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Bobstandard's Journal
Bobstandard's Journal
July 21, 2024

Who will the oligarchs choose to be loser?

Since we don’t appear to have a voice in this I wonder who the oligarchs/big doners chose to be the fall guy? I mean besides Biden.

Of course they’ll say it was Biden’s fault for running and I guess ours for supporting him. But they will also blame the loss on whoever they pick to run in Biden’s place.

If it’s Kamala they’ll say you can’t run a woman, especially a woman of color. If it’s anyone else they’ll say it’s their fault. And of course ours for not turning out in large enough numbers. No matter what that number is.

I believe that any sane person who’s been paying attention will believe that forcing Biden out was suicidal.

So thanks in advance donors, Adam Schiff and the rest. I hope the history books describe your responsibility for what comes next.

July 18, 2024

More Raw Story click bate bullshit bashing Biden

Raw Story has published a story by a guy named Matthew Chapman that claims Biden plans to drop out by the weekend. Chapman is a video game programmer from Plano, Texas. His main claim to political veritas seems to be series of science fiction novels that feature a Senator with supernatural powers. Not kidding.

Chapmans article in Raw Story is so lame I won’t link to it. It is basically a rewrite of an Axios article from a day or two earlier. Chapman’s article includes no original reporting. The Axios article, which he quotes at length, seems to include no original reporting either. Both the Chapman and Axios articles rely on a single blind sourced quotation from the usual someone close to Biden to support their premis. Modern journalism at it’s finest. An AI bot could do as well.

July 16, 2024

What's with MSNBC

Earlier today I read that MSNBC senior management had decided to keep many or all of their hosts and/or contributors off the air in fear that they might say something about something that would something, something, something. I’ve heard of ‘soft censorship’ and this sounds like that.

Rachel is on right now. She just tossed the ball to Lester Holt. I don’t know who appeared during the day or what they had to say—or not say.

Can someone fill me in?

July 13, 2024

Truer words were never spoken...

"Look, I get it. If you're young and ambitious in DC and you want a connection suddenly to Peter Baker or Maggie Haberman or Jonathan Martin or whomever ... by God you're going to try to be valuable, you're going to try to be useful, you're going to try to produce a story that's sexy and big and clicky. Rick Wilson

Trying to make their bones. Be valuable. Sexy and clicky. Do something big. They seek minutes of fame, again and again. As often as it takes to boost their ‘media influencer’ profile.

Hey. Pro media influencers. Do better. Plus, we’re keeping score.
June 24, 2024

Will SCOTUS manipulate debate media coverage?

There is yet another gift the corrupt conservative members of the Supreme Court can give Trump. They can cause the media to divert attention from the Biden/Trump debate by timing the release of a boat load of decisions.

I understand that SCOTUS is scheduled to meet Wednesday, and are expected to also meet Thursday and Friday. Because there are more than a dozen decisions outstanding-some of them very important and long outstanding-many or all of them are expected this week.

Let’s suppose you’re a Trump campaign strategist. You expect Trump to do badly at the debate. You’d like nothing more than for other events to drown out results of the debate in the media, right? Cue the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court is due to rule on issues like whether 300 plus J6 defendants are permitted to weasel out of their convictions, social media regulation, the power of federal agencies, and, of course Donald Trumps immunity claim. Any one of those deserves more coverage than they’ll probably get, but that last one is a blockbuster.

Now let’s say you’re a venal ‘conservative’ justice who wants to help Trump as much as possible without going all Volksreichshot (the German high court under Hitler that green lighted the systematic extermination anti Hitler factions and ethnic cleansing).

I think you make a big release of decisions on Wednesday to get less informed and involved voters minds off the coming debate.

On Thursday morning you release more decisions so that SCOTUS news competes with that night’s after-debate coverage.

Now here I’m going a little crazy, but what is too crazy an idea for these times?

Let’s say you’re really in the bag for Trump. You’ve got the design for more impressive judicial gowns all worked out. No more black. Gold braid. Medals. Epaulettes. Sequins even.

You’ve got two decisions on immunity waiting in the wings. In Friday, if Trump does ok in the debates, you release the more moderate one. If Trump tanks, you roll out full immunity for former Presidents. (But none, of course for sitting Presidents).

