llashram's Journaldooucy is a
fox news idiot...
I believe this
is the problem with voraciously profit-driven corporations and their greedy, greedy mindless corporate chieftains.
The 'leaders' of these corporations have to live here too. Yet their mindless drive for position and profit does this!
Where in the hell do they and the other corporate robots think they can go after destroying our only habitat for humans? Mars...?????sarcasm:
talk about constant reminders
of entitlement...in Amerikkka
Putin is the puppet master
of many in our Congress, it seems and the media here like Fox News also known as Russia-1a. Comrade Carlson has a lock on being their media spokesperson.
all I know
with all the ideological, intra-race hate of the most violent and lethal type, interracial-cultural hate and just plain old narcissistic meanness we as the human race must truly try to respect with compassion, life.
With regard to the hurting "traumatized" individual, it's shameful when our family lets their personal issue(s) overcome the love, one is born with. In these dangerous days of ideological/racial hatred, WE have to try to have each others' back.
I am appreciative
for the hearts... we better stick together, we are the best hope American democracy has...
love it
long shot here
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/analysis-joe-biden-cranks-up-pressure-as-vladimir-putin-mulls-ukraine-invastion/ar-AAT4rNA?ocid=mailsignout&li=BBnb7KzAnalysis: Joe Biden cranks up the pressure as Vladimir Putin mulls Ukraine invasion
Analysis by Step
With trump and Putin being such 'good friends', can up to and including invasion of Ukraine be a way for Putin/fascist Americans to try to show Pres. Biden as weak? And give the GOPhers a big chance to turn the Russian and fascist American leaders' fantasies of war into one of their "Big Lies"? And these machinations only to cause big fear of a WWIII by election time. Americans fearing war? Probably. Yet only with Pres. Biden/NATO/EU showing admirable restraint can war be averted. Without firm and resolute pushback against Putin and the prior administration RW rabid greedy snakes such as trump, Bannon, Stephen Miller et al. and military hawks' can we NOT hand the republikkkans a big tool. I can only hope some kind of political solution is found here and trust in our leader's strength and resolve.
I wouldn't be surprised if all this happening now wasn't discussed when trump and Putin in their private calls expected he would get 4 more years. And old school KGB man Putin's ego would not let him back out of that which would have been made easier if trump had retained power. Just my speculation this Monday morning.
what a sea showing
the faces of infamy...confederate flags always enrage me. They represent the fight of whites to keep African-? slaves in perpetual bondage. Jan 6 21 showed me, with all their confederate flags, this is what trumpers want again. America is represented by the thousands shown in this photo. And the millions who openly showed their allegiance to slavery voted for those seeking fascists-authoritarian power to perpetuate the sickness of the soul that Amerikkka has deep within our culture...well this time..uhh uhh. No going quietly. They may have the guns but they DO NOT represent anything right about the sickness trump agitated to the surface with his racist dog whistles. Every drop of blood spilt on 1/6 is on his hands and that blood WILL NEVER wash off. As so with the deaths of almost 1 million Americans WHO HAVE DIED from COVID also.
All of Those deaths are directly his fault because of his lies and misrepresentation of the lethality of this disease. And he was warned of that lethality early on. And those faces in the photo want this bloodsucker to run again??? Yep. No accounting for their stupidity, ignorance, racism based on fears of 'others'. Sick and goddamn tired of their hate.
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