cornball 24
cornball 24's Journal"ME AND I"
When I look in the mirror, what do I see?
I see an old lady whose name is ME.
ME is there wherever I go.
Perhaps she is someone I should get to
So one day ME and I decided to chat.
She shared her life's story and just where
she's at.
ME said she's tired of being alone
and having to do everything all on her
I then told ME that I understood.
She then replied that she knew that I
I asked ME if she'd ever been in a funk.
Oh yeah, she said, but I cleared my mind
of that junk!
ME said people might think we are strong.
We both agreed that sometimes people
are wrong.
So ME and I became very good friends
and I now have someone on whom I
I hope that she won't get tired of my
But I then concluded, does that really
Dump wins - said Dem response : treat me nice, Donnie. I helped you win.
Biden replacement wins - said Dem response :treat me nice, whomever. I helped you win.
They don't give a rat's ass about the voters and our country - THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT THEMSELVES!!!
We can analyze, criticize, theorize, demonize, hypothesize, etc. The bottom
line is that the young people of today will inherit the spoilage from the insanity in which we now find ourselves.
A STEP BACK IN TIME....THE 60s and 70s saw the rise of protests to promote
Human Rights to include Civil Rights, Gay Rights, The Anti-War Movement, Women's Liberation, Environmental Movement, etc. Of course, there was backlash to these protests and movements to include the presence of police in riot gear at mostly peaceful gatherings. This, in many cases exacerbated the situation. Today, we see students protesting peacefully who are being arrested. So off to college they go, many of whom will be saddled with student loan debt and an arrest record. Meanwhile, the colleges and universities seem to be more concerned with pleasing their wealthy alumni donors and keeping their "lofty reputations" to attract the students of the wealthy than protecting the rights of their students. Back to the Hippies, Peaceniks, Flower Children, etc., for the most part they were RIGHT. Just my thoughts!
Reading a lot about the putrid odor in the courtroom allegedly caused by Trump's passing gas!
What does one expect from an asshole!
I'll start by saying that many years ago, I stood across from Dachau in Germany
while visiting my brother who was stationed there while serving in the USAF. I will NEVER forget the horrific feeling I experienced with the knowledge of the atrocities that happened there. I am making no comparisons, just making a statement. I feel that we DUrs are very frustrated by what is happening to innocent people, particularly in Gaza. Given that, and the fact that we individuals have no way of "fixing it", that at times we react/respond by being overly critical of another's post. I get it! My supposition is that both Hamas and Netanyahu and his right-wing Likud have the same goal-no two state solution. Meanwhile and sadly, the slaughter continues.
Tears in my eyes over the death of Alexei Navalny...that's all.
Release of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons. Has there been any news reported
concerning a second release of Palestinians?
GEORGIA ON MY MIND...Other arms reach out to me, Other eyes smile tenderly, Still in
peaceful dreams I see, THE ROAD LEADS BACK TO YOU.
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Member since: Sun Mar 9, 2014, 10:01 AMNumber of posts: 1,516