weissmam's JournalBiden says it up to Congress
Source: Youtube/Bloomberg
wow a President that actually speaks in complete sentences and actually makes sense when he does
Read more:
Betsy DeVos begs Education Department staff to 'resist' Biden once she's gone
Source: Raw Story
I can only think of one thing
don't let the door hit you in the rear on the way out , or you know what I hope it slams into her
Good Riddance
Read more: https://www.rawstory.com/2020/12/betsy-devos-begs-education-department-staff-to-resist-biden-once-shes-gone/
District Court Judge Brett Ludwig dismissed Trump's case in Wisconsin "with prejudice,"
Source: Daily Kos
what is this 56 , 57 I am loosing count , and Rudy even mentioned this one this morning
Read more: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/12/12/2001595/-Trump-appointed-federal-judge-hands-down-a-scalding-decision-in-extraordinary-case
aking up the Christian banner
Source: washington post
He parked his truck, got a shovel out of the back, and walked over to a patch of grass where two small orange flags marked a hole in the ground. He began digging in the frosted dirt. It was just after 8 a.m. and traffic was whooshing by, past the one-story strip malls, past the Big Chief Drive-In and church after church, including the hulking redbrick one lit up for Christmas next to the smaller buildings of City Hall. The parking lot of First Baptist ran right up to the grass where the mayor was digging, his breath visible in the cold air.
My answer
How about a slap in the face to every non-Christian service member who has given their ultimate sacrifice for this country and those that are currently serving in the military (Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Mormon, etc, etc. )
Read more: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/taking-up-the-christian-banner/ar-BBH9vUQ?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp
Baby Metal new song and new album
Baby metals news song Karate was released in the US on Feb 26th (I tunes) and the new album Metal Resistance will be released on Fox day April 1st
and here is Road of Resistance Live in Japan, just check out the crowd!!!
Baby Metal
Baby Metal , a "Cute Metal" group out of Japan posted a new song "karate" today
Does this toast Rand Paul's campagne given the eventualty of SSM and
the growing national support for SSM
what do youthink about Jessica leaving SNSD and the stated reason
I am personal a BIG FAN of SNSD and feel betrayed by SM
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Name: BobGender: Male
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Member since: Mon Oct 7, 2013, 05:10 PM
Number of posts: 906