PJMcK's JournalAll insurance in the U.S. is for-profit
What else should we expect when insurance companies are publicly owned/traded commodities?
It was striking to me that the United HealthCare executive who was murdered in NYC was on his way to talk to investors about his companys profit expectations. He wasnt going to talk with pharmaceutical executives about drug prices or doctors about billing and efficiencies. He was going to address profits! (In no way do I condone his murder.)
State Farm issued policies based on their best guesses but they were wrong. How is this business to survive if they dont have the money to pay claims?
For-profit insurance is a rip off and produces terrible results. Its as bad as Vegas in that insurance is a bet: the customer bets theyll lose and need coverage while the insurer collects premiums betting theyll wont have to pay out. What a scam.
A recent chart I saw listed the top 25 developed countries and how many people in each country had to file for bankruptcy last year due to medical bills. In 24 nations, there were zero but in the U.S., there were over 675,000!
The U.S. is not a great country in the way its people are treated. It has always been thus.
Happy New Year!
Like you, I went to music school where I earned B.Mus. and M.Mus. degrees from Manhattan School of Music in Composition. I minored in Conducting, Piano and Trumpet. The sheepskins are probably two of the most classic "underwater basket-weaving" degrees in terms of employment. (Ironically, I've done pretty okay!)
Because of my years of music production work, I have a ridiculous collection of electronic musical instruments. At the peak of my craziness, I had three separate small studio set-ups. I've accumulated 14 keyboards including a Baldwin upright, 1974 Fender Rhodes, 1975 Wurlitzer Electronic Piano, Hammond B-3, MicroMoog, Korg PolySix (with MIDI/memory upgrades), Yamaha DX7-II, Korg M1, Yamaha Clavinova, several controllers, drum machines, samplers and a bunch of modules. The funny thing is that I'd be working on a project and someone would say, "Hey, do you have this sound?" So I'd go to the music store and buy the piece that made that sound then never use it again! Because a lot of the stuff is older, it has limited value today except for collectors... and REAL musicians.
These days, I mostly play the Rhodes, Wurly and Baldwin for fun and never in public any more; the fingers don't have the dexterity they used to have!
Music has been generous to me. It has filled my life with creativity, interesting and challenging projects and a career. I've been very fortunate. Now I need to get rid of all this gear!
We got our vaccines a few weeks ago
We went to Walmart and got both flu and Covid shots within 25 minutes. Fast, easy and it puts our minds at rest. I had to travel overseas and the State Department recommended I get a Hepatitis-B vaccine (2 doses, one month apart) before going. I got that shot at the same time.
The vaccines are covered by my insurance so for us, they're essentially free. The pharmacists were great and the shots were painless... until the next day! Still, to know we've done the SCIENTIFICALLY CORRECT THING TO DO means we'll worry less about our health this season.
Here's what we learned from the Covid pandemic. 30% to 40% of Americans are ignorant and don't have the education to understand the science behind vaccines. Instead they believe conspiracy theories, crank medical ideas and listen to ignoramuses for advice. They are generally Trump supporters so that position explains a great deal about them. (A sign in one of my doctors' office reads, "Please don't confuse your Google search with my decades of study, research and experience." )
Frankly, I don't care about such people except to the extent that their poor health choices could affect the rest of us in two big ways. First, by not getting vaccinated, these people could carry viruses that will infect others. The point of mass vaccinations is to create a societal immunity to limit the transmission of disease. By opting out of this fundamental step of public health, those people are threatening the well-being of the rest of our country. That's not just ignorant and stupid, it's selfish.
Second, their health costs and care for when they get sick will unnecessarily burden the medical facilities in their areas. There won't be enough medical professionals, equipment and medications available. Want proof? Look what happened in '20-'21. Granted it was a mysterious new pathogen but the mass of people who refused care, preventative measures and social distancing were the ones who put the most strain the medical systems and they suffered the most casualties during the pandemic.
Stupid people don't learn from their experiences.
This terrible election has shown the world who we are as a nation
Trumpism is who we are as a country in 2024. Petty, ignorant, angry, selfish, greedy, racist and misogynistic. That's not you nor I but it is the reflection our country has shown the world.
We shouldn't be surprised because that's the nature of this country since before its founding. The European explorers brought genocide and diseases to the native peoples while greedily stealing from them. Then they brought Africans as slaves creating the disgusting sin of racism that persists hundreds of years later.
The misogyny is incomprehensible to me-- especially so-called Women for Trump-- because it's ignorant (women are strong, resourceful and careful in their judgments) stupid (women are smart and work hard) and self-defeating (the "bros" whine that they can't get a date!). These men (and women!) are pathetic and weak. By demeaning and subjugating women, these (mostly) men fluff themselves up in their supposed manhood.
