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Hestia's Journal
Hestia's Journal
August 28, 2023

Why is Klod's FUND RAISING PIC still on the home page? Are we Freeper's now?

I purposely did not come to the board this weekend because of that pic and just because it's hazy, it's still a blatant knock to Democrats everywhere especially since he's been funding raising off it.


August 9, 2023

GOP Senate candidate Hung Cao warns of 'witchcraft' happening in California: 'We can't let that happ

GOP Senate candidate Hung Cao warns of 'witchcraft' happening in California: 'We can't let that happen in Virginia'
BRYAN METZGERJUL 28, 2023, 02:44 IST


Hung Cao, a Republican running for US Senate in Virginia, warned in an interview this week that "witchcraft" has "taken over" in some parts of California.

According to the Monterey County Historical Society, "Lover's Point" was indeed once known as "Lovers of Jesus Point," owing to its settlement by the Methodist Episcopalian Church in the 1870s.

After losing to Democratic Rep. Jennifer Wexton by less than ten percentage points in 2022, Cao is seeking to take on Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine, who's running for a third term.


"There's a place in Monterey, California called 'Lover's Point,'" Cao said. "The original name was 'Lovers of Christ Point, but now it's become — they took out the Christ, it's 'Lover's Point,' and it's really — Monterey's a very dark place now, a lot of witchcraft, and the Wiccan community has really taken over there."


Cao is facing off against several candidates for the Republican nomination for US Senate, including Scott Parkinson, the Vice President of Government Affairs at the conservative Club for Growth and a former top staffer for Ron DeSantis, before he became Governor of Florida.


Aw yes, it's all the big bad wiccans fault...
August 7, 2023

Don't Call Her 'Karen'

Don’t Call Her ‘Karen’
July 27, 2023
By Pamela Paul
Opinion Columnist


Sarah Comrie is a 34-year-old physician assistant from San Diego. After getting a master’s degree from Cornell, she took a job at Bellevue, a public hospital in New York that serves many people that the city’s for-profit hospitals might decline to treat, including the uninsured, the homeless and members of the Rikers Island jail population. In 2020, she was profiled by The Times as one of the workers who risked their health to care for others during the pandemic.

Today Comrie’s life has been turned upside down. She has been doxxed and faced death threats. Bellevue placed her on leave. She had to hire a lawyer. She is widely known, as a result of a viral video in which she appeared in May, as Citi Bike Karen.


Without knowing what transpired before the footage began, it’s easy to leap to a judgment about what you’re seeing, depending on your biases. If you view the episode through the lens of sex alone, you might draw one conclusion: A pregnant woman was harassed by a group of teenage boys who wanted her bike. Viewed strictly through the lens of race, a white woman took a bike from a group of Black kids, then tried to get them in trouble.


Many who watched the video were certain of what they saw. The civil rights attorney Ben Crump, in a subsequently deleted post on Twitter, accused Comrie of attempting to steal the bike and called her behavior “unacceptable,” an example of “the type of behavior that has endangered so many Black men in the past.” The website Anti-Racism Daily accused Comrie of trying to “weaponize her tears.” The Miami Times called her “an aggressive woman.” Tariq Nasheed, a filmmaker and social media personality, called her “a suspected white supremacist.” A blog post on the website Daily Kos said she “weaponized her whiteness over a stupid bike ride.” NYC Health + Hospitals, the network that includes Bellevue, issued a statement to CBS News describing the video as “disturbing.” A local NBC News affiliate sent a camera crew to Comrie’s apartment.


But given the grave consequences she suffered, Comrie, who recently spoke to me in her first public comments since the incident, hasn’t had the luxury of moving on or forgetting. As for the young men, their identities have not been confirmed — despite my attempts to track them down and reach them — which may have spared them direct racist attacks and reprisals. But surely, they haven’t benefited from being vilified by uninformed commenters online, either.

April 26, 2023

CEO says many of his remote workers didn't open their laptops for a month

CEO says many of his remote workers didn't open their laptops for a month, and 'only the rarest of full-time caregivers' can be productive employees



"In one month, this year alone, I got data that about 30 of you didn't even open or crack open laptops," he said in the video. "And those were all remote employees, including their manager — for a whole month."

At one point, he also appeared to question whether employees with caregiving responsibilities could be as committed to their jobs, addressing arguments about the subject.

"Many of you have tried to tend your own children, and, doing so, also manage your demanding work schedules and responsibilities," he said in the video.

"And while I know you're doing your best — some would say they've even mastered this art — but one could also argue that generally, this path is neither fair to your employer, nor fair to those children," he added.

"Now, I don't necessarily believe that, but I do believe that only the rarest of full-time caregivers can also be productive and full-time employees at the same time," he said.

A company representative declined to comment on Clarke's comments, saying it was a matter of "internal Clearlink business," but offered a general statement.



