nightwing1240's JournalSean McDermott apologizes for referencing 9/11 hijackers in team meeting 4 years ago
ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. -- An emotional Buffalo Bills coach Sean McDermott acknowledged regret on Thursday for crediting the 9/11 hijackers for their coordination during a team meeting four years ago.
McDermott had cited the hijackers while stressing the importance of communication. Upon realizing how his message was being interpreted, McDermott said he called a second team meeting an hour later to apologize to his players. And he planned to do so again with his current team on Thursday, after an article posted on the Substack page of NFL writer Tyler Dunne, citing numerous unnamed sources, revealed what McDermott had said at the meeting during training camp in 2019.
The article cites McDermott as referencing "the hijackers as a group of people who were able to get on the same page to orchestrate attacks to perfection."
Why is it that it took four years for what obviously are insensitive comments like these to be revealed? Perhaps the writing is on the wall for his time in Buffalo. Hard to believe anyone would reference 9/11 as anything other than a horrible tragedy in our nations history/
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