My favorite, however, is their ridiculous delusions of their patriotism and outrageous perceptions of our national superiority. These fools don't have a clue about patriotism and supporting our constitutional ideas. Instead, they have supported a man and a movement that has no use for the principles that the U.S. was founded upon.
These voters that supported Trump don't know very much about the world, in great part because so many Americans have never traveled overseas. If they would see the world, they would understand how backwards the U.S. has fallen. They would understand that other nations have improved on democracy while maintaining their cultural and societal histories. Other countries have better transportation better, cheaper healthcare and modern infrastructure. Besides, they would get to taste the many delicious flavors of the foods of the world which is one of the best ways to open one's mind. Greatest country in the world? Hmm, not really.
But now, thanks to the cretins and the slobs who couldn't be bothered to vote, we get to see the logical, terrifying and horrible results of our nation's history and the ignorant 51% that backed the rapist-fraudster-traitor-felon who has shown that he is the worst person America has ever offered to the world.
Seven words that describe Trump to a "T"
PrideHas there ever been anyone who has been so full of themself?! In spite of a lifetime of failures, Trump sees himself as a master of all Time and Space. Pathetic.
Trumps true love is money and its pursuit is his prime motivation. To him, wealth is the only measure of success in life. Pitiful.
Trump angrily seeks revenge against anyone who even slightly crosses him. The man lives in a fog of anger, hatred and jealousy. Miserable.
His pursuits of money and power are to compensate for his deep-seated awareness of his gross inadequacies. He sees others successes and is driven to best them. Childish.
Trumps pathetic libido has been on display for decades. He has often bragged about his conquests. Misogynistic.
One look at Smelvis the Slobfather (apologies to DUer malaise!) and its apparent Trump overeats and doesnt care for his body. Revolting.
Has there ever been anyone as lazy and irresponsible as Trump? Trash.
This story seems more complicated than at first glance
Dr. Gay's resume was quite thin for the presidency of one of the world's top universities. She published less than a dozen peer-reviewed papers in over 25 years, she never authored a book and she didn't make any important contributions to her field of political science. In academia, these are important mileposts in one's career. In addition, there are numerous questions of the provenance in her writings with charges of plagiarism being indicated.
Two reasonable questions are suggested: Why was she offered the job? Why did she pursue it?
The second is easier to answer because to reach the apex of academia in her early 50s is an ascension of meteoric speed. The public exposure is world-wide, the money is astronomic and the influence is a mile deep and ten miles wide. Who wouldn't grab the opportunity?! Yet there are obvious dangers and pot holes on that highway and Dr. Gay is experiencing them now.
Harvard is the richest university in the world with an endowment of about $50 billion. The job of its president is multi-faceted and includes business and academic administration, fund raising, chief cheer leader for the institution and more. Did the university's board think Dr. Gay would be effective at those tasks? What was in her past that suggested she had those diverse skills? So the first question is why did they offer her the job? When compared to her predecessors' resumes and professional experiences, Dr. Gay doesn't have the same level of accomplishment. For examples, here is a link to the university's website page about the history of its presidents:
The questions about possible plagiarism are recent and their revelations are somewhat suspect. But they raise the question of why didn't the university vet her work more closely? Or are they trying to cover their asses? Are there other issues involved that the cowards won't speak of?
I don't know the truth, of course. Personally, I think Dr. Gay has been sucker punched and I expect Harvard will try to tar her to try to justify their current and past behavior. I agree with you, malaise, that she should have declined the job. First, it was probably over-reach for her at that time in her career. Second, the university's motives have always been suspect.
It's all pathetic and despicable. And predictable.
Regarding classified documents
A friend is visiting with us. She worked for the National Security Agency for her entire career. In her position, she handled countless documents with various classification markings. Without violating her secrecy oaths, here are a few things she said.
The classification of a document most often is not related to the content but rather the methodology. Most content has a relatively short life-span because circumstance change so quickly. A countrys leadership may change or military maneuvers may start or end. The point is that the issues in a document might no longer be relevant.
(As an example, consider the classified documents found in President Bidens possession. News reports suggest that those contained directions for then-VP Bidens caravan for his sons funeral. The funeral is over but the Secret Service methods detailed in the document could provide an enemy with information to attack a government official.)
The manner in which the documents information was obtained, however, must remain secret because it is probably a continuing source which could provide current and future information. These sources could be human assets, technological systems or other means all of which need to be protected. This is the reason a document would remain classified: Even though the circumstances of the subject matter may have changed, the way its data was obtained will be detailed in the document.
This is the reason that Trumps theft of documents is so serious. Lives and sources could be compromised resulting in the loss of intelligence information leaving our leaders blind to changing circumstances.
