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Showing Original Post only (View all)Hey MSM! "NOT - ONE - 'EFFING' - SECOND [View all]
Not one Effing Second! Thats the amount of time I have spent watching MSNBC, CNN, ABC-CBS-NBC News, 60-Minutes, Meet the Press, Good Morning America, NPR, or any other so-called MSM New source since the night of the election. NOT ONE FUCKING SECOND!!
It has taken a bit of will-power, because MSNBC was usually on in my house from waking at 6AM until I went to work at 7AM, and then was back on from 4PM to 8PM, when decent shows would come on. On my days off, MSNBC, or CNN were usually on in the background as I went about chores around the house or made lunch and dinner. But now
I think I fell into the trap like a lot of other Americans. Lets watch the news channels cover Trump 24/7, because you never knew what kind of ignorant crap was going to come out of his orange-hued pie-hole. Besides, it wasnt like the unqualified, bigoted, racist, sexist, black-hearted con man and Carnival Barker would win the Presidency of the greatest country on earth, but then a strange thing happened. Every racist, hate-filled, sexist piece of bullshit that came out of his mouth was suddenly treated as normal. Every attack on minorities, women, gays, fellow-Americans, etc., was treated like it was just the normal fucking expression of some mythical white-working-class demographic.
- Want to grab women by the pussy? Hell, thats just like how Cooter over at the Sak-o-Suds talks.
- Call immigrants rapist and murderers? Hell, thats just like how Ned the One-Armed Bartender over at the Do-Drop-In talks.
- Encourage a Communist Country to interfere in our election? Hell, Rush Limbaugh has been preaching for years that Democrats are more evil than Imperial Russia with a FUCKING FORMER KGB Agent at the helm.
Now, the rest of us
Those of us who are parents of an LGBT child, or have a child thats devoted blood, sweat, tears and large sums of tuition to study science, have to deal with the fact that hatred of our children has been VALIDATED!
NOT ONE FUCKING SECOND!!! Do you fucking hear me MSM???!!! I have NOT ONE FUCKING SECOND for you.
Ive lost friends and have shunned family members who supported this unqualified jackass. Do you really think its that hard to TURN YOU THE FUCK OFF???!!!
But Im doing more than that.
I dont have many resources, but I do have time and energy.
In the free time Ive discovered since I turned off the MSM, Ive written letters and made phone calls.
For example In big blue cities that went 70-30 for Hillary, why are the most powerful radio stations in those cities spewing nothing but right-wing racism, bigotry and hatred 24/7?
- Why are University of Wisconsin Football and Basketball (or any division 1 University sporting event) broadcast on Clear Channel or Sinclair Communications radio stations that spend 95% of their time tearing down institutions of higher learning and pushing to defund critical research? I heard recently that University of Wisconsin fell out of the top 5 research universities. Why would the Badgers give broadcast rights to Wisconsin football to a station that runs 30 hours of Rush Limbaugh a week?
- The cities and counties that voted for Hillary Clinton account for 65-70% of the nations GDP. Why is there nothing but hate radio available on their most powerful and influential radio stations?
- Advertisers on NBC, CBS, ABC etc., - why are you supporting networks that ignore 65% of the Nations GDP?
The networks defense for their fellating of Trump seems to be because of ratings and profits. You know what else gets lots of ratings? Fucking Train Wrecks. The only difference here being, normally, networks dont create the train wrecks they cover, but they sure as hell did here.
NOT ONE FUCKING SECOND!!! I wont waste ONE FUCKING SECOND on MSM news EVER again. I dont give a flying fuck if they now start doing 24/7 hard-hitting investigations into Trumps finances or his Russian Coup. I dont give a flying fuck if the Russians are attacking the beaches of Florida and MSNBC is the only source of news that I have
I dont give a flying fuck if they show nothing but Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow going forward. NOT ONE FUCKING SECOND!!!!
The only time I would even consider tuning in is if every network CEO were going to do an exclusive 30 minute apology for the shit theyve brought forth on this country, resign, give all their fucking wealth to the Food Bank, put on sackcloth and ashes and walked in front of a train.
Until that happens
Please join me. Youll feel a lot better and youll find that writing letters and calling advertisers is a noble thing to do.