Magats Are Trying To Steal The Pa. Senate Race [View all]
I posted this late last night and this needs to stay on the front page.
McCormick leads Casey by about 40,000 votes but there are from 100,000 to 130,000 votes to be counted and the vast majority are from the Philly/Pittsburgh area where Dems won big. Even if Casey does not quite get enough votes to win he will certainly be within the 0.5% margin for a recount, and I would dearly love to see a recount in Pa. It is very probable that Casey can win those remaining votes by a 70-30 margin. Marc Elias is working with Casey.
Tuesday is orientation day for new Senate winners and Chuck Schumer has not invited McCormick to orientation because the race is not over by a long shot, many predict Casey will win. 3 Magat Senators; Schmitt, Britt, and Lee are planning to get McCormick into the building and escort him to the orientation. Chuck Schumer needs to stand strong and not cave in to this attempted theft. The AP had no business calling the race for McCormick.
Go get em Marc and please keep this thread front page it is a BFD.
Also, is there a good explanation why there were so many provisional ballots in Philly and Pittsburgh?