Additionally, our friend pointed out that our intelligence agencies are not haphazard with documents. Almost without question, the authorities know what documents Trump took. Like an old fashioned library card, the agencies know who has various documents. Its how they knew to try to retrieve them and that Trump hadnt returned all of them. She also suggested that in her personal opinion, the agencies know what is still missing and there are reasons we arent hearing about them.
As I wrote, there was nothing our friend said that was privileged and her comments were meant in a general manner. Still, they provide a fascinating insight.
When I asked her if she thought Trump was going to lose this case, she smiled tightly and said that if she had done the same as Trump, she could have been shot but she would definitely be jailed in solitary confinement.
The Adventure of a Lifetime
A couple of weeks ago saw the fulfillment of a decades-long dream to take an extended sailboat cruise. My wife and I returned to our home port in Haverstraw, NY after ten months and nearly 4,000 miles aboard Pelagic, sailing down then up the east coast of the United States.
It was an experience unlike any other! Our boat is a 1988 Pacific Seacraft Dana 24. She's 27-feet long and rigged as a sloop (basically 2 sails) and has a Diesel inboard engine as the auxiliary. The deck and cockpit are comfortable and functional and we can control all of the boat's functions from the safety of the cockpit.
The cabin is comfortable and elegant and highlighted by the copious amount of teak in its construction and the stout brass portholes. It has an open-concept so there aren't any bulkheads (walls) separating the space. As you descend the companionway stairs, the head (bathroom) is to starboard and it's a small private closet with a toilet, sink and lots of stowage. The galley is to port and features a two-burner propane stove with an oven and broiler. It also has a deep sink and large ice box. There are cabinets for food, staples and shelves for spices and such. Our pots and pans nest together and can be stored in the oven.
In the center of the cabin, there are settees on both sides and the table slides out from under the Vee-berth towards the front. All told, it's like an RV or a tiny house.
We don't have the necessary electrical power to run a StarLink satellite internet receiver so we were limited to connecting through cell networks. This worked fine except in some of the remote areas in southern Virginia and parts of North Carolina.
Along the way, we met many wonderful people. Some were sailors heading south on their boats and others were local shore folks. Nearly everyone was friendly, encouraging and helpful.
The places we visited were fascinating and some were historical. The Revolutionary and Civil Wars are well represented by many forts, battlefields and museums. The slave trade is dramatically presented in many sites. The pirates and legitimate mariners obviously have a deep and rich history represented in the museums and the harbors. The natural areas are stunningly beautiful but desolate and the developed areas are impressive.
Both of us are foodies and the journey didnt disappoint. We enjoyed excellent meals onboard and ashore.
The First Mate developed an extremely efficient food storage system for the boat. She kept dry and canned goods under the port side settee and plastic bottles and canned beverages in the lockers behind that settee. We had provisions for at least a month aboard. She kept ice in the bottom section of the ice box and kept all of the bottles and condiments (and beer!) in the resulting ice water. We removed all of the paper labels after one got stuck in the pump that drains the ice box. On the shelves she had plastic baskets for cheese, vegetables and other items. Its a bit of work since the space is so tight but its entirely functional.
Before we left, I installed a 12-volt refrigerator/freezer made by Iceco. Its about the size of a medium ice chest and I built a shelf for it in the wet locker behind the head. I hard-wired the power cord to the fuse block but I also bought a second power chord so we could use that when we were plugged into 110-volt shore power. We were able to run it continuously thanks to our solar panel and the engines alternator.
We also had many delicious meals ashore and the crab in the Chesapeake is absolutely addictive! We had lots of fresh fish and shrimp as well.
The starboard lockers were mine for tools, spare parts, navigation stuff and such. It is amazing how much storage is available on this micro-yacht.
Our route took us down the Hudson River through New York Harbor south to Sandy Hook, NJ. The next leg was in the Atlantic along the Jersey shore where we saw the first of many dolphins! We stopped in Atlantic City for 8 days to wait out Hurricane Ian. Since we're not gamblers, this was an interesting stay. Eventually, we went through the Cape May Canal, northwest in the Delaware Bay to the C&D Canal and then into the Chesapeake Bay.
We zig-zagged around the Bay for a month or so visiting friends, family and cruising destinations. Once we reached Norfolk, VA, we decided to take the Great Dismal Swamp route of the Intracoastal Water Way then continued mostly in the ICW because the conditions in the ocean were generally pretty tough during the late fall/early winter months. Additionally, the inlets were heavily shoaled and even with the Navionics and Aqua Map navigation apps we were fearful of running aground in such strong conditions.
The weather was a constant nemesis to our voyage. We dodged 3 hurricanes, 2 full gales, 3 half gales, 2 ice storms and numerous heavy rain and thunderstorms. From the time we left in mid-September 2022 until we reached Florida in early February 2023, we didnt have a single full week of decent weather as there were storms every 4 or 5 days.
