justhanginon's JournalThe Ugly Stupid part of America has spoken with their votes
and the white robes, hoods, and the crosses ready for burning can now come out of the closet. No need to hide them anymore they have found their savior.
I feel sorry for the good people of this country as they are evidently outnumbered by the low information, low IQ, racist, misogynistic, phony religious bigoted voters that now have complete political control of this soon to be shithole country. No checks and balances anymore, they have complete control over the presidency, senate, house and a large part of the judiciary. The entire planet may not recover from this disaster in the making and at age 88 doubtful in my lifetime. We must fight like hell against everything they try to do that is going to be detrimental to a society that functions for all its citizens. I repeat and stress, all of its citizens,
Nothing says you are living in a third world dictatorship more than having a criminal as your President.
Not just a criminal but also an adjudicated rapist, a person convicted of fraud, uncounted indictments still pending as is a sentence in a guilty verdict, not to mention his misogyny and bigotry and the list goes on and on. It would be beyond embarrassing if he should win to say without cringing you are a U.S, citizen. What in the hell is the matter with so many people that they would even consider voting for this man? It is beyond me.
I will be 88 in a few days and I have seen many presidential contests with good candidates and some not so good but never anything even approaching This foul monster running on the Republican ticket. I guess shame is out of style for Republicans in 2024.
As Russia launches its big offensive in Ukraine I wonder about the timing
of the Musk cuts to the Starlink system used by the Ukrainian army in defense of their country from the Russian invaders. It seems more than a coincidence of timing for something that would be of great assistance to Russia and Putin as the much awaited offensive ordered by Putin begins in his continuing attack on Ukraine sovereignity.
Yes, got it yesterday. Got the high octane seniors shot and
they looked it up and my pneumonia shots are up to date. Arm a little sore this morning but just locally. I should be good well into spring flu season.
KAC. As an homage to Kellyanne Conway this would be a good word for news people or interviewers
to use when their subject starts to bullshite them. They could say"you're KACing me" or don't try to KAC me". If they are a little late to catch on they could say, ruefully, "I've just been KACed".
We've had a good eight years.
It has been wonderful for the last eight years for me to lie my head on the pillow at night and not have to worry because I know that President Obama has things under his watch and will act in the best interest of our country. As president Mr. Obama has demonstrated that he has the intelligence and calm demeanor to act only after he has given things or events thoughtful and serious consideration coupled with the knowledge and relevant information he needs.
Presently it seems, and unfortunately, we have a president elect that evidently has minimal or no self control, acts in a rash and ill advised manner with a complete lack of diplomacy or tact with his tweets and is fully capable of starting a war in a fit of personal pique. The idea that mere words tweeted to the internet can have a devastating effect on both the world stage and here domestically seems to elude him. Now, as I lie down to sleep, I have the worry of what a megalomaniaical president to be will do, both in the global arena and or domestically, that will negatively and severely impact the lives of the good people of this country. I think many of us now live in fear of the ramifications of this last election even before he takes office both as to our personal lives and those of our friends and relatives. The virtual certainty that things will only get worse once he actually assumes power with his ill chosen cabinet and advisors is not far-fetched nor is it conducive to a good and restful night's sleep.
It is going to be a very long and trying four years.
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