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liberalmediaaddict's Journal
liberalmediaaddict's Journal
July 12, 2024

There's NO reason for Americans to elect an Autocrat

The economy is good. We're not at war. Unemployment is low.

There's ZERO reason for America to suddenly vote in an Authoritarian form of government... other than boredom.

Obviously a lot of the electorate prefers a strongman Mussolini type despot to be in charge and can't get past Biden's age. As if they'll sleep better at night seeing Trump's smug face back in the oval office.

But overall living conditions for the majority of Americans is going well especially compared to 2020.
Usually successful democracies turn to autocrats in times of desperation.

I think that's why the polls remain close. Many Americans may be "authoritarian curious" but the more they hear about Trump's second term agenda the more skittish they become.

And even if they try to memory hole Trump's horrible response to Covid and actions on January 6th they know what happened.

Biden/Harris and the entire Democrat leadership have to make the case to the American people about what Trump did as President and what he'll do if re-elected.

The beltway media isn't going to help us stop Trump. We've got to do the work ourselves.

July 9, 2024

Biden-Harris have to defend and attack every day

It's becoming clear that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have to get out in public as much as humanly possible and defend themselves against this barrage of criticism and go on offense by attacking Donald Trump and his MAGA enablers.

We can't blame the beltway media or late night comedians for giving negative opinions about the performance of the President of the United States
and his re-election chances. The free press is entitled to say whatever they want.

Joe Biden especially has to make the argument directly to the American people that he's fit to serve, been a successful president and will be even more successful if re-elected.

And he has to relentlessly attack Donald Trump's lies, remind people of his horrible 4 years as President and warn people of what horrible policies he has planned for a second term.

No one can do this for him. Voters need to hear the case directly from our President and Vice President. I especially see the convention as a chance to reset this whole campaign and put the debate controversy behind them.

Americans have short memories and love a good comeback story. The Biden-Harris team have a chance to write it themselves. And millions of democracy loving Americans will rally behind them in November.

June 30, 2024

Katie Hobbs was right about debates

In Arizona Katie Hobbs refused to debate MAGA nutjob Kari Lake because she didn't want to give her a national platform to spread her dangerous lies. She stuck to her stance and was elected Governor.

She knew debating a pathological liar who lives in an alternate reality was pointless.

AOC had the same response when she was repeatedly challenged by Marjorie Taylor Green to a debate. You can't have a civil discussion with a crazy person.

Biden never should have debated Trump. Not because he's too old but because Trump is a lunatic who lies everytime he opens his mouth.

Hillary and dozens of Republicans struggled to debate Trump in 2016.

These aren't normal times and President Biden has zero obligation to debate a man who still won't concede he lost the 2020 election and refused to attend his inauguration.

It's all risk and no reward getting on stage with any MAGA politician. Hopefully the Biden team learned that lesson.

June 27, 2024

How can you debate a madman?

Honestly I don't know what approach President Biden can take to try to have a normal debate with Trump.

Trump is like a homeless man with untreated schizophrenia yelling at strangers on the street.

You feel bad for the person, try to politely acknowledge them and then walk away

Having to stand there for 90 minutes and argue with a manic person in a delusional state would be a challenge for anyone, even experienced politicians, journalists or medical professionals.

I feel for President Biden and the debate moderators. The biggest challenge for them is going to be maintaining their composure and to keep the orange lunatic from steamrolling them.

June 27, 2024

Trump stockholm syndrome

Heard a commentator mention the other day she believes America has a form of stockholm syndrome when it comes to it's relationship with Donald Trump.

After 9 straight years of having a mentally unstable criminal in our faces every news cycle it shouldn't be surprising.

Stockholm syndrome i
s a psychological response. It occurs when hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abusers. This psychological connection develops over the course of the days, weeks, months, or even years of captivity or abuse.

I include the media in this because no matter how much Trump threatens and belittles them they still cover him like a normal politician.

This might help explain why no matter how good our quality of life becomes under President Biden's leadership many Americans still believe everything is horrible and only Trump can make everything ok.

Stockholders syndrome doesn't totally explain why Trump still has supporters after all he's done to hurt our country. But it may explain why many Americans think it would be no big deal if Trump gets the nuclear codes again and that he won't be that bad.

June 6, 2024

What did we do wrong as a country?

