Traildogbob's JournalWould someone please
Remind Jesse Waters and the Newt, how many hours Hilary sat through her hearings.
And, the court staff have been instructed to keep the room cold, because warm air rises, thereby spreading his stench throughout the courtroom.
Cold air settles to the floor, thereby tamping his stench on the floor, all to help Jurors and court attendees deal with the whole mess.
And cold air assists in keeping his fat ass Woke.
And the cold air science is fully supported by trumps lawyers.
Trumps new book grift???
I keep seeing a Movie title on my DirectTV listing staring James Franco and Ed Harris, not watched yet but its called, Adderall Diaries.
I cant help but picture it as a new book on sell by trump of ALL his Troath Sentual postings since he was banned from Twitter.
What a fucking read that would be. 😵?💫🤢
Big Pharma
Must take in many many millions annually in birth control meds. As they own most of GQP, will they stand idle as the Jesus caucus strips that cash away from them?
Remember when
Was it Nicole or Racheal, that always kept an ever growing list of people exciting the trump admin behind them on their shows? Wouldnt it be nice if one or both, now, kept an ever growing list of President Bidens accomplishments on a list behind them on their shows?
If there was room for them all.
Lets keep going Brandon.
Damn it Nicole
End the Bolton bull shit. He is a lunatic and should not have a second of time in air.
Wow! Good America
USWNT just beat Canada with two sudden death penalty kicks after a 5-5 tie with first penalty set. Winning the Shebelieves Championship Cup.
2-2 tie after regulation.
A wonderful couple hours of zero political shit, no drug commercials. Just being thrilled and proud of American Women.
And thank God for Olympics this summertime to escape the SF.
Go Women. Now lets fight for them in November.
I keep hearing
Talking heads claiming Trump is begging to get jailed to rage his cult. Well, sometimes prison and jail require shaving the heads of those sent there to eliminate bug out breaks. So even if its one day, shave that fucking rat off his skull and expose the patchy mange left for us all to laugh at. That would destroy a little of his arrogance. Cant wear the MAGA hat during the anthem ..oh wait .., god damn it.
The Civil War
Trailer looks pretty scary. It may give MAGAs some tactics. But it may open the eyes of many about how close we are to hell.
I did not think of them taking over stores and businesses we need to go too. I just have been thinking of house to house terrorism, and considered my own tactics to fight from here.
Trump and the Cult needs to be addressed ASAP as they openly threaten our nation.
The shit would not fly if it was any group except the GQP.
The terrorist cell should be treated as such, just as if they were from any terrorist country, hell bent on ending America.
The fear this movie could generate, could be good before elections.
That Blood Bath rant was exactly what we think it was. A call to Stand down and Stand by.
And the Cleric leader of the terrorist group is free, with unlimited press time, and a good possibility of being Appointed as President.
We better get much more WOKE than we are.
Let's review
MTG makes a political stunt out of her heartbreak for the killed young women by a non citizen illegally here, which IS horrible, but votes against condemning non citizens illegally there is Ukraine, that kidnap 1,000s of children to sell in Russia.
Say their name Large Marge. You can collectively say Ukrainian Children, being the ignorant ass you are, we are certain you could not pronounce a single name of those stolen children.
Hand out buttons while passing out AR pins that kill hundreds of American children every fucking year.
Student loan debt
If you did not watch John Oliver last night, you should be sure to see the replay. This is a national disgrace.
And he highlighted a Texas (of course) rep that aggressively refuses any relief to those debt ridden.
Claiming he is a small business owner and Pays His Bills.
Guess what, he got over a million in PPE cash, and will not pay back a penny.
And he is one of the richest reps in office.
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