Depaysement's Journal"We'll get by with a little help from our friends"
Mother Jones' Bernie Sanders' Secret Weapon in New York
Apologies if this has already been posted but I didn't see it. This is important and unique to NY politics.
As Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton battle for a win in Tuesday's Democratic presidential primary in New York, Clinton's home state advantage has given her an edge in the polls, but Sanders has a secret weapon.
It's called the Working Families Party, a progressive party backed by labor unions and community activists whose New York chapter has gone all-in for Sanders. The party is known across the state and particularly in New York City for its impressive get-out-the-vote efforts. If Sanders tops Clinton in her home state or even beats expectations and comes close, he will have the WFP to thank.
In New York, where the party was founded in 1998, it has become a major presence. Third parties enjoy substantial influence in the Empire State due to fusion voting, which lets candidates appear on the ballot for multiple parties. At times, the WFP runs its own candidates; at others, it backs progressive Democrats in primary races. In Tuesday's Democratic primary, only registered Democrats, not the small number of progressives registered with the WFP, can vote for the Democratic nominee. The party's biggest successes have come in New York City, where WFP-backed candidates hold substantial power, including Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito.
. . .
For months, the party has been engaged in voter outreach on Sanders' behalfknocking on doors, phone banking, talking to local leaders, and helping Sanders draw local endorsements. Bill Lipton, the WFP's New York state director, says the party has been able to use the momentum behind Sanders to recruit thousands of volunteers. The WFP recently helped the campaign draw 1,500 supporters to a rally in Brooklyn, where it was able to recruit hundreds of volunteers. "Like 600 or 700 of them, two hours later they were out door knocking with canvass sheets," says Lipton.
Voted in NY
I suspect turnout is larger than usual. I am usually number 2 or 3 in my precinct because I always vote very early. Today I was no. 9.
Quite a few new voters. Some problems with knowing where to go. One guy was not registered and called the campaign.
Don't forget to vote for Bernie delegates too. They are marked as Sanders delegates on the ballot.
If you are voting for Hillary, you vote tomorrow.
The great Clinton Lies continue
Penalizing executives. Yeah, that will happen under Hillary.
Bernie and Cruz win in Wisconsin
Trump is in trouble. Clinton will win the nomination.
Trump leads by 250 delegates going into tonight.
Clinton leads by 230 delegates going into tonight.
The corporate masters have spoken.
Watching CNN and MSNBC makes me sick.
MSNBC: Bernie wins nt
A Hillary Supporter says Hillary’s Email Defense Is Laughable
We now have former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton being revealed as someone who took the unprecedented step of arranging to use her personal email account for all of her official email communications. Whats more, she decided to use her own email server equipment, rather than a commercial Internet service provider, so that the records of her email account would reside solely within her personal control at home. And if that were not enough, she then proceeded blithelythough not uncharacteristicallyto present herself to the public, at a press conference held on March 10, as if there were really nothing wrong about any of this at all.
Well, as the saying goes, reality is not her friend.
For anyone considering this sad tale carefullyincluding the media, members of Congress and the public at large, whether from inside the Beltway or notsome basic points of both law and reality should be borne in mind.
First, while it is accurate for Secretary Clinton to say that when she was in office there was not a flat, categorical prohibition on federal government officials ever using their personal email accounts for the conduct of official business, thats a far different thing from saying (as she apparently would like to) that a government official could use his or her personal email account exclusively, for all official email communications, as she actually did. In fact, the Federal Records Act dictates otherwise.
List of remaining primary states until I vote in NY on 4/19
Idaho, Utah, Alaska, Hawaii, Washington State, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
Tell me which of these states Bernie can't win? None. He can win them all.
Today? I blame spring break.
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