PikaBlue's JournalI am my mother's savage daughter
The one who runs barefoot cursing sharp stones
I am my mother's savage daughter
I will not cut my hair, I will not lower my voice.
My mother's child is a savage
She seeks her omens in the colors of stones
In the faces of cats, in the falling of feathers
In the dancing of fire, in the curve of old bones
We are all brought forth out of darkness
Into this world through blood and through pain
And deep in our bones, the old songs are rising
So sing them with thunder, sing them with rain.
We are our mothers' savage daughters
The ones who run barefoot cursing sharp stones
We are our mothers' savage daughters
We will not cut our hair, we will not lower our voice.
Karen Kahan, aka Wyndreth (Savage Daughter)
Green Ties and Blue Accent Colors
Ted Lieu's comment about Tim Walz and the green tie reminded me about the color perception of many men. This post is not to in any way denigrate men. Years ago my husband and I were redecorating our family room. I was undecided on an accent color and asked my husband for his input. He said, "I would really like blue." I replied, "What color of blue?" He looked quite confused and stated with just the barest hint of frustration in his voice, "You know, BLUE." Hoping to help him out, I questioned, "Baby blue, robin egg blue, royal blue, teal blue, corn flower blue, azure blue, sapphire blue, aqua blue, turquoise blue, slate blue, powder blue, electric blue, peacock blue . . .?" He chose black. So, it's just fine that Tim Walz complimented Ted's "green" tie.
Send Joe Some Love Tonight
I'm on such a high after watching the Harris/Walz rally in Philadelphia! If you can spare a moment, send Joe a message via whitehouse.gov. No doubt he is working tonight to ease tensions in the Middle East as well as marshalling resources to support Americans who are contending with extreme weather events ranging from wildfires to hurricanes. We are better tonight because we are still in his care. If you can, please let him know that we are so grateful for his commitment and his willingness to put us first! At the same time, joyfully embrace the promise of a kinder, more equitable, future and get out the vote. We've got this if we persevere.
Pete as Secretary of State?
I would love to see Pete as VP; however, the Veep position is often in the shadows. He would be the perfect Secretary of State. He is brilliant, an excellent communicator, possesses top-notch problem-solving skills, he is multilingual, and he readily gains people's trust. He would absolutely shine on a world stage. Frankly, he would bring his fabulous skills to whatever position to which he was appointed. If he is not the VP candidate, I hope he would be chosen for Secretary of State.
Bribery, Extortion, Quid Pro Quo, Election Interference?
Can someone explain to me why the donors who are threatening to withhold funding from elected Democratic representatives are not engaging in bribery, extortion, election interference, and Quid Pro Quo? Yes, donors may fund the candidates of their choice or may choose not to donate based upon benefits to themselves. In this case, however, they are asking currently serving members of our government, including the President of the United States, to nullify the results of a legitimate primary election. It's one thing to say "I won't donate to you unless you promise not to vote for any legislation that will raise my taxes". It seems a totally different ballgame to offer money in exchange for an elected and currently serving member of congress to pressure the President not to fulfill his commitment to seek re-election after he has won the primary election. Furthermore, how do these big tech donors KNOW President Biden will not win unless they have a plan in place to interfere with the election process or tamper with voting machines, or the electronic calculation or transfer of voting results? I really don't understand any of this. As President Biden now has immunity for official acts, shouldn't he safeguard our democracy by having the DOJ open investigations into these so-called " donors" who are attempting to overturn a primary election using threats/extortion? We need to know who is behind this and whether foreign governments are also involved this attempted election interference.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: Maryland
Home country: USA
Member since: Thu Jul 18, 2024, 02:39 PM
Number of posts: 275