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halfulglas's Journal
halfulglas's Journal
December 14, 2022

I'm pissed with the pressure from credit card companies to add another user.

Different cards keep sending me emails and snail mail with bonus for adding another authorized user to my cards. That's the last thing I would do. It took me years to get out from what my ex managed to put on joint and my individual cards. I love my kids and grandkids but if I want them to have something, I'll buy it for them.

The trouble with them having use of them, so many things will seem like an emergency and "Ill pay you back."

November 10, 2022

Can anyone manage what shape would be in if under MAGA pressure

We had switched from voting machine to hand counting paper ballots?

We would still be waiting anxiously for the red wave.

September 6, 2022

Legal question. If the documents were illegally removed from the WH

Can the Florida Trump judge's decision be appealed in DC Federal Court - where the theft occurred? Does it have to be Florida where the purloined documents were found? Is the appellate court there more favorable?

August 31, 2022

Ornato retiring right now during probe of stolen government documents.

I can't help wondering what he might have to say if he were forced to tell the truth. During his tenure working for Trump he had to be aware of some of Trump's squirreling documents in boxes and toting these boxes hither and yon on all his trips. Maybe not the same boxes each time, but Trump liked to have some of this "stuff" with him. I wonder if he's suddenly retiring after being visited by the FBI. Are they asking him questions about his role in acquiring them?

I might be wrong but I can't help thinking everybody that close in Trump's circle is dirty.

August 20, 2022

Anybody notice the paid Pharma ads?

I don't mean for specific drugs. I mean the political ones complaining about Congress going to ruin treatment options because they will pick and choose drugs we can have after the new legislation is implemented.

Poppycock. Most of the drugs on the market have already been developed with the help of the government and they have been reaping the profits. Also the ones in the pipeline are developed by small startups with grants from the government. The drug looks good and Big Pharma swoops in and buys it up.

They are a bit afraid they will still make billions, but they will have to negotiate.

August 18, 2022

Happy Birthday, Roberto Clemente. the best right fielder I personally saw play.

The hero of my late teens and early adulthood. Posting this in General Discussion instead of sports because he was so much more than a baseball player.

I say personally saw because there are others who will pick other right fielders of other eras, but the way Clemente played the right field wall in Forbes Field was amazing and his rifle throw from right field stopped many runners from even attempting to score.

August 4, 2022

Turn troll Rand Paul's snark on its head.

I'm not a veteran but for what it's worth, it was suggested I cross post this from General Discussion.

Rambling thoughts after watching senator with squirrel on his head make his nasty comments about why not claim asthma, etc. as service connected because of the number of vets who get asthma by a certain age, blah, blah.

It occurred to me --- YES, treat every veteran who has been honorably discharged in the VA system, whether it's for asthma or a broken foot or brain injury - whatever. Upon discharge he's immediately qualified to enter the VA system. The process right now of undergoing evaluation of whether something is a service related condition can be long, expensive, often frustrating and demeaning to the veteran, and can be an unnecessary expense to the VA system. Let's try a pilot program and see if it doesn't actually save the government money in the long run. One of my 3 brothers who are vets actually died of a service-related condition, so I know it can be expensive. Also we now know for sure that many conditions truly are service connected but do not show up immediately.

This would entail enlarging the VA and getting some more medical personnel but look at it from another perspective. Say the veteran eventually ended up with an ACA policy and that would cost the government something and money being fungible, it's just coming from a different bucket. The thing is, if a vet gets appropriate treatment from the time he is discharged, it is a good bet he would be healthier in the long run having a regular long-term doctor and ancillary personnel knowing if he needs treatment and he would get it. The result should be a better and longer life.

The other point is that the VA is the closest we have to universal health care for those who qualify. Enlarging this cohort who quality through a pilot program like this would give us a better idea of what the benefits of limited universal health care and what kind of changes would need to be made - what works and what doesn't. Since the percentage of people serving in the armed forces versus the population of the whole country is so limited, it would be easier to scale up the VA system for a health care trial versus starting a system from scratch. Considering the fact that in the US private sector the outcome per private health care dollar spent is abysmal this should be worth a trial. Also after a few years try adding their families to the system. This, too, would be complete care including OB-GYN and pediatric.

If that works out and Republicans don't have massive strokes, try starting it with civilians in a limited area, like a part of a state that has a stable population and see what the pros and cons are.

Yeah, I know. I'm just dreaming.