CEO Celebrates Worker Who Sold Family Dog After He Demanded They Return to Office
“You have misinterpreted my kindness for weakness," said Clearlink CEO James Clarke in a bizarre video call in which he expressed skepticism of his own employees' motives and capacity to juggle work and parenthood.


April 20, 2023

PMDD: Severe period symptoms leading some women to hysterectomies


Women as young as 30 in Northern Ireland are having to undergo extreme treatments, including hysterectomies, to deal with severe psychological symptoms linked to their periods.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) affects 3-8% of women of reproductive age.

A doctor has said 30% of those diagnosed have attempted suicide.

Two women told BBC News NI their premenstrual symptoms were so debilitating they wanted to die.

This is the first I have heard of this, how horrible! It almost seems to be an extreme form of PMS. Blessings to those who suffer through/from this debilitating disorder.
January 4, 2023

Former US Marine held in Australia received more than $100,000 to train Chinese pilots

Former US Marine held in Australia received more than $100,000 to train Chinese pilots, indictment alleges

The US government has accused the former marine pilot Daniel Duggan of receiving more than $100,000 to teach Chinese aviators how to land on aircraft carriers.

An unsealed indictment, filed in the US District of Columbia, alleges the naturalised Australian received 12 payments of either $9,900 or $9,500, with receipts often citing “personal development training”.

It says the payments were made by an unnamed China-based business that, according to the US government, “acquired military equipment and technical data for the PRC government and military”.

Daniel Duggan
Former US pilot held in Australia accused of breaking US arms controls by training Chinese pilots
Read more
New details in the indictment allege Duggan, 54, negotiated the terms of his service and wrote in a September 2012 email, while in China, that “he hoped his children would be set for life as a result”.


Well, this is concerning...

October 15, 2022

Seems like we really are living in two different realities --

(People born after WWII and before 1985) were forced to wrestle with an experience that reconstituted reality without changing anything about the physical world. These interlocked generations — Boomers and Xers — will be the only people who experienced this shift as it happened, with total recall of both the previous world and the world that came next. “If we’re the last people in history to know life before the Internet,” wrote Michael Harris in his book The End of Absence, “we are also the only ones who will ever speak, as it were, both languages. We are the only fluent translators of Before and After.”

1990s: A Book


(I just started the book, but a lot of premise's that the author writes about seem spot on. Just have to remember it all...)

I think the above quote explains why millennials & gen z'ers can't understand that there is no magic wand that gets a law on the books immediately or hey! just stop being racist or not every white person has white guilt and refuses to get up on the stage and rip out their heart and spill blood all over the stage.

I know instantaneous acts like that work in the virtual world, but this is the 'real world' where time is needed to come to a consensus from all parties, whether we like the outcome or not.

Explains a lot as to why and how we became "divided," which the "media" is exploiting to the nth degree and ageism has become okay because we appear to be old fogey's who "know" how the world works in real time.

As always, YMMV...
September 13, 2022

I would like to thank Scotland, GB/UK & BBC for reminding us how adults conduct themselves

in public.

Not that I have a reverence with the monarchy in a country I've never stepped foot in, but this past year or so PBS air a series - A Year in the Life of the Monarch (I believe it was a UK doc series) and you saw the hours the Queen worked behind the scenes on behalf of her country and she was not tone-deaf about issues concerning the Commonwealth Countries (BBC showed that the countries expanded from 9 to 264 during her reign, with more countries asking to join but only those who want to leave get the minions with mics and only their point of view).

I believe the amount of apprenticeships from CW countries exploded to over 3,000 in Buckingham Palace and other UK Historic Homes (monarchy does not own Windsor, Buckingham, etc., those are considered Historic Houses and Lucy Worsley via PBS, as former curator for the Historic Houses the London area, takes a person behind the scenes in these homes in a series of doc, which was easier for her to do during covid lock-downs and there were no tourists to work around.

Anyway, during the doc series, they talked to these interns and what a wonderful opportunity* they were selected for, because it is considered a real resume' builder on whatever career path they took at the end of their apprenticeship - hospitality, horseman/woman in the stables, park rangers working at the conservatives she set up, etc. (it's a looong list) and how their worlds were expanded now and in future due to these opportunities that were/are not available in their home countries


Now, back to OP - this summer I accidently found BBC World on Directv (yes, I stupidly still play for viewing but there is so much aired in the upper channels that you can't stream, even if you pay) when I input the wrong channel and landed on BBC-W and watched their Real News, with very few commercials, about is happening outside of our borders and to see calm, cool, collected news and interviews. How refreshing to NOT see Cult45's leader 24/7, if it is newsworthy, BBC-W airs maybe 20 secs of him/them per day. He is is NOT the world's news driver, plus you can how our MSM has moved from Ukraine, whereas BBC-W devotes a large segment of their news to ongoing news about how Ukraine is doing. They've also aired a large portion to the floods in Pakistan, where as we get nothing - all TGF all the time.

