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Think. Again.

Think. Again.'s Journal
Think. Again.'s Journal
July 26, 2024

Revolutionary Grid-Scale Wave Energy Generator Deployed in Hawaii

By David Szondy, July 26, 2024
Source: https://newatlas.com/energy/revolutionary-wave-turbine-hooked-hawaii-energy/

Ocean Energy has deployed its 826-tonne wave energy converter buoy OE-35 at the US Navy's Wave Energy Test Site off the coast of the island of Oahu ahead of it being hooked up to Hawaii's electricity grid.


The system has not only been tested in Hawaii, but also in Scotland as part of a US$12-million project funded by the US Department of Energy's office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). With a potential output of 1.25 MW, OE-35 harnesses energy from the waves using a remarkable double-flow air system.



"Following over a decade and a half of design, trials, testing and building, we are excited finally to be able to take this major step towards commercialization with our world-class OE-35 device," said Professor Tony Lewis, Ocean Energy's Chief Technology Officer. "This internationally significant project couldn't come online at a more critical time for the US and Ireland as the world needs to accelerate the pace of decarbonization with new and innovative technologies."


July 22, 2024

What Would a Harris Presidency Mean for the Climate?

A look at Kamala Harris' record on clean energy, climate diplomacy, and environmental justice in California, the Senate, and the White House.

Zoya Teirstein, July 21, 2024
Source: The Grist https://grist.org/politics/what-would-a-kamala-harris-presidency-mean-for-the-climate/


As vice president, Harris argued for the allocation of $20 billion for the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, aimed at aiding disadvantaged communities facing climate impacts, and frequently promoted the IRA at events, touting the bill’s investments in clean energy jobs, including installation of energy-efficient lighting, and replacing gas furnaces with electric heat pumps. She was also the highest-ranking U.S. official to attend the international climate talks at COP28 in Dubai last year, where she announced a U.S. commitment to double energy efficiency and triple renewable energy capacity by 2030. At that same conference, Harris announced a $3 billion commitment to the Green Climate Fund to help developing nations adapt to climate challenges, although Politico reported that the sum was “subject to the availability of funds,” according to the Treasury Department.


As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris proposed a $10 trillion climate plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045 on the campaign trail, including 100-percent carbon-neutral electricity by 2030. Under the plan, 50 percent of new vehicles sold would be zero-emission by 2030; and 100 percent of cars by 2035. But that proposal, like similarly ambitious climate change proposals released by other Democrats during that election cycle, was nothing more than a campaign wishlist. A better indicator of what her plans for climate change as president would look like — better, even, than her record as vice president, as much of her agenda was set by the Biden administration — could be buried in her record as San Francisco’s district attorney from 2004 to 2011 and as California attorney general from 2011 to 2017.

As district attorney, Harris created an environmental justice unit to address environmental crimes affecting San Francisco’s poorest residents and prosecuted several companies including U-Haul for violation of hazardous waste laws. Harris later touted her environmental justice unit as the first such unit in the country. An investigation found the unit only filed a handful of lawsuits, though, and none of them were against the city’s major industrial polluters.

As attorney general, Harris secured an $86 million settlement from Volkswagen for rigging its vehicles with emissions-cheating software and investigated ExxonMobil over its climate change disclosures. She also filed a civil lawsuit against Phillips 66 and ConocoPhillips for environmental violations at gas stations, which eventually resulted in a $11.5 million settlement. And she conducted a criminal investigation of an oil company over a 2015 spill in Santa Barbara. The company was found guilty and convicted on nine criminal charges.


July 21, 2024

My hope was that Biden would pull us through the election...

...to avoid the lawsuits, the loss of betrayed Dem voters, the loss of independent or fence-sitting voters who may now see Dems as a laughingstock, and most of all to avoid the floodgates of unlikely voters who will now only be voting because they can not stand the idea of a Black woman President.

I absolutely LOVE the idea of President Harris, and was hoping Biden would get us past trump in November, and then gracefully bestow us with a Harris Presidency.

I feel like I am on very shaky ground right now because I really don't know what the powers-that-be want, since they obviously don't want the voters' choice. This insecure feeling is very frightening, and I honestly don't feel very well cared for, politically, right now.

I will be voting all Blue in November, but after what happened to my primary vote, ...well, anyway.

July 20, 2024

Yesterday, DNC Chairman confirms Biden/Harris ticket WILL BE nominated...

On July 19, Jaime Harrison stated 3 times that President Biden and Vice President Harris WILL BE THE NOMINATED CANDIDATES for the Democratic party.

Harrison's statement starts at 3:00 in the video linked below:


I suggest we all ignore the advertising salespeople and trust the DNC leader on this.

