UncleNoel's JournalTidal wave of good...news for Democrats...the wind is at their back.
Source: The Advocate
I see a tidal wave of good, positive, hopeful news for Democrats. Their candidates are better. Their messages are better. Their funding is better. And as of now, the wind is at their back.
The wins since Bidens been sick have been almost miraculous. Suddenly, a long summer of woe is me by Democratic voters has become look at me, look at me! The big victory with the Inflation Reduction Act (corporate tax hikes, health care, and climate change) can now be fitted like pieces of a picture puzzle to other recent wins like the semiconductor and veterans burn pits bill, NATO expansion (Sweden and Finland), the American Rescue Plan, and the infrastructure bill.
Dont kid yourself. These are mammoth accomplishments, particularly within an era of a super-slim majority in the Senate and zero bipartisanship.
Read more: https://www.advocate.com/voices/2022/8/10/biden-democrat-doomsday-november-midterms-hardly
Malignant Anti-American GOP A***wipes
Well, we can do better than that! Putting my thinking cap on...
2020 Dems fared poorly down ballot, but we're winning the fight for fair elections
Good news. There has been some talk of our loosing out on redistricting for a decade, nut in fact hard work has paid off. We can do better, however, and we will!
Jessica Post, Opinion contributor
Enough wins to influence redistricting
Democrats will have profoundly greater influence over redistricting heading into this decade than we did the last, and voters in many states will be drawn into fair, non-gerrymandered districts for the first time in a generation.
read more at the link.
The American Conservative: Trump's Stone-Cold Sleaze
https://www.theamericanconservative.com/Conservatives are not lining up behind Trump on Stone's Pardon. I guess he thought he would be hailed as a hero, but the American Conserative calls it "another day in the unraveling of the Trump administration."
You can think that the Russia investigation was a put-up job if you like thats fine. But theres no denying that Roger Stone flagrantly lied to Congress about it, and threatened a witness all to protect Donald Trump. And now Trump has demonstrated that if you lie to protect him, and get caught doing it, you wont have to pay a price.
Roger Stone is a crook, and he wont have to do a day in jail because Donald Trump believes those who serve him are above the law. Trump is fighting a steep uphill battle for re-election this fall, with GOP control of the Senate at risk. And he goes and does this...
Of course the writer went on to say how he dreads a Biden administration, but seems to think it is almost inevitable. He concludes with an unlikely scenario "If Trump pulls this out because more Americans fear the Democrats than loathe Trump, that will be quite the thing, to put it mildly."
I think Americans are coming to loathe Trump and most don't fear the Democrats. So they know who Trump is, but the do not know what the Democrats are.
Daily Beast: Trump Needs a Villain to Demonize, and Joe Biden Ain't It
https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-needs-a-villain-to-demonize-and-joe-biden-aint-it?ref=wrapMatt Lewis, Senior Columnist
Updated Jun. 25, 2020 4:00AM ET
Published Jun. 23, 2020 3:51AM ET
Biden is TEFLON (Too Empathetic For Lies or Nonsense)
Biden picking up support among white fundamentalist Evangelicals
https://www.rawstory.com/2020/06/growing-evangelical-support-for-a-key-democrat-could-spell-trouble-for-the-gop-in-november-report/Growing evangelical support for a key Democrat could spell trouble for the GOP in November: report.
Published 3 hours ago on June 22, 2020 by Alex Henderson, AlterNet.
The correct terms are used here. Not Evangelical Christians, but "White fundamentalist Evangelical Christians." There are Black evangelical Christians and white evangelicals in moderate and liberal churches such as the Episcopals (my church), Lutherns, Methodist and some Presbyterians. Evangelical comes from the Greek for "Good News" and historical does not have a pejorative connotation. The world was created in 7 days about four to ten thousand years ago, bible thumping fundamentalist are the ones supporting Trump, but not all (including most of my family who tend to support Trump) are dummies. There is some hope they can rescue their reputation, but the idiot televangelists and other fundamentalist goons are locked into his orbit unfortunately. The collapse of Trump could bring in invigorating new movement into this group. Even in one of my relatives fundamentalist church, she complains of Neve-Trumpers. There are other reasons for not being a fundamentlist, but a least they could support descent conservatives favoring their views on abortion, school prayer, and such, without coming out as anti-science advocates. Anyway, I am a moderate Episcopal evangelical and deplore the backwardness of the fundamentalist (primarily Southern Baptist) Christians.
