Presenter: With Alison Lundergan Grimes it's sort of more traditional issues, as far as, you know, needle in a haystack sort of the inversion of that. Through a third party we've got a state FOIA request that's been pending for some time regarding various and sundry parts of her administration, that department. I hope we'll have it soon, but that's outstanding, and it should be here soon.
The best hit we have on her is her blatantly endorsing the 2008 Democratic national platform. This sort of goes back to the Kyle Simmons adage about be careful what you say to friends.
(Plays Grimes interview with Jim Pence, from Hillbilly Report.)
Jim Pence's voice: I'm going to ask you this. Do you support the national Democratic Party platform?
Grimes' voice: I do, Jim. You know, unlike my opponent, I am a lifelong Democrat, born and raisedand, and proud to stand up and say I am a Democrat, and running on the Democratic Party ticket.
Presenter: The funny part of that footage right after that, you hear the interviewer saying, "Oh, it looks like you're getting the hook here from your folks"probably because she just endorsed that. So the question is what's in the Democratic platform. Well, it's a wealth, you know, sort of familiar things. Obviously she endorses then-Sen. Obama, she increased stimulus, voicing support for Obamacare
Male voice: (Inaudible.)
Presenter: That's coming too, card check, cap and trade, tax hike, Dodd-Frank, all theses things are part that she endorsed by doing that. Now all the entitlement problems, support for gays in the military, climate change legislation, renewal of the assault weapons ban, and as Jesse says, support for abortion [inaudible]
Those are all in the 2008 platform. And if she wanted to walk away from it, which I don't think she could do, her dad was actually on the platform commission. (Laughter.)
The other thing, too, is she obviously publicly endorsed Obama 2012. She was too smart to use his name in a sentence. But she says, "My support of our party and our nominee is well known, and it's no secret I'll be in North Carolina to support our nominee and the party." I think you could probably take that to mean she'd also support the 2012 platform, which sort of, the same sort of parade of horribles we saw earlier.
And then Josh has sort of put this together. And this is, if you see a lot of footage of her, she definitely has a very sort of self-centered, sort of egotistical aspect. And Josh, this is just one of many that we put together. But she's very sort of a, sort of it's all about her, the theme that I would call this. And this is sort of an example about this. She uses her, likes in speeches, she'll frequently use herself in the third person.
(Plays recording.)
Grimes' voice: In my family, in my family, to Dr. and Mrs. Grimes, who didn't know how popular I'd make their last name when I married into it.
Presenter: A lot of kind of awkward little things like that sort of show about her sort of self-perception, I guess you could say. In addition to those two, we're also
Female voice (interrupts): She's going to be at the Somerset Chamber Tuesday. This Tuesday. She's their speaker for Tuesday.