rampartc's Journalcancel culture? how about the smothers brothers
victims of the #1 reason for cancellation, being anti war.
q anon claimed to have a high level security clearance
and to be leaking government secrets.
what did trump do to determine the identity of this leaker and to bring him to justice, including removal of that clearance?
is q anon still posting? does he still have his cushy gub'mint job?
the boys of boise
one of today's cartoons reminded me of an actual historic event, generally forgotten.
"With a population of about 45,000 in Boise in the year of 1955, The Boys of Boise homosexuality scandal was sure to ignite a significant public reaction and to serve as a piece of Boise history never to be forgotten. However, at the present, the 1955 scandal is a significant piece of our local history that few Boiseans know much about. What really happened in this homosexual sex scandal in 1955? Why is it a piece of Boises past that tends to be forgotten?"
garland hearings seem to be going well
i watched geinstein, lindsey graham, and whitehouse. even lindsey seemed reasonable.
17 year cicadas
a large brood of cicadas is scheduled to emerge this spring. i usually use this recipe on our 13 year cicadas but those 17 year bugs are reputed to be bigger and just as tasty. remove the wings and legs (unless you are lucky enough to catch them before they harden.)
Marinate cicadas in Worcestershire sauce at least 1 hours.
Dip into flour, egg then into breadcrumbs.
Deep fry and serve with cocktail sauce
also good broiled or bar b q
my favorite cicada pizza :
cicada jumbalaya :
chocolate covered they are delicious (a valentine treat) and they make a great gumbo
thanks to buzzfeed for the photos
republicans who voted to convict .....
according to ny post .......
"Seven Republicans broke ranks and voted to convict Trump: Richard Burr of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania."
i predict that they will become more regressive than their colleagues in an attempt to regain good standing in their party.
will a new organizing resolution be passed?
or will repubs continue to chair committees and mcconnel can sit on appointments and legislation until 2023?
reddit vs the hedge funds
i will oppose ANY attempt to bail out the hedge funds. if i'm wrong, show me how.
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