bluestarone's JournalQuestion. Who is in charge of US. marshalls?
If the judges has to deal with non compliant order. How does this work? TY
The United States is the most powerful country in the world. What i'm worried about is,
They ATTACKED us. Never thought i'd witness anything close to this.
Maybe any US citizen or Democratic Congress person should request to have access to treasury or medicare computers?
Then file lawsuit for EQUAL rights, because musk is only a citizen! Get the right judge here.
I look forward to the day when the religious right
Find out that TSF is NOT the chosen one. (as if they need more proof than they have been witnessing since Nov 5th.
Picture this.The largest tree in your yard, and someone daily digging up the roots day by day.
That's what is happening to our country. EVERY DAY these bastards are digging and tearing out our roots.
Maybe Senate Democrats could start screaming to Subpoena Musk?
I realize they are in the minority BUT they have mouths to bring this BULLSHIT to a head. Sounds like lots of Billionaire's are upset at musk.
I'm not to up on how the House rules are, BUT
I feel every Democratic House member should take there turn (one after another after each vote is taken) at calling for IMPEACHMENT. This iis for stalling purpose only. Shut the fucking house down!!
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