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(85,373 posts)
78. The Goal is Not to Occupy; it is to End Corporate Rule By Kevin Zeese
Wed Dec 14, 2011, 11:42 AM
Dec 2011

With encampments being closed across the country it is important to remember the end goal is not to occupy public space, it is to end corporate rule. We seek to replace the rule of money with the rule of people. Occupying is a tactic but the grand strategy of the Occupy Movement is to weaken the pillars that hold the corporate-government in place by educating, organizing and mobilizing people into an independent political force.

The occupations of public space have already done a great deal to lift the veil of lies. People are now more aware than ever that the wealth divide is caused by a rigged economic system of crony capitalism and that we can create a fair economy that works for all Americans. We are also aware that many of our fellow citizens are ready to take action – extreme action of sleeping outside in the cold in a public park. And, we also now know that we have the power to shift the debate and force the economic and political elites to listen to us. In just a few months we have made a difference...
Occupying public space involves a lot of resources and energy that could be spent educating, organizing and mobilizing people in much greater numbers. There is a lot to do to end corporate rule and the challenges of occupying public space can divert our attention and resources from other responsibilities we have as a movement...When we were organizing the Occupation of Washington, DC – before the occupation of Wall Street began – we were in conversation with movements around the world. The Spanish Indignados told us that an occupation should last no more than two weeks. After that it becomes a diversion from the political objectives. The occupation begins to spend its time dealing with poverty, homelessness, inadequately treated mental illness and addiction – this has been experienced by occupies across the country....Occupying for a short time accomplishes many of the objectives of holding public space – the political dialogue is affected, people are mobilized and all see that fellow citizens can effectively challenge the corporate-state. Staying for a lengthy period continues to deepen these goals but the impacts are more limited and the costs get higher.

What to do next? The Occupy Movement needs to bring participatory democracy to communities. Occupiers should develop an aggressive organizing plan for their city. Divide the city and appoint people to be responsible for different areas of the city. Depending on how many people you have make these areas as small as possible.

  1. Develop plans for house-to-house campaigns where you knock on doors, provide literature, ask what you can do to make their lives better. Do they need snow removed? Clothes? If so, get the occupy team to fulfill their needs, find used clothes, clean their yard – whatever you can do to help. This shows community and builds relationships.

  2. Plan a march through the different communities in the city. Make it a spectacle. Have a marching band. Don’t have one – reach out to local school bands. Organize them. Create floats, images and signs. Display yourselves and your message. Hand out literature as you march. Let people know what the occupy stands for they should join us in building a better world for them and their families.

  3. Plan public General Assemblies in communities across the city. Teach people the General Assembly process, the hand signals, how to stack speakers, how to listen and reach consensus. Learn the local issues. Solve local problems. Again, build a community that works together to solve problems.

  4. Let people know about the National Occupation of Washington DC (NOW DC), the American Spring beginning on March 30th. Organize people to come, share rides, hire buses, walk, ride a bike – get people to the nation’s capital to show the united force of the people against the rule of money. This will be an opportunity to display our solidarity and demand that the people, not money, rule.

How rapidly a movement makes progress is hard to predict. It is never a constant upswing of growth and progress. We may be in for a sprint, or more likely, a marathon with hurdles. If you are hoping for a sprint, note that the deep corruption of the government and the economy has left both weaker than is publicly acknowledged. It may be a hollowed out shell ready to fall....But, this may also take years to accomplish. Take the timeline of the Civil Rights movement: 1955 Rosa Parks sits in the front of the bus, not until five years later in 1960, do the lunch counter sit-ins begin. Not until three years later in 1963 does Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lead a march on Washington for the “I have a Dream” speech. No doubt the time between Rosa Parks and the lunch counter sit-ins and Civil Rights Act passing in 1964 seemed slow to those involved. Looking back it was rapid, transformational change. In fact, the movement grew in fits and starts and had roots decades of activity before the 1950s. In those times of seeming lull, work was being done, to educate and organize people that led to the big spurts of progress....With mass media, and especially the new democratized media of social networks, the Internet, anonymous leaks and independent media, it is very likely the end of the rule of money will come more quickly. If we focus on our goal, act with intention and use our energy and resources wisely victory will come sooner...


Kevin Zeese is an organizer of Occupy Washington, DC and co-director of It’s Our Economy.
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Hugin is going to grab the reins temporarily. Fuddnik Dec 2011 #10
Finally! Hugin Dec 2011 #45
Ah, great. Ghost Dog Dec 2011 #98
Huge thank you to Hugin for carrying on! dixiegrrrrl Dec 2011 #81
The King is dead. Long live the...Oh sorry I got carried away... kickysnana Dec 2011 #84
I'm finding that with teh DU3 I'm having to have two DU tabs open. Hugin Dec 2011 #40
Thank you Hugin DemReadingDU Dec 2011 #115
Much appreciated Loge23 Dec 2011 #44
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too hard to do their jobs. xchrom Dec 2011 #12
They'll never know for sure until they try. Tansy_Gold Dec 2011 #30
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William Black. dixiegrrrrl Dec 2011 #86
that's it! thank you. xchrom Dec 2011 #87
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Hardly subtle Tansy_Gold Dec 2011 #41
And this was Time's International edition cover for Dec. 5 dixiegrrrrl Dec 2011 #91
Excellent point Loge23 Dec 2011 #43
Plus the not so subtle woman wearing a hajib lower in the scarf design of the main pic. dixiegrrrrl Dec 2011 #88
Didn't even see that! Demeter Dec 2011 #96
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I've posted this video before. Fuddnik Dec 2011 #85
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Weird how "Gold may rebound" becomes "Gold rebounds" in the headline. Ghost Dog Dec 2011 #90
i can never make heads or tails of the precious metals stuff. xchrom Dec 2011 #94
Yeah. There's a lot of snakeoil about. Ghost Dog Dec 2011 #101
it goes up and down some. xchrom Dec 2011 #102
Fiat currency is crap period..... AnneD Dec 2011 #106
well that's the era i was brought up in. nt xchrom Dec 2011 #108
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Very important point. dixiegrrrrl Dec 2011 #95
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Latest Discussions»Issue Forums»Economy»STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wedne...»Reply #78