How will the media react? You know how they’ll react. They’ll bury the ‘Biden Wins Debate’ story with ‘Trump Wins Immunity’

Add your own wrinkle to my ideas, just don’t try to tell me this Supreme Court is above this. They could avoid all of the above by withholding their decisions until after the debate. There is no rule that says thy have to get them all out by the end of the month. It’s a tradition, that’s all. And we all know how much Alito, Thomas and Beerboy value tradition.

(BTW, members of the Volksgreichot were tried at Nuremberg and convicted. Keep that in mind, Justices.)

May 29, 2024

Plead guilty then! (Georgia fake elector)

Georgia state Sen. Shawn Still (R) should have charges against him in Donald Trump's election interference case dropped because he only participated in the conspiracy for 26 minutes, an attorney argued Wednesday.

Can you believe this guy?

“Yes I robbed the bank but I only took the money to the sidewalk outside.”

If that’s his story he should plead guilty and make the case that he deserves a light sentence. But like all good republicans, he thinks he should get off entirely.

To use an old metaphor, you can’t be slightly pregnant. And he’s not slightly pregnant. He’s fully involved in the fake elector scheme. He sure hasn’t disavowed the scheme or his co-conspirators. Pathetic
April 16, 2024

No way he will testify. No f'ing way

They’re on MSNBC right now discussing what will happen if Trump testifies. They’re pointing out that he’s “forcefully said that he will testify,’ then acting as though they believe it.

All TFG does is lie. We all know that. This is just another one of those lies. When he doesn’t testify he’ll make some claim about how unfair the trial is, the judge, whatever. Bottom line: he won’t testify.

I’d love to be wrong. It would be great to hear how he gets ripped by the prosecutors and how he breaks down under questioning. But, dumb as he is, he’s canny enough to know that testifying would be suicide. Won’t happen.

I know the pundits need discussion fodder, but they should all disclose whether they think it will happen or not. I’m waiting for the person who just flat out says, “there’s now way he will testify.” Then discuss the origin and import of the lies he told claiming he would.

March 22, 2024

Trump elected? War with Mexico.

As Bibi Netanyahu, Putin, Hitler and others have demonstrated, the best way for a dictator to tighten hold on power is to stir up a war. In Israel Netanyahu appears to have-through action or inaction-set the stage for Hamas to initiate a provocation. That gave him reason to declare a state of emergency and to rain war down on Gaza. The apparatus of democracy there is not adequate to rein him in. He continues to demonstrate his power with that recent land grab in the West Bank.

Putin just won reelection with a totally improbable percent of the vote. His war powers have long given him the ability to arrest or harass anyone who might be in opposition so none was registered at the polls. I needn’t go on describing how Hitler and other dictators have used war to control their populations.

Trump has already said that he’ll declare a state of emergency if elected. God knows what crazy shit he and the jackals circling around him will get up to, but it won’t be good. For one thing, as with all Republican presidencies following a Democratic one, the economy will start to spiral down. Even his cult will begin to realize that his presidency is a disaster for everyone.

Rather than lose his grip, TFG would surely turn to that well worn page in the dictators playbook: war. He won’t go to war with Russia, China, or North Korea. They’re his pals. Instead, he’ll turn to the border where his rhetoric has already been bellicose, belligerent, and martial. He’s said that the US should send missiles into Mexico targeting the cartels. Ron DeSantis and Niki Haley have both proposed sending troops to fight the cartels, fentanyl producers and human smugglers. The stage is set. TFG and his minions are dumb enough to do it.

Imagine what that would be like! The instant closure of our border with our largest trading partner would destroy the economy in about a week. When you think of the American border cities that are in range should Mexico decide to retaliate look at pictures of Gaza. And what about the millions of good US citizens with relatives and familial ties to folks in Mexico who could become innocent victims of any American incursion. How would they be treated? And what would be their reaction? Shit show. Total shit show. But as I said, TFG and his minions are dumb enough to do it.

March 15, 2024

Garland again?

So Bragg’s hush money trial has been delayed. Apparently there are documents that both Bragg and Trump requested from federal prosecutors at the Southern District of New York that have not yet been supplied. And somehow, this only becomes known to the court and the parties now. The attorneys at SDNY may just be terrible at their jobs and didn’t know what they had. Or, they knew, but have delayed on purpose to help Trump. In any case, they work for Merrick Garland. We don’t know whether this is news to Garland or not. We do know from this that he’s not on top of what’s going on at one of his most important offices. His incompetence has been and continues to be a gift to Donald Trump.

Justice delayed is justice denied. Garland is ultimately responsible for a whole lot of delay. There can be no question about that.

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