(Thank you LeftInTX)

July 20, 2024

Just to put it out there, I am still strongly behind the Biden/Harris ticket that primary voters chose.

Everyone one of these statements of "concern", and everyone giving weight to the question of whether Biden should be running, these are all efforts to derail Biden's chances in the election, and they will all have negative effects on turn out -up and down the Democratic ballot.

A person either supports our candidates or not.

July 19, 2024

Breaking News: The Satanic Temple and FFRF Settle Discrimination Lawsuit Against Memphis-Area School

Source: The Satanic Temple

The Satanic Temple, in partnership with the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), has achieved a significant legal victory in a federal lawsuit against the Shelby County Board of Education in Memphis, Tennessee. This case, centered on critical First Amendment rights, challenged the school district’s discriminatory treatment of the After School Satan Club at Chimneyrock Elementary School.

Earlier this year, TST faced blatant discrimination from the Shelby County Board of Education when attempting to establish an After School Satan Club at Chimneyrock Elementary School. The Board went to great lengths to obstruct the efforts of The Satanic Temple, imposing unjust rental and security fees, canceling reservations, and treating our members as second-class citizens. These actions starkly contrasted with the district's favorable treatment of other organizations, such as the Good News Club, clearly violating the First Amendment.

Thanks to TST and FFRF’s relentless pursuit of justice, the Shelby County Board of Education has agreed to commit to fair and equal treatment for all organizations moving forward and pay over $15,000 in attorneys’ fees and costs. The board will also pay one dollar for nominal damages to The Satanic Temple. This settlement is a resounding affirmation that First Amendment protections apply to The Satanic Temple and our members.

The Satanic Temple's dedication to justice shines through this victory. We will remain vigilant and ready to defend our members' civil rights against future infringements. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Freedom From Religion Foundation for their unwavering support and tireless efforts in this case. Their dedication and expertise were instrumental in achieving this victory, and we are profoundly grateful for their partnership in defending the civil rights of our members.

Statement from The Freedom From Religion Foundation

Source: https://ffrf.org/news/releases/breaking-ffrf-settles-satanic-temple-discrimination-lawsuit-with-memphis-area-school/

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has reached a settlement on behalf of The Satanic Temple, in a federal lawsuit filed earlier this year against the Shelby County Board of Education in Memphis, Tenn., over serious First Amendment violations. FFRF represented the Temple in the suit and successfully ended the school system’s constitutional violations.

The school district attempted to thwart at every turn The Satanic Temple’s efforts to begin an afterschool club at Chimneyrock Elementary School. Rather than allowing it to rent school facilities on the same terms as other nonprofit organizations, including the Good News Club, the Shelby County Board of Education, which operates the district, chose to defy the First Amendment. The district charged The Satanic Temple discriminatory rental and security fees, refused to adequately communicate, canceled the Temple’s club reservations, and generally treated members of the club as second-class citizens.

Memphis-Shelby County Schools “cannot pick and choose how much it charges an organization renting its facilities based on how much it does or does not favor the organization’s viewpoint, the content of its speech, or its religious beliefs,” asserted FFRF’s lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee in March of this year.

Now, the Shelby County Board of Education has agreed to make amends in a number of ways.

The board will pay over $15,000 to resolve the suit. That includes $14,845 in attorneys’ fees and costs to FFRF and cooperating counsel. The board will also pay one dollar for nominal damages to The Satanic Temple and $196.71 for various fees previously paid by the Temple in connection with rental reservations that had not yet been refunded.

Further, the Shelby County Board of Education has agreed not to discriminate against the organization with regard to its requests to rent and use school board property at Chimneyrock Elementary School; the Temple will be subject to the same rules and requirements as other nonprofit organizations seeking to rent or use the school’s facilities. In addition, the school board’s administration has promised not to hold any press conference with regard to the Temple’s lawful rental or use of school property.

With the case settled, FFRF filed to voluntarily dismiss the lawsuit on July 16.

The district’s discriminatory behavior gained a national spotlight last December when the district held a press conference in which school board members, administrators, and other officials, surrounded by clergy members, expressed hostility toward The Satanic Temple and validated community members’ hostility toward the After School Satan Club’s then upcoming first meeting at Chimneyrock Elementary.

Shortly after the press conference, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, a national state/church watchdog with 40,000 members, sent the first of three complaint letters to the district in response to the deeply concerning and discriminatory remarks. FFRF’s first letter urged the district to continue to abide by the First Amendment and allow The Satanic Temple to rent facilities in accordance with the district’s own written policies.