Once we reached northern Florida, our luck with the weather changed and we had mostly beautiful weather for the next several months. We got to the top of the Keys where we were planning to go offshore to the Bahamas but family and business issues intervened and we decided it was time to go home.
Heading north, we retraced our route revisiting some places and finding others we missed earlier. The most frightening sailing experience Ive ever had occurred as we traversed the shallow Currituck Sound in North Carolina. An unexpected squall erupted with 30+ mph winds following us resulting in 4-5 foot waves that were fiercely trying to broach Pelagic. I was terrified of losing control of the boat. But the well-designed yacht and her auxiliary helped me keep us within the narrow ICW channel. In contrast, on our last day in the Atlantic heading into New York Harbor with beautiful sunshine on a comfortable broad reach, we saw whales breaching. It was a lovely welcome home sight!
The Dana 24 is a wonderful and powerful small yacht, built for ocean cruising. Some sailors have taken this design across oceans and even around the world. (While I don't personally desire such a voyage, there are some folks who wish I would!) The boat is seaworthy and strongly built with excellent equipment making it a fine sailing vessel. Our Yanmar Diesel, a 2GM-20F known as Herr Diesel, was reliable and gave us dependable service. Although I'm a musician, Ive become an amateur mechanic and its necessary to take good care of this important piece of machinery. Each day, we would check the water intake strainer, oil level, transmission oil, coolant level, belts and fuel filters to make certain we were set for the day.
The boat sails responsively and handles well in all of the conditions we encountered. Our mainsail has 3 reef points but we never used more than the first set. We had our 130% Genoa jib aboard but mostly used the roller-furled yankee as a headsail. It doesn't overpower the boat and it gives better visibility than the genoa. Even in stormy conditions, we felt safe in the cockpit, on deck and in the cabin.
It was a remarkable experience. We plan to continue cruising on Pelagic and northern New England and Canada beckon.
The cabin is very comfortable for two people for an extended voyage. We each had one side of the boat for our individual clothing, books and other stuff and we each got one drawer of the dresser. We shared the shoe and hanging lockers. The Vee berth is okay for sleeping and it's about the size of a queen-sized bed. But it narrows towards the bow and as long as you don't mind playing footsie, it's quite comfortable.
The head gets a special hat-tip. It's smaller than a lavatory on a small commuter jet yet it was entirely functional. We have hot & cold pressure water so the evening sitz baths were most refreshing. For a 24-foot sailboat to have a private head is an extraordinary luxury!
Since weve had Pelagic for several years, we were comfortable moving around one another in the cabin. It was tight but quite cozy. On Thanksgiving, the First Mate made a full dinner of turkey with stuffing and gravy, sweet potatoes, roasted Brussel sprouts and we even had little pumpkin and apple pies. It was a delicious feast!
I could write pages about our journey but I wanted to share this overview of our voyage.
Fair winds and following seas,
S/V Pelagic, Hull #106
Simple answer
Most people are scientifically ignorant. They dont learn enough scientific fundamentals in middle and high school. They dont understand the scientific process. They confuse the scientific term theory with idea.
Besides, the word belief is inappropriate because science is about learning to know things. Belief belongs in religion which should never be involved in science.
Sorry if I seemed to be "schooling" you
Ive been licensing music for over forty years so I have quite a bit of experience with this business. Actually, Ive written for jingle houses (a total rip-off for the writers; only the singers get residuals). Its simply a business and none of the songs you hear in commercials (or otherwise) would be there without the permission of the copyright holder.
We listeners have no stake in the business other than our personal connections to the songs we identify with. Thats why advertisers go after those songs: They want us consumers to connect the songs we love with the products theyre selling.
In spite of our personal connections to music, we dont control it any more than you or I have a say in for how much our neighbor sells their car or house. Songs are intellectual property like a book or a movie. The audience doesnt own it. The fault isnt Applebeess, per se, its their advertising agency who has pitched and licensed the song.
Its too simplistic to suggest that a licensee is too cheap to commission a new jingle. It costs nearly the same to get a new jingle or to license an existing song. This is particularly true if the advertisement uses the original recording and the ad has to license the song and the master recording, usually at the same price. Advertising budgets on a national level are in the millions of dollars and the percentage that goes to the music is relatively small. Most of the money goes to broadcasters. Besides, the jingle business has shrunken tremendously in the past 20+ years. For an existing song, the advertiser had to pay for the music and hire musicians and singers to create a sound-alike recording, (i.e., Osempic).
I get it: We all connect things, like songs or movies, to our lives. But we simply dont own them. Im sorry this business practice offends you. Im asking that you place the responsibility where it belongs, on the owner of the song. Theyre the party that makes the decision to sell out.
Profile Information
Gender: MaleHometown: New York City
Home country: USA
Current location: Catskill Mountains
Member since: Mon Jun 5, 2006, 04:16 PM
Number of posts: 23,276