From Fox poll: Biden's lead widens to 12 points over Trump 50:38
The survey finds Biden at 50 percent and Trump at 38 percent. Biden led Trump 48 to 40 in the Fox News poll in mid-May. The former vice president has surpassed the 50 percent support mark in the RealClearPolitics average, where he leads Trump nearly 9 points overall.
Trump appears to be dragged down in the Fox News poll by his response to the civil unrest over police treatment of African Americans.
Fifty-six percent of voters said they disapprove of Trumps response to the demonstrations, while 60 percent have positive views of the protests.
Biden breaking 50 and Trump underwater below 40. We have to keep up the momentum (JOEmentum) until the seemingly so0-far-in-the-future election. Wish the election were held today.
POLL: Trump finally dipping to high thirties: Biden 46, Trump 38.
https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-approval-dips-amid-mounting-233720845.htmlLooking better, but need Biden plus 50 and Trump minus 40. Can't believe he still is in the 40s by any measure. Looking for a conflation of GE-Disapproval Biden 56%, Trump 38%, Then I will feel more comfortable!
General Election: Unfortunately it is an All Adults not a likely Voters.
Biden 46% (compared with a 2-point Biden lead in Reuters/Ipsos polling last week)
Trump 38%
Approval Rating:
Disapprove: 56% (+5 from mid=April)
Approve: 41% (-4 from mid-April)
Not much good news for Trump down the line, but it is still early for GE nationwide predictions.
GE Thread: Trump's ratings still tanking. Monmouth University Poll.
43% approve (44% in April)
51% disapprove (49%)
Trumps response to #COVID19 outbreak:
42% good job (46% in April / 50% in March)
51% bad job (49% / 45%)https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/reports/monmouthpoll_US_050520/
Biden Camp Finds Selling Point in Ailing Economy: His Work on 2009 Recovery
https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-camp-finds-selling-point-122944316.htmlGlenn Thrush, ,The New York TimesMay 5, 2020
It sort of made him. Ray LaHood, a former Republican congressman who served as Obamas transportation secretary
First portion snip. Read more at the link.
Joe Biden had just been sworn in as vice president. All he needed now was a job.
During the 2008 campaign, Barack Obama had assured Biden that he would be consulted on every major decision. But many on the new presidents team were still Biden-skeptical, and Obama was not sure the meandering former senator had the discipline to be an effective governing partner, people close to both men said.
So, during a private lunch in February 2009, Biden slid a memo across the table to Obama, outlining a role to erase those doubts: quarterbacking the implementation of the $787 billion economic stimulus that had been rammed through Congress a few days earlier in the depths of recession.
Sounds good to me, said Obama, barely glancing at the memo, according to two people familiar with the exchange.
Obama was already pivoting to health care reform, so why not encharge Biden? As it turned out, Bidens work on the rollout, implementation, oversight and selling of the 2009 stimulus officially the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was the most sustained, and perhaps the most significant, assignment of his time in office.
Eleven years later, in an election season defined by a pandemic, economic collapse and a far-larger relief package, Bidens campaign is hoping to leverage his stewardship of the 2009 stimulus as a point of contrast with President Donald Trump whose White House is pushing back at congressional oversight of $2.7 trillion in new spending even as a host of problems has emerged, especially chaos in the small-business loan program.
The central question of this election will be who can dig us out of a historic economic hole, so his leadership of the recovery act should be his core résumé selling point, said David Plouffe, Obamas top political adviser and a Biden surrogate.
An examination of that critical two-year period, drawn from interviews with 30 people involved in the effort, offers a glimpse of Bidens strengths as a manager his enthusiasm, focus on detail and knack for leading a first-rate team that moved the money out quickly and minimized waste and fraud. It was one big competence test, and Biden aced it, his longtime lieutenant, Ron Klain, said in an interview.
But the stimulus says more about the kind of vice president Biden was than about the kind of president he would be. While he became the expediter-in-chief and offered Obama advice and tactical suggestions, he made none of the major strategic calls about the size and composition of the program, aides said. Nor did he seriously push Obama as he is now pressuring Trump to fight for a bigger funding package, even though former officials said he conceded the stimulus was probably too small.
There was nothing ambiguous, though, about the impact of the stimulus on Bidens political fortunes.
It sort of made him, to be honest, in the eyes of the Obama people, said Ray LaHood, a former Republican congressman who served as Obamas transportation secretary.
He did it once as VP, we need him do do it again as President. President of all Americans, not just red state Trumpicans.
He will beat Trump like a drum.

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