Croney's JournalTube shunt insertion today for glaucoma.
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
I don't know why that quote keeps coming to mind; I still have both eyes, but one is covered with bandages and a cup. I opted for general anesthesia even though my dr said only 2% of his patients do. I'm glad I did. We drove in to Boston at crack-of-dawn and followed all instructions and now I'm home.
The hope is that my poor vision in that eye will deteriorate more slowly now. The very good luck is that my other eye is my reading eye, and with glasses I can still drive.
I try to look on the bright (sorta) side: I've been able to see for 80 years come November. Many can't say that.
Taylor Swift -- Mean
A P.S. about Penzeys...
In case you're wondering how to use up your gift cards. My favorite thing is not even a spice, it's these beautiful hand towels that can be for kitchen or bathroom. I gift them often. (I have no affiliation but as a customer.)
As much as I like James Taylor, I wish our umpteenth concert of his
didn't happen to fall on September 10. I'll have to tape the debate and sneak a look at DU at intermission if there is one. Maybe he will even mention it. Actually I'm pretty sure he will.
Seen on subway today, inside joke for Swifties
Yes I did.
Celine Dion at the Olympics
&pp=ygUZY2VsaW5lIGRpb24gb2x5bXBpY3MgMjAyNA%3D%3DPuffins off the Maine coast last week.
It was a rainy, foggy day and we didn't know if the boat trip was a go until we got to the dock, but we went. My pictures are crummy but my BIL-the-birder has all the right stuff.
Robin Williams as the American flag
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