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kentuck's Journal
kentuck's Journal
October 6, 2012

Neither Party is Perfect.

But it is time the Republican voters in this country faced the truth.

They say they want a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility. They say they want the Parties to work together. They are dishonest.

Because if they were honest, they would get rid of those Tea Partiers that have vowed to never compromise with this President on anything.

If they were honest about fiscal responsibility, they would not continue to vote for those Senators, Congressmen, and Presidential candidates that sign a pledge to never raise taxes for any purpose. Just yesterday, their candidate for President said he was going to increase spending on our military, some estimate as much as $2 trillion dollars. Not only that, he has hinted that he would go to war with Iran. How would we pay for this?

Also, he has said that he would cut tax rates across the board by 20%, even for the very top. Top economic experts say that would cost us $5 trillion dollars. On top of that, they want to continue the Bush taxcuts. How would we pay for this if every Republican in Washington has signed a pledge to never raise taxes?

It's time to ask for a little honesty from the Republican voters of this country. We cannot survive with such dishonesty from so many people. To their credit, the Democratic Party has never signed a pledge to never make any cuts or never to raise any taxes.

The Obama campaign should not only be taking Mitt Romney to task, but they should be taking to task the dishonest Republican voters also. They cannot handle the truth but it must be told. They are the reason we do not have a balanced budget. Their continuing votes for those folks that sign pledges is the main reason we have such fiscal irresponsibility.

April 30, 2012

The media has a conservative bias...

Unfortunately for them, the truth has a liberal bias.

Most news organizations are owned by some large corporation. Therefore, the reporters for these large news organizations are prohibited from telling the truth if it affects the corporation that owns them. For example, tax breaks that are favorable to their owner are seldom reported on at all and, it they are, they are reported inaccurately.

But, it is not just taxes - it is any story that might affect the owner corporation. Their reporters know, without having to be told, that they are not permitted to cross a certain line. This is with all the major news outlets that we watch on television, including MSNBC, owned by General Electric and Comcast.

They are biased toward the wealthy, toward corporations, toward the military, toward tax policies, toward "free trade", against social spending, against anything that might cost their corporation more money, etc....

Any non-sense that comes from the Republican Party, the Establishment Party, is assumed to be credible and anything that comes from the Democratic Party is assumed to be questionable? The media is the biggest obstacle to making any progress in this country at this time...


April 26, 2012

Freepers and false assumptions...

Most Republicans truly believe that the economy should be much stronger right now and the reason it is not stronger is because of the policies of Barack Hussein Obama.

They assume the last recession, when Bush left office, was no different from any other recession. They assume we should be in full recovery.

Either they do not believe the economy was as bad as everyone else in the world thought it was in 2009 or they have conveniently forgotten? The capitalist system was not about to collapse. The banks should have been permitted to go under. We would have a flourishing economy if we had permitted the market to work. We would be in much better shape today if we had not saved the auto industry from going under. The unemployment rate would not be as high as it is now under Barack Obama if we had not spent so much money on these bailouts. I do not doubt but that they truly believe this.

Either they have forgotten that we were losing 750,000 jobs per month when Barack Obama took office or they simply believe that Republicans would have instantly taken that number to zero? They assume the recession was no big deal. There was no reason to believe it was any worse than any other recession. If only the people had kept them in charge, our country would be in a much better condition today.

I do not question their sincerity. I question their sanity.

April 26, 2012

Republicans have crossed the Rubicon...

In 49 BC, Julius Caesar marched his army across the Rubicon River, in an act of insurrection against the state of Italy. It was a point from which there was no turning back.

Today's Republican Party has crossed a similar Rubicon with their aggression against the interests of the American people. There is no turning back for them either. Mitt Romney cannot take them back across the river. Their "die has been cast".

They have declared war upon teachers and public education. They have declared war upon all unions in this country. They have vowed to do away with Medicare and Social Security. They want to repeal the Affordable Care Act which they call "Obamacare". They have declared war against the US Postal Service. They have declared war against higher education.

Neither Mitt Romney or any other leader can save them from themselves. Their armies of Tea Party patriots and right-wing ideaologues have taken over their Party. There is no turning back. They are left with only two choices: victory or death.

April 24, 2012

Does the two-Party system help or hurt our country ??

It seems to me that the two-Party system has evolved to the point where it is nothing more than a way to divide people into camps, without regard to what is best for our country. It doesn't matter if one Party is right and one Party is wrong, the gridlock makes it impossible to accomplish anything for the people, no matter how much it is needed.

The majority of this nation would probably support Social Security and Medicare for our seniors. Also, they would probably support a reasonable and rational defense budget. And they would support helping our young people with their education. Just as they would support raising taxes and spending money on keeping our roads, bridges, and infrastructure in good shape.

But there are a lot of expenditures that they would not support with a wide consensus. These are areas for debate and cuts, if necessary.

However, it has now reached a point of partisan politics where it is difficult to get money for any type of program, including Social Security and Medicare. One Party is against all forms of taxes, no matter what they might be needed for. And they have the political power to gridlock the system and to create hardship for all of America. This is our present two-Party system.

Unless something is done, we are on the road to ruin. Somewhere, somehow, someone has to compromise.

April 17, 2012

Memo to the "secret" Republican...

You are still anonymous. Nobody knows your name. You are safe.

