Bernie Sanders
In reply to the discussion: Wow. I would have voted for Hillary and encouraged friends to, until this... [View all]Ligyron
(7,904 posts)because not a lot of young people have a lot of money.
Hills biggest supporters seem to come from folks who are comfortably well-off and it usually takes time to accumulate such wealth.
They are happy with the way things are going, wanting only some social issue, culture changes here and there as far as government is concerned. They have much in common with the upper class of the GOP in that respect although they're polar opposites culturally and nowhere near as greedy and ruthless economically. Broadly speaking that is...
Bernie's support comes from the other 90% of Americans who know they're getting screwed economically and every other way but unlike the GOP they know it's Corporations and not poor people and immigrants who are the cause.
I'll hold my nose and vote for her in the General, although for a while I told myself I wouldn't. The appointments to the SCOTUS in the next 4 years will be generational in their consequences while a President only lasts 4 ... 8 years at most.
There's no way she's going to appoint people to the court who are as bad as what a Repug POTUS would saddle us with in spite of what many on this board believe.