Mr.Bill's JournalI've been gone from here
for around 20 days. Some for obserervation in the hosptal. some for recuperation at home. What did I miss?
No surgery, no pain. Good to be back. It took me about 20 minutes to proofread this post.
Nothing unusual about that, though.
Remember the "death panels" they warned us about?
It turns out they were already there. They work for the insurance Companies. The dead CEO from United Health Care was automating them with AI.
I dreampt that Kamala wins the election big time,
and the SCOTUS reinstates Roe v Wade and sends a message saying 'You're welcome."
Oh well, I can dream, right?
My little girl has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
She was a rescue dog, and we had her for almost 16 years. She was full grown, but really young when we got her. We think she was likely around 18 years old.
She was a mixed breed, probably a terrier/poodle mix. The year after we got her, I spent several months with her at the local AKC club doing obedience and rally training. That year the AKC instituted the Canine Companions program and we she was actually one of the first mixed breed dogs to be registered. For the new show season, she was allowed to compete in several programs. I chose the pre-novice obedience trials.
She was very obedient and I had thought she had a good shot in this program. As soon as I walked her into the judging ring, she took a dump as soon as we got started, which was an immediate disqualification.
Since this was the first time for mixed breed dogs to compete, with only four shows happening in the country, she may have been the first dog to leave mixed breed poop in an AKC judging ring. I was quite proud of that and immediately retired her from competition. This was her pinnacle.
She left us last night, appropriately soiling herself as she passed.
I agree with those that felt Walz won the debate tonoght.
But one thing that disturbed me was Vance kept refering to Harris as the "Border Czar". The only time I have ever heard that title assigned to her was by Trump and Vance. Why didn't Walz challenge him on that? Am I incorrect? Did she really have that title?
If there is anyone out there who can donate a membership
for me, I would greatly appreciate it. There were many more expenses for our move last year so we are having to watch our budget. Thanks in advance.
What ever happened to Beau of the Fifth Column?
All I see now is a woman taking his place.
Never forget
the reason we have Kamala Harris as an assumed presidential candidate is because of Joe Biden. He's the one who had the vision to pick her as his VP and make her known to the nation.
We have him to thank for this gift. Pretty ballsy pick, if I do say so myself.
My name is Mr.Bill, and I'm back. (long story)***UPDATE***
Have I missed anything?
40 days out and doing absolutely great. Haven't had a drop of alcohol and not even a craving for it.
I saw a license plate frame the other day
that said: I'm so Gay I can't even drive straight.
Profile Information
Gender: MaleHometown: Northern California
Member since: Mon Aug 20, 2012, 12:16 PM
Number of posts: 24,906