MFM008's JournalI guess they thought on it
And decided escape was better than having their skins ripped off while still alive or electrocuted so some fat bitch can wear their bodies.
Team mink.
Help rescued elephant Raju
If you feel for the abused elephant Raju , I invite you to help him here.
I did and Im unemployed.
Heads are exploding
as POTUS takes victory lap on 7.+ million enrollment.
3 in our family are enrolled because they had nothing despite all having part time jobs.
a heart to every one of you on this day
I dont have any money but in my own heart I wish each of you hugs today and every day.
Thank you sweetie for whoever got mine.
This place is one of my happy places.
Love to all.
Romney planning to blame Sandy for his LOSS
Watching Morning Jerk and even Halperin says the word is beginning that Romney looses and their campaign blames the hurricane.
WHATEVER WORKS BABY. History will write Romneys Loss different.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: WA
Home country: USA
Current location: Western Wa
Member since: Sat Nov 6, 2010, 02:42 PM
Number of posts: 20,035