What in the hell did we do wrong as a country that we've been forced to deal with an abusive, domestic terrorist like Donald Trump EVERY single day for the past 9 years?

I mean ever since this socopathic monster came down the escalator in 2015 it's been one horror after another.
Just having to hear and see this ugly, repulsive, obnoxious and idiotic man child is like torture.

The majority of our great country has never voted for this guy and wish he would simply go away.
But thanks to his rabid cult, the cowardly Republican party and right wing media propaganda he's still in our faces 24/7.

It's not like life in America was perfect before 2015 but as a country we were able to debate different issues at the same time and one man didn't dominate every news cycle. Hopefully young people voting for the first time realize that politics doesn't have to be like this and the daily MAGA chaos isn't normal and will destroy our democracy.

This period will go down as the "WTF America? Seriously?" chapter in history.

June 5, 2024

What should Garland have done different?

What should or could AG Garland have done differently to avoid the current limbo the classified documents case and January 6th case are now in?

Obviously both aren't going well thanks in part to several Trump appointed judges and won't get resolved before the November election.

Just wondering what Garland could have done differently in hindsight. Or was it inevitable that any indictment brought against a former President was going to end up a legal mess delayed indefinitely.

Personally I think Garland should have appointed a special counsel to investigate January 6th immediately after being confirmed in March 2021. The speed at which Jack Smith has acted shows the DC case at least could have been resolved before the primaries started.

The MAGA Supreme Court and shady Heritage Foundation judges like Cannon were always going to be roadblocks to overcome. But I'm sure Garland's experienced justice department could have found a way around it given more time.

Look at the speed in which they've prosecuted Hunter Biden, Bob Menendez, George Santos and the Proud Boys.

May 30, 2024

A convicted felon can't even join the military

But convicted felon Trump is allowed to run to be Commander-In-Chief of the most powerful military in the world.

Talk about unprecedented.
Republicans should be embarrassed. They must have a humiliation fetish.

May 8, 2024

Calm competence vs cruel chaos

When looking at the past several presidential elections it appears that American voters can't decide if they prefer a competent, calm leader or a cruel agent of chaos. Every election cycle they appear to get bored with one option and decide to switch to the other.

We Democrats have constantly been blamed for the fact that Trump hasn't gone away. But we haven't changed, Republicans have. Our governing philsophy has been pretty consistent since the Clinton/Gore administration. Meanwhile the G.O.P has grown more dark, extreme and intolerant.

The reality is the November election will be decided by the self described independents and "double haters." If these groups stay at home on election day or vote 3rd party then we're screwed. It's painfully obvious by now that most Republicans prefer Trump's chaos and cruelty to Obama/Hillary/Biden's competence and compassion. Those voters are lost and aren't coming back as long as Trump's on the ballot. The only mystery is what the majority of Americans who pride themselves on avoiding politics and the news decide to do. They know exactly what they'll get with a second Trump term because they lived through the first one. And if they think after another 4 years of Trump they can just switch back to electing a Democrat they may be in for a rude awakening. January 6th should have make that perfectly clear.

Personally I can't wait to show up and vote for Biden/Harris in the primary and general election. And to vote against Trump for the 3rd time in 8 years.

May 2, 2024

Trump just wears people down

Like any classic abuser, Trump simply wears people down psychologically and bullies them into submission. He drains people emotionally and makes them feel powerless to stop his behavior.

Both him and his fascist enablers have bombarded the American public with so much BS the past 8 years a majority don't know which end is up anymore or what is real.

The sad fact is that no matter what happens in November, Trump has permanently changed America. There's no going back to the way things were pre-2016.

We're stuck with a regressive, extremist Supreme Court for at least a decade. And the very fact that Trump is going to be the Republican presidential nominee again despite all his criminal and corrupt acts proves his anti-democratic crusade has been successful.

I don't know if Trump voters have stockholm syndrome, are masochistic or don't believe they deserve someone better. But the fact they think Trump is their friend and Joe Biden is their enemy is tragic.

In November Americans can either choose to dump this abusive sociopath once and for all or sign up for 4 more years of his mental cruelty and instability. Hopefully we make the sane decision and kick this lunatic out of the house. 😬

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Gender: Male
Hometown: Kentucky
Home country: United States
Member since: Thu Jul 21, 2016, 10:58 PM
Number of posts: 851
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