August 4, 2022

After mulling troll Rand Paul's idea let's turn his snark on its head.

Rambling thoughts after watching senator with squirrel on his head make his nasty comments about why not claim asthma, etc. as service connected because of the number of vets who get asthma by a certain age, blah, blah.

It occurred to me --- YES, treat every veteran who has been honorably discharged in the VA system, whether it's for asthma or a broken foot or brain injury - whatever. The process of undergoing evaluation of whether something is a service related condition can be long, expensive, often frustrating and demeaning to the veteran, and can be an unnecessary expense to the VA system. Let's try a pilot program and see if it doesn't actually save the government money in the long run. One of my 3 brothers who are vets actually died of a service-related condition, so I know it can be expensive. Also we now know for sure that many conditions truly are service connected but do not show up immediately.

This would entail enlarging the VA and getting some more medical personnel but look at it from another perspective. Say the veteran eventually ended up with an ACA policy and that would cost the government something and money being fungible, it's just coming from a different bucket. The thing is, if a vet gets appropriate treatment from the time he is discharged, it is a good bet he would be healthier in the long run having a regular long-term doctor and ancillary personnel knowing if he needs treatment and he would get it. The result should be a better and longer life.

The other point is that the VA is the closest we have to universal health care for those who qualify. Enlarging this cohort who quality through a pilot program like this would give us a better idea of what the benefits of limited universal health care and what kind of changes would need to be made - what works and what doesn't. Since the percentage of people serving in the armed forces versus the population of the whole country is so limited, it would be easier to scale up the VA system for a health care trial versus starting a system from scratch. Considering the fact that in the US private sector the outcome per private health care dollar spent is abysmal this should be worth a trial. Also after a few years try adding their families to the system. This, too, would be complete care including OB-GYN and pediatric.

If that works out and Republicans don't have massive strokes, try starting it with civilians in a limited area, like a part of a state that has a stable population and see what the pros and cons are.

Yeah, I know. I'm just dreaming.

July 27, 2022

Incompetence sometimes paid. Mike Pence is trying to FAIL UP again.

He has left a trail of broken things behind him. But people elected him. People voted for him thinking he's such a fine Christian man. He really loves God. And he's a Conservative. He wasn't a good congressman. He was a disaster as Governor and left Indiana in worse shape than when he went in. It looked like his political career was really over. It looked like he would never be elected for anything again. Then along comes Paul Manafort who on orders from Putin TOLD Trump to put Pence on the ticket as his Vice President. So Trump knows Pence could never be a threat to him as he stands up at those rallies, soaking in all that adoration. They win election (sort of) and Pence continues the adoration. standing behind the former guy and looking at Trump like he's his God and probably thinking if he plays his cards right he will actually inherit this spot. So every time he's required to be in back of Trump he's looking at him like he could kiss him, kiss his feet, kiss his whatever. Until Trump tries to have him killed (or scared away).

Okay, that didn't work out too well. He still thinks he's presidential material. A good alternative to those who thought he was a good Conservative. He did ONE thing right, but he's apparently proud of the past 5+ years. That alone should disqualify him from ever being seen as qualified for a publicly funded job for the rest of his life.

June 14, 2022

No wonder inflation isn't slowing down. If car dealers charge whatever they can.

A little story. My daughter and SIL live in S.C. A few weeks ago their house was hit by lightning followed by fire. There will be a little salvaged but not much. Luckily they were away and had their kitties with them, so they were all physically safe. Unfortunately like I said their house is almost a complete loss. Included in the total loss were their car and a truck in the garage and were also a total loss. They have the go ahead so far from the insurance on one of the vehicles to replace it while they are trying to work with the bank on the other to clear the title or something. Anyway, SIL goes to a Ford dealer and explains his situation and that he needs wheels and the dealer says, that's too bad. How about 12k over MSRP instead of our usual 15k? Uh, no. He goes to a Jeep dealer and gets a much better deal. The truck dealers keep hiking the prices and getting them while the yahoos complain about the price of gas and blame Biden for it.

Profile Information

Name: Judy
Gender: Female
Hometown: Western PA
Home country: USA
Current location: Millersville, Maryland
Member since: Mon Oct 5, 2020, 12:42 AM
Number of posts: 1,654

About halfulglas

I'm retired, ex-medical secretary, ex-medical transcriptionist. A grandmother. Lifelong Democrat.
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