Instead, the district notified the Temple in early January via a phone call that it had assessed a “special security fee” of over $2,000 against the group for “additional security.” The district also charged the Temple another fee of $250 for “field lights,” both fees that other organizations meeting regularly at the school (such as the Christian Good News Club) have never been charged. FFRF and The Satanic Temple’s requests to the district for a fee waiver were ignored, and so the Temple reluctantly paid the fees.

On Jan. 10, Memphis-Shelby County Schools finally allowed the Temple to hold the first meeting after-school at Chimneyrock Elementary. When club leaders arrived at the school, they discovered that various district administrators, school board members and members of the clergy were already at the entrance of the building. The district continued attempts to thwart The Satanic Temple and deter its club for students from meeting at Chimneyrock. It abruptly changed the meeting time, unceremoniously canceled rental applications, refused to communicate with the Temple regarding rental rates, and continued to treat the Temple unfavorably.

The district’s discriminatory and illegal behavior left The Satanic Temple and FFRF with no choice but to sue.The lawsuit sought fair treatment. The Temple didn’t want special privileges, just to be treated the same as all other organizations renting from the district. The lawsuit asked the court to order the district to approve The Satanic Temple’s reservation requests, treat the Temple fairly, and refund it the discriminatory fees the district forced it to pay.

The settlement, hopefully, resolves these issues, though this lawsuit could have been avoided entirely if the district had simply followed the law.

“We’re glad the district has mutually resolved this case and agreed to treat The Satanic Temple’s club fairly going forward,” says Patrick Elliott, FFRF’s legal director. “This settlement should send a message to public schools that the First Amendment applies to all organizations, including minority groups.”

“A long and tedious battle for our First Amendment Right to equal access has finally come to an end with the Memphis-Shelby County School District,” says June Everrett, campaign director for The Satanic Temple’s After School Satan Clubs. “We are extremely grateful for the team at the Freedom From Religion Foundation for their work ensuring that public school districts cannot use viewpoint discrimination against minority religious groups. It is clear that the First Amendment is necessary to prevent the government from picking and choosing who has access to their facilities based on viewpoint. Our volunteers and families look forward to returning next school year with fair and equal treatment.”

FFRF Legal Director Patrick Elliott and FFRF Anne Nicol Gaylor Legal Fellow Sammi Lawrence prepared the complaint. This case was handled in conjunction with FFRF’s local counsel, Attorney Scott Kramer and Attorney Matthew Kezhaya.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation serves as the nation’s largest association of freethinkers, with 40,000 members and several chapters across the country, including almost 500 members and a chapter in Tennessee, and works as a state/church watchdog to safeguard the constitutional principle of separation between state and church.

July 17, 2024

So is it all just a simple divide and conquer play?

With 2016 still very fresh in everyone's mind, is the Democratic party just under attack with a well-orchestrated re-run of pitting potential candidate supporters against each other?

July 17, 2024

Intersect Power to Build $837M Worth of Grid Batteries in Texas

The three Texas battery installations are expected to be up and running in 2024, helping provide more capacity to the state’s booming storage market.

By Jeff St. John, 17 July 2024
Full Article: https://www.canarymedia.com/articles/energy-storage/intersect-power-to-build-837m-worth-of-grid-batteries-in-texas

Active construction at Intersect Power’s Lumina II battery energy storage system project in Scurry County, Texas. (Intersect Power)


On Wednesday, Intersect Power announced $837 million in financing commitments for three battery projects in Texas, totaling nearly 1 gigawatt-hour of energy storage capacity. The financing includes portfolio-level construction debt and term debt financing from HPS and Deutsche Bank as well as tax equity financing from Morgan Stanley. It comes on top of the roughly $5 billion in project financing the Beaverton, Oregon, company has raised to date.

The three Texas battery installations — Lumina I, Lumina II, and Radian — are expected to be up and running in 2024. They will store solar power already flowing from Intersect’s 640 megawatt Lumina project and its 320 megawatt Radian project in Texas, helping provide additional flexibility to a state that outpaced California in solar deployment as of last year and is forecasted to beat California in energy storage deployment in 2024.


Clean energy developers and energy market analysts agree that the U.S. grid isn’t being expanded quickly enough to build ever-cheaper solar, wind, and battery capacity at the pace needed to meet electricity demand. Nor is it moving fast enough to reduce carbon emissions in line with the country’s Paris Agreement goals.

Outside of Texas, energy project developers across the country face years-long wait times just to win the rights to interconnect to transmission grids. Even after the wait, those interconnection rights often come along with grid upgrade fees so high that developers opt to walk away from their proposed projects.


Full Article: https://www.canarymedia.com/articles/energy-storage/intersect-power-to-build-837m-worth-of-grid-batteries-in-texas

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