busterbrown's JournalAre you freaking kidding me? Michael Grimm..
admits to a felony count and people expect him to resign.. My Ass..
His Constituency considers him hero.. After all he tried to screw over the Fed. by trying to avoid paying taxes.
Isnt that part of the Right Wings Agenda? Do anything you can do to bring Govt. down.. Dumb asses
OMG!! NY TIMES calls for Prosecution of Cheney and Bush officials..
My opinion? This is huge for a myriad of reasons..but for now its a fine beginning...
Obama’s SuperMajority? for how long?
Sure, Im upset with President Obama over many matters.
But the fact that he could have rammed shit through is crap!!
Jeff Merkley, Oregon Senator.?
We have so few good Progressive Senators..
Been following this guy a little..Seems like he could be a rising star in our attempt to solidify the Progressive Wing of our Party, while dumping our moderates who seem always to be negotiating with the right..You can find a list of these useless Dems who voted for the spending bill yesterday ...
Anyone else been following Merkley?
Could this guy be someone we should push for Pres.in the future?
Here the Fuck We Go!!
Texas Mother connected to Open Carry Activist charged with shooting Ex Husband and Stepdaughter
It never stops.... And no matter what havoc these idiots reap upon our country...There is no sight of real push back by the general American populace.....YET.
Scott Walker: To The Jews of Wisconsin..
Thank you again and Molotov"....
Hysterical! except that is is absolutely frightening to realize that this guy is a Gov....
Remember your dumb white friends in high school who somehow ended up being successful?
Somehow?.. Walker is a great example ......Smooth, Stupid and Sleazy!!!
Saw Whiplash Tonight...No Spoiler but..
I thought it stunk...Crazed Music Professor Relentlessly beats the shit out of students at Music Conservatory School, mentally and physically..Weve seen this story forever..PLatoon, Sport Coaching Films, etc.
But the thing that pissed me off was how well it was shot and how great the music was.. almost to the point that it distracted the viewer of the lousy message it sent.. To win at all costs no matter what kind of pain and inhumanity it costs.. Its all about the Fame, Power and Money in this country and this message was disguised well..
Thats my take and Im sure many will tell me Im nuts...
Last week I ranted about Chris Hayes and his pathetic interview with Mo Brooks..
Well here is a part of it..It sickens me how smart our left wing friends (Pundits) are ..yet.. but boy do they stink in the ring...I cringe when stuff like this makes the airways..
Jesus Chris, its your show fucking control it!! Cut the fucking prick off and tell him you're not continuing the interview unless he shuts the fuck up and answers the questions you are asking him..
Breaking: Wilson Resigns...
This is True...
Rose Giuliani hires him as head of personal security... This is not.
Fuck both of them!!
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