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Tommy2Tone's Journal
Tommy2Tone's Journal
October 5, 2016


Chris Matthews in particular. He is having a fun time ripping Tim Kaine and getting the giggles over Donald Trump. He barely mentions all the lies Pence said over and has nothing good to say about Kaine.

March 9, 2016

Trump net +16 Delegates - Hillary net +18 Delegates

CNN and MSNBC response?

Trump won the night and Hillary is in trouble.

I pretty much hate both networks.

February 27, 2016

CNN is EFFING Disgustin

My wife is watching CNN and in the last two hours they have interviewed a half dozen Bernie campaign people and of course the least known rapper on earth Killer Mike.

Not one Hillary supporter.

It doesn't matter she is going to shut all their asses up today.

Cnn take this

February 25, 2016

Some Facts About the 1996 Welfare Reform Act

First it was not a Bill Clinton bill like Sanders and other Clinton critics would have people believe. It was the brainchild of Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich.

Second Bill Clinton vetoed two previous bills that came to his desk to sign. He held out for three much needed amendments. Just what were those additions?

Foodstamps-Clinton managed to preserve national standards and the guarantee that the poor will obtain food stamps. Congress had called for letting the states do whatever they wanted with food stamp money and program eligibility requirements.

Child Care - Clinton succeeded in strengthening day care support for children of welfare recipients. Congress had been demanding much deeper cuts.

Medicaid - Clinton demanded and won the fight to guarantee Medicaid coverage, which generally helps the disabled and poor children. Congress wanted to let states do whatever they wanted with Medicaid, including taking Medicaid funds and using them for other purposes.

I am not here to defend the bill but it was going to pass and with enough votes to override his veto. If the Clinton's cared so little about the non rich why did they fight so hard to include the above provisions.

See the linked post here:

February 21, 2016

Not sure if this belongs here but I feel safe here.

A big what if.

What if Hillary and Rubio were the Dem and Rep candidates and Trump and Bernie ran as independents?

ask me to delete and I will.

February 11, 2016

Bernie Hypocrisy knows no limits.

Read this on Twitter.

February 4, 2016

Why Hillary and Not Bernie

In case you forgot?

February 2, 2016

CNN with 14% reporting

HIllary 52%
Bernie 46%

January 19, 2016

Interesting Post on Bloomberg Politics

Title: Republican Operatives are trying To Help Bernie Sanders
Subtitle: "Picking your opponent" is an age-old political manipulation tactic

Some interesting quotes from the article

During Sunday night’s Democratic debate, the Republican National Committee made the unusual move of sending no fewer than four real-time e-mails to reporters defending the self-described democratic socialist from attacks by Hillary Clinton or echoing his message against her. Based on their content, one could be forgiven for thinking the RNC communiques came from the Sanders campaign.

After the debate, the Republican political action committee America Rising promoted the narrative that Sanders won the debate. “Clinton needed a win last night. Instead, everyone is talking about how well Bernie Sanders, her chief rival, did,” the group’s communications director Jeff Bechdel wrote to reporters.

Even Karl Rove is getting into the act.

Meanwhile, American Crossroads, a group co-founded by Karl Rove, is airing an ad in Iowa bolstering a core tenet of Sanders’ case against Clinton: that she has received large sums of campaign contributions from Wall Street, and therefore can't be trusted to crack down on big banks. “Hillary rewarded Wall Street with a $700 billion bailout, then Wall Street made her a multi-millionaire,” a narrator in the ad says. “Does Iowa really want Wall Street in the White House?”

The final paragraph says it all.

Republican candidate John Kasich indicated in a debate last week that he'd love to face Sanders. "We're going to win every state," he said, "if Bernie Sanders is the nominee."

Maybe this is why Bernie fans are always talking about his "Republican Support" It is obvious the Grand Old Party fears Hillary.

Link: http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-01-19/republican-operatives-are-trying-to-help-bernie-sanders
January 17, 2016

Bernie flips flops on gun manufacturing immunity.

Today in Charleston S.C.

(AP) — On the eve of the next Democratic debate, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders announced his support for legislation that would reverse a 2005 law granting gun manufacturers legal immunity that he once supported.

Sanders voted against the 1993 Brady Bill, which required background checks for gun purchases. In 2005, he voted to protect gun manufacturers from lawsuits brought by victims of gun violence. He changed his mind.

Oct 15, 2015 - Exactly 69 days ago he said this about Hillary.
Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton accused Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders at the CNN Democrat debate Tuesday night of not being tough enough on gun control, but the Sanders campaign later hit back showing Clinton’s own flip flops on guns.

Hillary changes her position after six years of consideration and Bernie changes his position after 69 days and his campign has the nerve to say she flipped flopped. I guess only Bernie can change his mind?

True to form the media, DU, Daily Kos and Huffington Post were silent on Sanders hypocrisy.

Profile Information

Name: Tom
Gender: Male
Hometown: Dallas, TX
Home country: USA
Current location: Dallas
Member since: Mon Apr 21, 2014, 08:53 PM
Number of posts: 1,307

About Tommy2Tone

Lifetime Democrat and I have voted in every election for 40 years.
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