Nobody knows that you will continue to vote with your Party, even if they vote to give taxcuts to millionaires and cut food stamps for poor children. Nobody will blame you. They will blame your Party leaders.

Even though you may disagree with them on some "small" issues, you know they cannot be as bad as the evil and liberal Democratic Party. It doesn't matter if your mother depends on Medicare to survive. You are still with your Party as they vow to destroy it.

Remember that time you lost your job and you had to draw unemployment for over a year? You didn't want to, but you had paid into it and you deserved some assistance while you were looking for a job.

Soon, you will be able to sign up on your Social Security. You have worked your entire life and you need it. It will keep you alive in your later years. You will not have to live with your kids or ask your family for help. It's too bad that your Party wants to dismantle it. It's really a very good program for everyone, Democrats and Republicans.

But you can lay your head on your pillow tonight and sleep well knowing that you and your friends make it possible for more taxcuts for the wealthy and less food stamps for the poor. You should not worry that God has a very warm place reserved for you if perchance, you do not awaken in the morning. Isn't it nice that God forgives?


March 1, 2012

"He's just an entertainer...what's the big deal?"

Every time this drug-crazed pervert goes over the line with his misogynistic, racial-slurring, bull crap, we hear Republicans come forward with the excuse that it's no big deal, he's just an entertainer.

The expiration date has run out on those excuses for this ass wipe. There are no more defenses for his sick political charade. We can look for the Republicans to run to his defense tomorrow.

This simple "entertainer" is paid over $250 million dollars to "entertain" his simple-minded listeners. Let's be honest. He is nothing more than a paid propagandist for the Republican Party. And they think he is worth every penny of it.

He came out yesterday and today on his radio show and called an American citizen, by name, a "slut" and a "prostitute" for wanting her insurance to pay for her birth control pills. He said if the taxpayers are going to have to pay for her birth control, then she should have to post her sex acts over the Internet so he and everyone could see what they were getting for their money. I suppose he may not be on the air tomorrow? He will be talking to his lawyer.

Not only did he slander this young college student, he slandered about 98% of the American women who have used birth control. They are all "sluts", in Rush's opinion.


January 13, 2012

How the Republicans tore down our country

We don't have to go back very far. Only to about the 1980's.

It was at that time that they decided government was evil. Never before had they been so bold at stating their long held belief about government.

They took simple economic theories printed on napkins and made them a national policy. Their aim was to destroy the beast called "big government" by starving it to death. If there were no taxes, they would have nothing with which to feed the beast.

So they deliberately lied. They told the people that they could cut taxes and it would bring in more money to the Treasury. Simply because, businesses would have more money to expand and create jobs, thus bringing in more tax revenues. But, unfortunately, it did not work that way. They created huge debt and deficits, unlike any we had ever seen in history.

However, America did get sort of a reprieve in 1992 when Bill Clinton was elected. He was lucky to come in at a time when technology and computers were revolutionizing the American economy. By the end of his second term, he was able to balance the budget and forecast a surplus far into the future, without using SS funds to fund the government. Of course, the Republicans jumped on the bandwagon. They were partners in balancing the budget they argued. Of course, every single Republican voted against the Clinton economic plan in 1993 and said that it would create a terrible economy. Once again, they were able to lie themselves out of a hole.

But they were desperate. This money belonged to the people, not to the government, Bush argued in the 2000 campaign. They had to take back the government by hook or crook. They ended up taking back power by crook and decided to double down on the voodoo economics that had failed so terribly in the 1980's. Not only that, they would get rid of every regulation possible to make it easier for business to make their fortunes without the yoke of "big government". They had already reformed welfare under Clinton, before they impeached him. So they were well on their way to destroying the "beast" of big government.

Every conscious American knows what happened under George W Bush and the Republicans, who were in control of everything for 6 years. Terrorism, wars, pestilence, lies, and neglect of our Constitution, torture, rendition, etc. We all know what happened, even if some prefer to continue in denial. The Democrats were weak and helpless during this time. They offered little resistance.

Then, when Barack Obama was elected in 2008, many thought there was hope to turn everything around. Unfortunately, the mess created was so deep and destructive, and the willpower so weak and timid, that we were unable to make the progress that the country needed. We made some progress but it was minute compared to the need. The Republicans fought every effort to make the changes necessary.

So, there you have it. A short history of how the Republicans tore down our country and are looking for an opportunity to finish the job. America was such a great country with such hope and opportunity. The people bought the lies and were not vigilant and they lost it.

January 8, 2012

Obama inherited an economy that lost 750,000 jobs in his first month in office.

If he had not turned that around, we could have lost over 27 million jobs in the last 3 years.

There was no guarantee that it could be turned around. After all, the stock market was dropping like a rock, eventually getting down into the 6000's. The banks had collapsed and the world economy was teetering on the edge of the abyss.
That is no exaggeration. It was not a "normal" recession.

But we did not lose 27 million jobs. In fact, the Obama Administration has created almost 2 million new jobs. It's true that many states have cut police, fireman, and teachers in efforts to balance their budgets and those jobs are adversely affecting the unemployment rate.

To say that it could have been worse is true. The voters will have to decide if they think the Republicans could have done better at stopping and turning around the trend of losing a possible 27 million jobs. Mitt Romney is saying that he could have done a better job at turning around the depression which his Party mostly created. When pressed, Romney admits that he would continue the same policies of George W Bush that got us into this economic catastrophe. The voters need to go into the voting booths with their eyes wide open.

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