been sexually harassing women, then get them out of Congress!

Get every Democrat offender out of Congress!

Then the only people left in Congress who are sex abusers will be Republicans.
Plus Trump.

That will help Dems in the 2018 elections.

December 5, 2017

10 legal experts on why Trump cant pardon his way out of the Russia investigation

Source: Vox.com

by Sean Illing; @seanilling

"On August 25, President Trump pardoned former Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Arpaio was convicted in July of criminal contempt after ignoring a court order to cease his signature immigration roundups but hadn’t yet been sentenced. Trump ignored the court’s judgment and ended the case without any formal Justice Department review.

To some, Trump’s decision is a sign that he’s preparing — or at least willing — to pardon people associated with the growing investigation into his campaign’s possible collusion with Russia. Robert Bauer, a law professor at New York University and former White House counsel to President Obama, argued in the Washington Post that the pardon may be a “test run for shutting down the Russia investigation.”

I reached out to 10 legal experts and asked them if the Arpaio decision is a signal of how Trump might seek to undercut the Russia investigation. I also asked what it would mean for the investigation if Trump pardoned key players in the scandal like Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, or Jared Kushner before any of them could be convicted.

While it’s impossible to predict what Trump will do, nearly all the experts I spoke to agree on one thing: If Trump does use his pardoning powers to thwart the Russia investigation, it’s very likely to backfire."


December 3, 2017

Kushner and Flynn Could Be Guilty of a Capital Crime

Under federal law, "espionage" is a capital offense and if found guilty, those convicted of espionage could face the death penalty.

"Espionage" is defined as the crime of spying on the federal government and/or transferring state secrets on behalf of a foreign country. (If the other country is an enemy, espionage may be treason, which involves aiding an enemy.) The term applies particularly to the act of collecting military, industrial, and political data about one nation for the benefit of another."

Rumors are that Mueller has the evidence to charge both Flynn and Kushner with espionage. This is why Flynn is totally cooperating. He is Mueller's bitch now and will do what he is told.

Not sure how Ivanka feels about her hubby facing a choice of either being charged with a capital crime or flipping on her daddy and sending him to jail (or at least out of the White House).

Stay tuned. This could get interesting.

November 30, 2017

Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon for President in 2020

I love Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon.

He is the most progressive and outspoken of all the Democrats in the Senate, in my opinion.

Better than Bernie or Elizabeth.

He seems to be the most forceful speaker on many issues I agree with.

He is a fresh new face.

I don't think he has done any sexual harassing either.

Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon for President in 2020.

He is the top Democrat on the Finance Committee. Here's what he said about the tax bill:

“The Senate is 20 hours of debate away from a broken promise of truly historic proportions,” he said on Wednesday. This year, he said, was supposed to be when “the working people of America regained a powerful voice in Washington.”

“Instead of a strong voice, what they got instead was a big con job,” Mr. Wyden said. “If this Republican tax bill passes, Washington is going to reach into the pockets of working Americans and cut a big check to multinational corporations, to tax cheats and to the politically powerful and well-connected.”


November 25, 2017

Trump Legal Questions

1. Can Trump be compelled by Mueller to testify under oath?

2. If he lies under oath can Trump be charged with perjury?

November 24, 2017

How Dem insiders rank the 2020 contenders

Source: The Hill

BY AMIE PARNES - 11/24/17 06:00 AM EST

Democrats predict that as many as 30 candidates will compete in their party’s presidential primary in 2020. And while it’s still too early to say who might come out on top, buzz is building around some potential candidates, even as other hopefuls fade to the background.
A year after a devastating 2016 defeat, Democrats are craving new faces with fresh ideas. Yet many of their leading contenders for the White House in 2020 are politicians who have been around for decades. There’s also no clear standout in the potential field. “You have a bunch of Celine Dions but there’s no Beatles,” said Phil Singer, a Democratic strategist who served as press secretary on Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential run.

The fortunes of potential candidates can change quickly. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.), for example, was regarded just a few weeks ago as a potential dark horse candidate in 2020, but that changed instantly when sexual misconduct charges surfaced against him.
The Hill interviewed nearly a dozen prominent Democrats to find out who has captured the party’s attention in recent months and who has fallen out of favor. Here’s how they see the field stacking up right now:

1. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) - Advisers to the senator are telegraphing that Sanders is eying a 2020 run — and his network is already ready to go, with supporters convinced that he was the candidate who would have beaten President Trump in 2016. “His people have never gone away,” said Democratic strategist Brad Bannon. “And he has a loyal core following out there that will be with him come hell or high water.” Also working in Sanders’s favor, Bannon said, is the leftward shift of the Democratic Party. “The Sanders wing is becoming the dominant wing of the party,” he said. Still, strategists note that Sanders would be 79 in 2020, which could work against him at a time when Democrats are hungry for change.

2. Joe Biden -- The former vice president’s book tour has kept him in the spotlight at a time when Democrats are nostalgic for the Obama years. While playing it coy about his 2020 plans, Biden has consistently been talking about Democratic values and how the party can win back frustrated blue-collar workers who voted for Trump. “He’s the perfect antidote to Trump,” said former Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.). “And he has broad appeal in areas of the country we have to win.” Added Singer: “He probably has the best voice at this stage of the game.” With sexual harassment back in the headlines however, Biden has faced new criticism recently for his treatment of Anita Hill, an attorney who accused her then-boss Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment during hearings in 1991.
Hill told the Washington Post this week that Biden has yet to take “ownership” for how she was treated during the hearings; at the time, Biden was the Senate Judiciary chairman. Biden apologized recently, but Hill said it wasn’t enough. If he chooses to run, Biden will also have to contend with his age. He’ll be 77 in 2020.

November 23, 2017

No Matter What Al Franken or Bill Clinton Did, Roy Moore is Still a Perv and a Bigot

Someone explain to me why or how what Franken or Clinton did has ANY bearing on the Alabama Senate race and whether or not Roy Moore is qualified to be a U.S. Senator.

He is a perv and a bigot no matter what anybody else did.

Don't you agree?

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