In reply to the discussion: Francis to faithful: Give up your riches to help the poor [View all]locks
(2,012 posts)One time I was teaching 4th graders in Bible School. We learned all about St. Francis life, the order he started and their work with and for the poor. I called the local Franciscan house in Chicago and they graciously invited the children to visit. A brother in his habit and sandals talked to the children about how the friars lived, about their vows and work with the poor and showed them around. The children asked some questions and seemed to be satisfied with the answers. But when we got back to our church one child asked: if the brothers have to take vows of poverty and fast, why was he so fat? Though I wouldn't want a rude question, I kinda wished he had asked the brother to see what his answer would be. And I've always wanted to ask the pope why he dresses in designer robes, shoes and hats and why his church doesn't look anything like Jesus life or the early church. I hope this pope will lead his people out of wealth into "Christian joy."