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Showing Original Post only (View all)Today, finally, Snowden was PROVEN a LIAR! [View all]
Last edited Wed Jul 17, 2013, 10:08 PM - Edit history (1)
So some Liberals on DU have been going around thanking "Kremlin Eddie" Snowden for leaking the details of critical government operations. Further, they claim that the White House's NSA is spying on all Americans, collecting every bit of information they can get their hands on in case it's ever needed for a terror investigation, or to persuade Elizabeth Warren to be nice to bankers or else Holder puts her granddaughter in prison for that dime bag she bought.
Of course, knowing Democrats in the know, like myself, have said all along that these "Liberals" are full of crap. The NSA only collects tiny bits of carefully selected material, under the tight control of a well-informed Congress. As The Full Transparency president said:
When it comes to telephone calls, every member of Congress has been briefed on this program,
- The Fourth Amendment President
Today, Congress had a little pow-wow with the NSA and guess what - no surprise, we knowing Democrats were RIGHT as we knew all along. Suck it, Liberals!
Here's some telling bits of the discussion:
The sponsor of that bill, Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., said Wednesday that Congress meant only to allow seizures directly relevant to national security investigations. No one expected the government to obtain every phone record and store them in a huge database to search later.
And unless you realize youve got a problem, Sensenbrenner said, that is not going to be renewed.
He was followed by Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., who picked up where his colleague left off. The problem, he said, is that the administration considers everything in the world relevant to fighting terrorism.
Yet one lawmaker, Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, said some members of Congress wouldnt have known about the NSA surveillance without the sensational leaks: Snowden, I dont like him at all, but we would never have known what happened if he hadnt told us.
Proof positive that Congress KNEW, and they APPROVED it. So stop WHINING about the Rule of Law President.
Now, I certainly understand how most readers of this, having smaller minds than we movers and shakers, might misinterpret the quotes above. For example, how could Snowden, I dont like him at all, but we would never have known what happened if he hadnt told us. actually mean the good Senator did know about this all along, and did heartily approve of it all along?
It's like this: remember back when you were back in school, taking advanced math, and things always seemed to have minus signs in front of them for reasons you couldn't fathom? You thought the answer was 7, but you were WRONG because you're dumb, and the answer was really -7? The REAL game in Washington is like that: everyone in these hearings says the OPPOSITE of what they mean.
And don't get me started on "Benedict Arnold" Nadler. Nadler used to weigh a lot more before his cowardly gastric bypass surgery, and everyone knows that overweight people have poor hygiene, so Nadler probably just has sympathy for "Not in Morales' Plane That We didn't Force Down" Eddie Snowden who's rumored to go AN ENTIRE WEEK without cutting his fingernails. Ugh!
So, let this be the end of this sordid affair. Snowden will soon be frog marched to a solitary where he'll sleep naked without sheets and fully illuminated at all times. And all the Liberals will soon join him, once we finish analyzing their phone calls.
Remember! Big Brother is not really watching, although they see you in the corner of their eye, except they do watch when you're looking the other way but they look away when you look back at them.
Third-Way Manny