As a result of DTV, I keep my home channel on BBC-W, because "cable boxes" aggregate what you watch and keep as your "home channel," so I keep my box on that channel.

Which brings me to my real OP - I've been busy doing other things while BBC-W plays in the background and BBC did say earlier in the year that if the Queen should die, their programming would automatically be geared towards her and her life for 10 days - the time for her funeral processions/corteges' had already been set for years as she aged.

A very large portion of the BBC-W & the funeral of the Queen has been devoted to the people waiting - they almost all stated that this is history in the making, especially those with younger children, who wanted to be a very small part of it and to say their goodbye.

The solemnity of the Scottish people of simply standing there waiting to see the cortege' as it passed through their home towns - even BBC commentators made note of it - no pushing, no guns, no stabbings, chairs set out for the elderly and infirm) - quietly standing there, hope to catch sight of her coffin (which makes her death real) and to catch sight of the new King. There haven't been any walk-about's in Scotland that I've seen.

Even in London it has been the same. The most beautiful part of it all is the laying of bouquets and flower designers from all over Southern England, who have taken the bouquets to (they are collected from the BP fence each evening) (I think it's called) Green Park (which I also think is not open to the public all the time) and have reverently flora-sculpted the bouquets into beautiful displays. The people, who had to wait in line, solemnly walking the Garden to see how the people's offering of grief has been changed into something beautiful. It's more like a meditation garden than memorial or bereavement garden. It has been stated that the Park and displays could be made into a book unto it's own self. (BP has to be self-generating on the upkeep of the Palace, and I do think a book like this will help. I know I'll buy it, down in this backwater state/town.)

Unfortunately, a large group of volunteers have been pressed into service to take the floral wraps off the bouquets because they are not compostable especially the plastic paper and wraps. They are asking the people to take the wrappers off before they lay them at the fence, along with no more stuffed toys, jars of marmalade, or books. The Park is trying to make the area as sustainable as possible because they plan on taking the flowers that have faded and composting them and sending the compost to all of the National Parks in UK/GB, so they all may share in the tributes. (Something to think about here, in any future floral tributes.)

So, again, thank you for reminding the world how adults (and properly trained children**) conduct themselves in a public setting. A lot of people, before the edict, dressed for a funeral. That this is not about them personally, but about them as a country as a whole. Best foot forward and all.

Thank you from the US...

*A quote attributed to Susan B Anthony (though I haven't been able to confirm or deny) --

Luck is when Preparation and Opportunity collide.

i.e., Life is what you make of it...

**It seems that children are trained from about age 4 on not to be a disruption, especially in class. They politely stood there as the minions with mic's talked to their parents, not interrupting or jumping up and down, screaming and shouting, flailing their arms around. The teenagers have really been impressive - so articulate in their discussions on if and when they met the Queen, and what she personally meant to them. They were able to have a discussion better than most adults over here.

September 7, 2022

Well, we now know why jared received $2B from Saudia Arabia

We definitely know it wasn't for business acumen. At the time, DH & I wondered what he could conceivably know that could justify that kinda spare change from SA.

June 10, 2022

When do we discuss the GQP in the room about FDA & USDA & Federal Inspectors?

Remember, a couple of years (pre-covid) when the Sec of Agriculture closed down the USDA Labs and Bldg in DC and drug the staff to Kansas City, MO (2/3's elected to quit and stay in DC rather than move to KC) and literally forced and dumped the staff in KC with no offices to report to, nothing set up, and abandoned them?

Now, with only 1/3 of inspectors available, is it any wonder that the baby formula and cereal producers now have absolutely filthy processing plants, awash with bacteria (different) from what the infants died from? How scary is that?

Once again, Cult45 has reared its ugly head and further damaged PJB and the federal gov't, blaming Dems for all of it, who sit there and take it. When do we start defending or offending against these lies and smears.

Oh yeah, we have the minions all clambering for the next "gotcha" moment from the GQP's in office, when all fingers point back to them, the GQP offenders. The minions all got a high from the non-stop bullshit from 2017-2021 and now they don't know how to come back down, like a drug (all included) addict searching for their next high. (It's why we are constantly bombarded with the January 6th coup attempt. It.Just.Won't.Stop!)

The "MSM" is so useless now - instead of doing actual research (even Rachel has quit doing it) into current issues and what got us here, all they can do, breathlessly, in HD makeup, pronounce the price of gasoline in their area, "interviewing" a whiner with the largest SVU manufactured about how much it takes to fill up their monstrosity. Boo fucking hoo, I have no sympathy. All I see is someone who should look into the camera, say Baba Booey and move along, searching for a good financial planner. There really is nothing to see here.

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Gender: Do not display
Hometown: Natural Steps, AR
Current location: Natural Steps, AR
Member since: Sun Jan 8, 2006, 07:02 PM
Number of posts: 3,818

About Hestia

Goddess-centric Pagan, student of Hermetics, Socialist Democrat before it became cool.
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